本帖最后由 大刘 于 2013-3-25 10:13 编辑 3 s! r7 t5 H6 o: |: R: H5 T
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Due to the heavy sonw on Thursday, city of edmonton has concerns on flooding city wide. So for those live in a house, please check your sumpump. Make sure it is working. 6 ^5 k* ^# j' Y' q% W * L! Q* E% [# z% R0 {5 ]The following link has the details about this news. 1 g; X4 W4 P1 d6 H( ?, ^: }; G1 A& O5 o5 {5 ~: V6 b http://globalnews.ca/news/403926 ... ise-into-next-week/