鲜花( 54)  鸡蛋( 1)

楼主 |
发表于 2014-4-12 08:40
I checked from EPSB , the elementary school is not too bad.8 u. Y6 Z5 P% M4 C
w, q, @4 H0 P% X% Q
based 2012-13 is 16/782
8 t4 Y1 v6 [6 L: O
1 s9 b6 V# D/ p5 s: I3 K; [ _: eGeorge P. Nicholson School (Designated grade K-6 School) 2 O" o h( O$ O+ t5 d: V
$ H7 f% `& b: {- H4 g Q6 j" Y6 [6 ]& V
George P. Nicholson [Public] Edmonton Gr 6 enrollment: 64% j! {; A( g1 \1 Q& Q
ESL (%): 13.5 Special needs (%): 2.6 Alt. French (%): 0.0* ~ r' d3 Y$ v2 K$ g
Actual rating vs predicted based 2012-13 Last 5 Years+ g# U2 F# ~1 ^8 d
on parents’ avg. inc. of $117,300: 2.2 Rank: 16/782 40/520+ g" z$ |# Y" u9 e1 b. S
Academic Performance 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Trend" k. r9 I7 V: S: }7 v! n
Gr 3 avg test mark Lang. Arts 75.0 75.3 73.6 78.0 79.3 —
7 L' L9 H# m4 ]. OMath 84.4 n/a 79.0 83.8 86.8 n/a, \0 O# }8 l, D. V; Z
Gr 6 avg test mark Lang. Arts 75.0 75.0 67.9 71.5 76.4 —* t g) |" J9 s4 a% b
Math 82.0 n/a 69.0 68.8 72.2 n/a7 ]2 H; t! j. U3 Y
Science 76.8 76.2 75.6 75.6 79.8 —
- g, z- J I: e! D: S+ h6 H# ?Social Studies n/a 76.2 72.6 71.6 80.2 n/a
+ p6 C/ |3 w: t! o' H8 RGr 6 gender gap Lang. Arts F 0.6 F 6.1 F 10.3 F 7.3 F 4.9 —! J' b( M! ~9 m# g; Z
Math M 1.5 n/a F 0.4 F 2.6 M 0.4 n/a
2 G( R1 `1 t3 M6 FPercentage of tests failed 2.4 4.2 5.5 8.6 0.5 —9 {* l0 `3 M+ v4 c; R! |2 C
Tests not written (%) 0.0 0.0 0.3 1.7 0.0 —. ?6 \ e9 j ~8 y1 q. i
Overall rating out of 10 8.6 8.2 7.1 7.5 9.1 — |