Provide documents requested on the checklist of CEC. See the link below:- N4 F4 C% H6 ?6 \ $ Y4 `+ T% E/ \% m 8 `+ Y3 x( z8 \1 l }3 N0 T2 gBasically, copies of the following are required: " ?. V+ N7 G/ @: {% v# ?1.Passport Biopage; & J0 p) Q/ g) s0 g2.Current work permit;' J4 | }$ `+ @3 w
3. IELTS or CELPIP test results; 6 U% t7 V. u+ L4. Reference letter /employment letter;) D% ]" |; z9 }' @9 U
5. Employment contract and pay stubs for the last 12 months (additional);$ O, |% Q3 \7 m' J
6. Birth certificate (from China); / r. S! N4 G) S7. ORIGINAL Police Certificate;; i5 Y7 @' d3 y1 U" a" G& N
8. 6 photos (5 must be blank at the back, no stamp. 1 with your name, DOB, date taken written at the back.)