thinksky 发表于 2014-8-23 17:06 2 c2 @' F; b' F! R" v; O7 l
所以現在沒有AINP這項政策了嗎? : E$ l0 G, d; ^. Q7 T3 Y親生兄弟不能申請過來了嗎?
. n; `" M" E9 k$ HAINP没有family sponsorship。 : r, ~; Q8 w5 n1 B( ^8 y7 ^ % d& e7 Q) ]/ T联邦有family sponsorship,具体请看 : \8 T5 m& a8 o 5 z* W m* e0 f: ]$ K% q但是哥哥超过18岁,你就不能sponsor了。 - v: j- Z& D# R5 Y8 _& S ... tives-apply-who.asp : ^- |* Z" [, T$ M 0 ]3 p: I/ x3 Y$ {# K( V! `Who you cannot sponsor : U, ]' z/ e2 W; \, x4 ? T+ QYou cannot sponsor other relatives, such as brothers and sisters over 18, or adult children who support themselves financially. If they apply to immigrate under the Skilled Worker Class, they may get extra points for having a relative in Canada.