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Canada’s unemployment rate drops in July, with mere 200 new jobs

鲜花(26) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-8-8 15:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
08/08/2014 08:45 AM Steve Rennie, The Canadian Press+ }$ \7 w# P( [0 \; [
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A new study from the Human Resources Department suggests Ottawa is looking at ways to get people receiving employment insurance to move to other regions with more jobs. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ryan Remiorz
3 y4 N4 q/ e2 f$ ~% d- D7 D; Z( _' cA new study from the Human Resources Department suggests Ottawa is looking at ways to get people receiving employment insurance to move to other regions with more jobs. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ryan Remiorz. j; x& a! I8 C/ M" q
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* j! x  ~: G, n4 c# a# Y1 C, P* N4 D% Q* ~$ }6 T' c
Canadians grow more pessimistic about economy, jobs except in the West Canada’s unemployment rate rises to 7.1% in June
8 D5 d1 e3 l2 n! M: OTrouble in Canada’s anemic jobs market continued into July as a paltry 200 jobs were added during the month, falling spectacularly short of expectations.1 m! H* a: ?5 x: M7 J

( c# C( x6 b2 l; DEconomists had expected the economy to bounce back from the unexpected 9,400 decline in June by adding around 20,000 new jobs.
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Canada’s unemployment rate dropped one-tenth of a point to 7.0 per cent for the month, but that’s only because 35,400 people stopped looking for work.
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, a9 @1 Q) w; Y3 y0 R* `The participation rate, which tracks how many people are actively searching for jobs, declined to 65.9 per cent from 66.1 per cent in June. That’s the lowest it’s been since late 2001, BMO senior economist Benjamin Reitzes noted in a report.
& K/ I2 O9 Z8 i6 a. T# W8 Z
9 q+ o3 O. B9 ?& ?Over the past 12 months, the economy has added 115,300 new jobs — or 0.7 per cent of the labour force — with all the growth in part-time work.
$ R; e1 ?4 }: |; O) l$ k% Q! Q
, y, t/ Y5 x# t" T" |Between June and July, the number of full-time jobs fell by 59,700 while part-time jobs increased by 60,000.
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5 I0 x& }4 l& R2 [3 R3 ]“Canada is rapidly becoming a nation of part-timers,” said Paul Ashworth, chief North American economist at Capital Economics in Toronto.2 w1 j/ o- k8 H3 {7 }

* C% j6 w4 l) }  l) C2 |6 G8 i! Y( U“Over the past 12 months, full-time employment has actually declined by a cumulative 3,100, while part-time employment has increased by 118,500.”4 v3 [' n! @  M1 A# d! u9 F
  W, C: z+ M% q) ?
Most of the month’s job losses came in construction, health care and social assistance. However, employment in educational services and in information, culture and recreation rose in July.
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! S. Y" d0 a6 C; {2 }/ _4 {4 AThe majority of new jobs were concentrated among people between the ages of 15 and 24, Statistics Canada says, while there were losses among people aged 55 and older.+ |4 O. P% c# y) @* P- z: R

3 G) S6 q* q; G, |% NRegionally, Newfoundland and Labrador and Manitoba were the only provinces to show job growth, while employment fell in New Brunswick. The rest of the provinces remained mostly unchanged.
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-8-9 11:36 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-8-9 14:36 | 显示全部楼层
haojixing 发表于 2014-8-9 12:36
( A2 b) H$ y! b6 L/ Z. S' c统计局数据会不会有问题?

$ @+ s; p. N0 J: z" \为什么这么说?
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
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