埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-9-7 04:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
" D: o7 r. p% ~6 I* q阿涨曰:To Buy or not to buy- the constant dillemma for most real estate buyers. + N( s6 n# `# W- H+ A
9 S  d8 l5 |/ `3 g7 a. n
So many people have difficulty deciding wether to buy real estate or to remain a tenant or investor in stocks etc.
4 r6 f; ?3 _3 C+ x& y2 f" I7 Q5 S  i: Q; A0 X( o
My advice to you, is the same advise that all the other real estate guru's of the world reitereat time and again, " Invest in real estate- and do it yesterday"
% e6 B& G5 D) bThe sooner you invest, the sooner you'll start smiling. " Y% B3 |. k& A' P" b1 z

" p9 L1 r5 ~+ i5 ~% `' P* U  \/ lForget all the doom-sayers , forget all the and all the controversy. 9 G. K8 q! O& ~# w( X8 v

& Q# w: f. U9 I, h+ e$ E) IIt's simple you invest in real estate and your world will change for the better . + A3 L- i! I/ b3 W* K& ]
1 `& O& D5 `1 Y- Y& o
There's money to be made in property appreciation , as well as in a declining market. 1 I$ k5 j: c! q1 a8 f  O4 G

& H# C% P1 i, U4 u; H6 hThe market is going to remain strong for a long while; especially in B.C & Alberta. These 2 provinces are presenting the real estate opportunity of a lifetime. Jump in !
6 k) T0 U% a' l" C' N7 H* {5 u$ q8 n3 a/ H
Alberta is strong with its "oil-rich" economy. . o2 T& b* M- V7 p. k, U
% k0 Y5 o" ]2 j
B.C. has a very strong economy, and is also further fuelled from real estate savy investors from Alberta .
! l! P$ z/ ]- j- F$ K! I6 B9 t
' `8 Z* {9 l0 c6 ]* ZThe 2 biggest mistakes you can make in real estate are these :
4 `2 E/ |* h+ k( r
# z. U! G& [# I" r4 i. {" ^1 R#1 Not buying real estate & g7 m8 E- R+ p. ~3 j
5 d7 |- H4 z1 r" {
#2 Selling your real estate holdings , N- P. h( ?  {! a- \# O: h
' ^: D: w3 B4 q+ O
Get in and Thank me later. I did and I've moved mountains. ( |" s" s6 b5 s4 D- g% o- E
6 ]6 k0 Z9 S* q
1 i0 L' i' a/ Y3 {' o
7 w% K# P% v. z) l阿跌曰:Give us a call when you are sick of KD, and we'll take your liabilities off your hands for 60 cents on the dollar2 m; k5 w- N; ~8 f
8 U  ~1 h3 h1 h  P3 f$ b
阿涨曰again:I suppose my advice wasnt meant for you.
/ x2 X; @7 Q+ r; {! A+ r1 \1 o+ e3 A/ }* [" R' X. m# @8 L
; n/ {3 d  }/ p* Z$ q) L9 _, O
. R! R- X) v4 [) W1 z2 VNot sure why your on this website . You clearly have nothing posive to contribute to any of the readers. I reviewed some of your other comments to other writers, and your response is always the same . The glass is half empty. Perhaps you should find a new Forum to join. OR get a new line.
% v9 y- V2 D( t* N( k  S
! W) A1 f! W; q/ XLuckily I dont share your negative attitude , and hence my continued success WITH REAL ESTATE . , y) k  |2 @8 ?, }5 K8 l
1 V" {1 I; s* P
....and FYI I never sell my holdings properties. There Portfolio consists of "HOLDINGS ! " So, thanks for your offer But, its not an option. Thanks for your pessism obviously a sign of Frustration and lack of success. And a special thanks for the sarcasism- You're clearly an unhappy individual. . m4 V; M5 @5 f1 a
- Q- |2 P& a5 @
Good Luck to you in any case- It sounds like you need some!
0 D- b. Y9 h9 s- n4 [: S9 L
1 F' |: u& l2 m/ B& G# A4 WPerhaps you should attend a Jurrock Seminar.
  O4 o7 M/ `9 V% t! @6 I$ F. |) m# [' R" z* s
P.S. What's wrong with KD ???
  j' H" r3 y3 L. b0 S- I* z/ q$ e2 h7 N( y0 L
我曰:" Invest in real estate- and do it yesterday" 这句话我听了无数遍,出自无数业内神人之口。为什么这么执著的最随着这句话呢?(我做这行时间太短,理解不是很透彻,请大家补充。)
% z' ^$ j! t4 [0 c6 K% B' i: Q2 r) p& Z3 s
2 Y' _, w) r2 K% X" b/ S1,房地产长远来看是个稳赚不赔的生意,短期的回调对于长期投资的人不好使。1 a) V$ M' `! ]+ }
2,房地产以她自己独有的魅力吸引着无数人对她着迷:buy and rent for long term holding,buy and fixup for short profit,max 杠杆作用。buy lot and be a builder urself, build one house at a time.方法实在不胜枚举。  }" u# o7 g5 u* W3 r% N; ~
3,房子给你带来的归属感,满足感,是不可替代的。每次飞到一个陌生的城市,我都呆不了太久,因为我会homesick。虽然我的房子里没有任何亲人,我还是会想她(我的第一个房子,现在是我家)。那是一个给我挡风遮雨的地方,一个在疲惫不堪后可以放松自己的空间,一个可以短暂逃避残酷现实的去处。说个你们没听过的故事,房子在知道我想卖它那天哭了(一个水管爆裂)。那天开始我明白了她对我的重要,我不要再做个到处流浪的游子,我要有个家,无论事业的半径伸到哪里,家是我唯一的轴心。看着院子里的树长得比我高了(满足),看着墙边的花儿开得更艳了(欣慰),看着屋里的地板被我翻新后闪闪发光(成就)。尔她也看着一个学生在这里变成了一个flipper,还听到了这个学生发自内心地对她说了一声谢谢。安居才能乐业马,有家有口的应该对这个有更深的理解。5 F0 M- {4 ~- z4 F" m
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-9-7 21:55 | 显示全部楼层
看看你找的这两个人----一个是:一半清醒;另一个是:醉酒。  z6 ]# S! X7 Q, y: a
说事应该找聪明人,精英或天才之类的。2 c0 C/ ^9 f# @9 H$ L- {
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