埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[交通机票] 想移民用diploma够吗???

draniel 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-7-21 13:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-7-21 14:23 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-7-21 18:41 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-7-22 12:55 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
原帖由 teddy 于 2006-7-21 18:41 发表& h5 V: s/ N3 p9 O

7 W- d* g' s' _
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-7-22 15:06 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 铁锤镰刀 于 2006-7-22 12:55 发表
5 h8 L+ J/ v/ P; x
( `" _, k* K+ e) x  ~

* E. ]* C) Y9 ^3 j  m2 y$ ~
6 Q5 q5 y1 R: k/ W5 \
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-7-22 23:04 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #3 teddy 的帖子

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-7-23 01:50 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 firefly 于 2006-7-22 23:04 发表) c# i. k" H! c5 u2 ~
' g0 e/ U# S7 E; b& _+ X2 z4 w; Q
没有办法,就是专科比本科的分数高。大家请看下面评分标准% O3 \5 i7 G* |& F: C% {8 e
新移民法评分标准及方法9 S6 P' y( [* G
         (Six Selection Factors and Pass Mark) + j: {0 r5 g0 w9 F! m+ M
; M0 W1 T2 o  {' k6 O
第一项:教育水平 - w) e0 L5 k# x$ N+ _+ A
Factor One: Education 满分- y0 M' o% t" X$ W  a- ~6 Z
Maximum 25
) |% X" R6 x( k( L4 u ! N2 G* ?) t5 d5 X+ d5 V
您具有硕士或博士学问,并具有17年以上的全日制的学习经历5 C# \/ B1 |1 X0 o; C7 z+ C! p
You have a Master's Degree or Ph.D. and at least 17 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.! M' h: I7 V  U% \1 G, I
$ P, w" h7 n" M: B' i% W
' r+ _) p) A; i% h" c& I  D您具有两个或两个以上学士学位(即双学士)并具有15年以上的全日制的学习经历# s1 b" L3 l" {- D- H. {
You have two or more university degrees at the bachelor's level and at least 15 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.
# @% G' c6 G9 j2 z2 J% _; O$ ] 22+ R" P. p1 H: p, C9 u, l: ^7 A
+ [0 w! v) E1 {5 [: F6 j
: |% y3 ]* `# FYou have a three-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship and at least 15 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.- F2 b* _+ i+ r+ G- X+ y$ w
22" W% s7 o! Q2 O' s7 V

" K+ n8 A- T( m0 L3 a您具有两年大学学士并至少14年的全日制学习经历$ Z/ k/ Z( v* [9 `
You have a two-year university degree at the bachelor's level and at least 14 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.4 n. p* ~9 y0 ?" V9 f! u0 T. S2 J
0 x6 J2 O8 }/ `8 e
3 O0 h' T4 F4 e* g! i您具有两年大专或职训并至少14年全日制学习经历3 ~% w+ T! k; Y3 M% y
You have a two-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship and at least 14 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.
6 E* o8 T% w5 a, t 200 Z0 ]$ F" L! [" E, {' y7 Q- w

. v7 H4 ?3 e. D您具有一年大学学士并至少13年全日制学习经历3 Q5 k: _7 V* n- C! [. J
You have a one-year university degree at the bachelor's level and at least 13 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.0 T4 O; B) ]. {" w6 p, i
: w# d) m1 N' M 8 \9 O4 _4 N. ]7 K* {/ u
. z0 v1 r+ r- Z- Z3 ^, qYou have a one-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship and at least 13 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.
. h, G' w  g  m. r* |7 L7 A: N 15' @- w9 {6 {9 b1 r
0 R( z3 |& O, U5 y
' T* {$ d. ?3 Q0 z/ d# `You have a one-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship and at least 12 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.
( ~! d$ i3 q5 J* j" w6 B% G 12& v: t  O' B0 Y) R( r

; d. S2 P3 y( o) G4 B您高中毕业
' G! c9 F3 m, {5 ]5 H) M! oYou completed high school.! c# D# S2 w8 d
2 b/ Q9 C/ U+ r$ X 2 S5 p4 U/ u: s+ O9 Z3 K+ U
+ e. q% i* |3 l$ h( f! i; H第二项:语言能力: s  I2 h0 w1 }) d; M5 d- I0 D
Factor Two: Official Languages2 e8 s% B' P7 I  M- P- Z3 r8 p
满分/ b. N3 |5 ~6 B0 f4 g$ [
Maximum 24
. `3 a5 X5 v8 |% ^
& \. \# {! t- ?9 h# k( N! W' g第一官方语言1st Official Language
" Q3 f& l3 X" a3 I6 V7 D
9 c3 O/ Z' h2 h1 b4 q/ u5 C精通High proficiency (per ability)% O* X# x: ~9 T2 N0 K
4! g5 B9 c2 B2 k6 I
6 ?' O! P  w' \
中等Moderate proficiency (per ability)" ], y5 L3 d) q1 [. ]  L
0 D9 x6 y8 w$ N( g! ~" M! _
8 E2 k; y) M5 c/ l* Z普通Basic proficiency (per ability)7 X, R% {" S' d8 e2 Y9 a
1 to maximum of 2" K* m! {6 M# z

% R) N) _0 z% B1 Q听、说、读、写四个方面满分合计Possible maximum (all 4 abilities)& {6 d% e( q: S0 `7 y8 R9 N
3 }2 @6 F8 l! \9 q 6 f$ L8 U# x+ H' v6 o: K# K0 {
第二官方语言2nd Official Language) ]& T2 L1 O, V$ _$ O

, w0 A: |. v. |! \( j精通High proficiency (per ability)
) U- t! a; M4 ^4 V7 I+ Q 26 L$ N% d$ F( t* S
" Y) ?, a$ }: h  z4 D
中等Moderate proficiency (per ability)
3 D0 _* n' u# H 2
* f) C4 Z+ p* ]
$ `/ M! q  P6 J9 B2 ^5 _: J普通Basic proficiency (per ability)
: V. i) F' V0 s# U% S$ V" \6 R 1 to maximum of 2
* b% M" X: {6 t : S+ V3 {5 l1 b( ~" B5 X( e
听、说、读、写四个方面满分合计Possible maximum (all 4 abilities)# L3 K0 x. p' {  ^% f0 d* y; V  t
8. A. ]0 O0 N3 d9 l& c2 o, ?4 O

( L; e1 ^& C& p7 J    需要提供什么材料证明语言能力?        雅思成绩与移民评分的对应关系如何?     # v1 v! r3 g3 f5 e
第三项:工作经验# q- r7 W( h+ j) P% I, c& U- C
Factor Three: Experience
  W) M; Z& s, L( Z3 ^; T4 P 满分, t3 V( c& |: G
Maximum 212 }3 e  Z$ a& h$ |* J4 \+ R4 N

3 D6 h9 K& n9 b2 N一年1 year
4 j* P- O6 v9 H0 O7 j0 Z 15; `  P' H' Q+ Y1 Z0 J1 `
# Y$ V  }% z, U9 L) A
二年2 years
; s7 `  l5 d, J9 z: h 17
: i, y8 k& Q% x4 }  ~; @ % S+ K3 e  o- n- e( B. A
三年3 years- j: R3 M+ Q+ N3 g8 j3 a4 g
19$ S9 |. r# Z  y) ~0 d4 p
: Y' ^$ m' s0 N5 m9 z
四年4 years
7 s6 _* I3 R/ l# F0 f, O 21
0 V/ e- M# w) ] / {; \" T, t4 ?1 W
第四项:年龄  G3 p. E5 [$ _5 ]% k
Factor Four: Age/ [: g( x$ H8 V- E' n/ X4 D* Y
满分- x' w8 V, x+ f( F% ?# j
Maximum 10: [6 D8 m7 s! e3 S3 r; o# [
9 f3 S" c$ L2 A8 ]' `
申请时21岁到49岁(21 to 49 years at time of application)# G" ]$ N2 z4 Y5 k3 Q: q1 i( S& u
: f9 L( d9 u' J3 g$ `* |
9 M0 r0 W% f) v每多一年或少一年扣两分Less 2 points for each year over 49 or under 21
" i! Y: O6 Q  b; v 0 L+ |! ?! t6 {6 ~5 ~4 N# e. I
第五项:工作安排/ W3 ]0 g+ w1 F2 S- R
Factor Five: Arranged Employment In Canada
5 q8 h6 _+ Z% c/ l3 w3 h 满分" R4 f6 s' B8 Y# m
Maximum 104 `$ c; \0 e9 [+ N( B( c
3 L/ u' W6 }* z1 H
经过HRDC(劳动部) 批准的长期工作、临时工作签证、国际协议工作(如何获得工作安排的加分?)
* Q  \  f' y4 _) @You have a Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) confirmed offer of permanent employment.or You are applying from within Canada and have a temporary work permit that is: HRDC confirmed, including sectoral confirmations; or HRDC confirmation exempt under NAFTA, GATS, CCFTA, or significant economic benefit (i.e. intra-company transferee.)% l% c# g+ W8 H  Y. M3 O9 H
) R" l, J0 D: b' w $ Q  [6 I% r% g9 O2 B: y/ ?: ]
第六项:适应能力# p6 E* t- k2 M/ b" D6 q/ @
Factor Six: Adaptability
' k, ]. @6 x& z. Z0 \ 满分
# X" \% Y* }( x0 X5 HMaximum 10
( Q: Z2 S6 X: o3 X! h
0 r# w' v6 C4 H: ^配偶学历(配偶学历如何计分?)
# |( T1 ?  ?  dSpouse's or common-law partner's education3 d% c( ?) Y( p6 G: w; W# Z
3 - 5* ]4 \. c2 O/ w- G2 m, S: j: p8 p

1 R1 N" k: \) Q7 l8 l3 l一年在加全职工作经验" l- b0 ?8 X- s6 W! W
Minimum one year full-time authorized work in Canada
$ a4 \  X8 o8 ^# Z 5
( p6 S- i' m. V5 ?# F% a % G' h+ H. I  H3 I8 U6 p
5 @7 U2 t' h# K/ Z2 hMinimum two years full-time authorized post-secondary study in Canada3 h, z3 h6 J/ P5 ~/ z( f
5# d( t3 O2 }% w0 p8 V& c3 q6 D

8 ^8 P4 |% W) t; I: @工作安排+ d, x! ]: h" z+ g+ Q8 a
Have received points under the Arranged Employment in Canada factor3 |9 y6 a$ j% `$ \, Q
5  Y, }! Q( i( z; }# f$ \# q3 i
* _5 H0 r" i$ C. |1 B
加拿大亲属关系辅助分(怎样的亲属关系可以获得加分?)7 w; ^# e% N0 S, X. E" v9 j( Q! {
Family relationship in Canada% C" ^6 D0 ^! C4 B
3 d7 u9 E( m+ e
4 V4 c1 }' Q' Q3 D( D4 f8 ~* h/ V总分Total5 D$ a! c4 z$ z; {3 [6 p  e
Maximum 100* b; b" I- z! @1 u; l9 o1 p; S
7 u1 v& P* {/ X  U* y% h+ A! `: `1 M$ P/ f
分数线Pass Mark
! W/ x, m5 @' l# A 67. q2 \2 }$ K1 E9 j
/ `' j" {9 w( B, @/ t9 p" B+ O
! m. B; _  Q9 o! W# J  n* ]
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