ballard 发表于 2013-8-21 13:35 # c; O! `0 M( U m( Z9 h
那他家 的房子肯定好啊, 5 [& t' C8 u# k6 |2 l 2 D5 U. P2 Q( A+ T( d冬季能升温 肯定热损失小吧, 夏季肯定就受日照影响小. 夏季屋顶在日照下烫手啊 ...
4 A2 i' F, T" W
那么 renovation能做什么, 屋顶肯定室容易做, 但是墙壁呢?& W( S* z; h/ J! H+ r N* U! f
2 L- n, L7 x! o5 w
屋顶和墙壁的改进分别对夏季和冬季保温性能 那个贡献大?' j. x) d. M# Q s
$ q! B, O$ v; q9 i+ M6 B. G
40% is lost from ceilling. 40% from windows. so 屋顶改进分别对保温性能贡献大. Costed me $2000, because I used the Pink insulation ( usually for walls) at the ceiling. If you use foam that usually for ceilling, then your cost should be only 1/3 of mine. Rent a foam spreader from HomeDepot.