1. How are my property taxes calculated? 5 I) k* F% S( ~- [4 QA property tax bill is made up of a municipal portion – based on the budget City Council sets each year – and a provincial education portion. The Alberta Government determines the amount of provincial education property tax (requisition) each municipality in Alberta will pay. Provincial legislation requires the City of Edmonton to collect this tax from property owners on behalf of the province.$ |0 p0 Y* V. A' a( l
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Total Property Taxes = Municipal Property Tax + Provincial Education Property Taxes : p' z j4 O& v1 u( o6 u' U5 k( o% i' dMunicipal Property Taxes = Assessment x Municipal Tax Rate $ H5 r/ M; o& U& {! r" FProvincial Education Property Taxes = Assessment x Education Tax Rate 1 O; y* q4 \) _+ k# r' F/ N1 lThe City adds up all the revenue it expects from sources like service fees, development permits, fines and licence fees, grants and investment earnings. The remaining revenue comes from property taxes. , G5 _$ M' {# ]7 |% \/ s" V, P" d2 f+ o% N. ^) q/ z% ]
In 2012 the City will collect about $1.026 billion in residential and non-residential property taxes to help pay for civic services and programs. Of this amount, about $462 million is collected from owners of single-family homes and residences containing three or fewer units.) e) g- k4 t5 b0 l
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mary64 发表于 2012-11-30 22:00 7 A6 _* g. c- }. J6 a# d8 ], v非常感谢楼上的答复! 0 O6 |; K; u+ q. u. N! y8 n' ]# O1 o+ C: U0 Q9 E
3 w1 d4 X+ t. }. a) _5 F
就比如说最近我看到的一个房子,政府估价60万,城市的税率百分比是0.0050126,省的税率百分比是0.0026067, 7 p7 P! U2 I8 o% q E* L G9 u" N9 d9 |( Y
那么这个房子的PROPERTY TAX就是: 600000×(0.0050126+0.0026067)=4571.58块。