埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(158) 鸡蛋(19)
发表于 2015-2-28 23:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://www.kijiji.ca/v-real-esta ... mortgage/1015037348
" l& {- [7 Z8 j+ ]
7 w$ f+ _. F2 t1 ^5 H1 ^" \0 jYES, Interest Rates Have Dropped... AGAIN!!! % ]3 F2 u! m) @* z. |  q
- O! f, F  g% h1 g
Whether you’re looking to purchase your first home, next home, invest in property, renew your current mortgage, or refinance to consolidate debt, you’re in good hands. I’ll take the time to assess your specific situation and present you with options so you can make an educated decision and get the most from your mortgage – now, and in the years to come!
" I8 T3 `- J: P- L  G$ t! H/ u2 N! X2 J  d. c
Let me put my experiece to work for you!
8 d8 q) _( h% E+ n/ X9 jRemember, there is NO COST to you!
& C, Z7 f* g0 k# l! [+ W- v
0 K! X! w- m6 E. v5 D& [7 ^# PReady to get started? + B) j+ h# F# A2 a& m
Give me a call today!
' k- R& `) B. }+ S, ?
: Y' ]2 F- M: l* ?) ]3 s  SKim Lindsay
9 S" T1 F$ g+ HMortgage Broker 1 g1 v: q7 ]: ?, t* N9 J
PH: 780-221-0132 ' d, f, L) p+ L2 f4 O
EMAIL: kimlindsay @ mortgagegrp.com
/ i  e  r8 ^/ P/ Y' Q7 ^) _WWW . KIMLINDSAY . CA & w; v5 l0 w) V+ I+ |6 o1 E

* v! _; M+ ?  g+ ]! r
7 a' F2 [! M) X: R" c9 t, {8 K3 {8 Y( f
# T$ a+ I2 F" C: f7 N) C! [) x+ Z: y2 h5 ]! a
1 Year Fixed 2.69%
, v1 c& r: M; v0 i# @  O/ l( [2 Year Fixed 2.39%   k) R9 p) \( f6 ]2 |, w) n+ H- p
3 Year Fixed 2.49% - x  C+ F6 Y' R# R0 ]$ t( T
4 Year Fixed 2.64% 3 E  X; I$ q+ y
5 Year Fixed 2.64% WOW!!!
0 L2 D1 C0 o% p) A
7 E' |$ M7 h- P5% CASH BACK 4.79% . K3 i8 `  A2 ^" A
(example: on $325,000 mortgage, $16,250 tax-free CASH back to you!)
$ N7 ^( |( ]( Z8 K1 Y
  o6 q7 _) A4 M, v: ?5-YEAR VARIABLE: Prime -.75 (currently 2.10%)
" }* M1 d6 \6 E: @( R1 i  v/ g- f/ x3 B- p
*** HELOC Prime +.25 *** * `& v: \8 ^( A8 B/ f! e- s% d

! s; A0 Z  B, I4 o" `3 K1 R  rPrime Rate is 2.85% 5 p' Z+ M3 J$ n
: g" p. F' F3 K: M; O% z+ j
Rates current as of February 27, 2015*
* j& G7 k: a3 e6 _, ]3 ?" O" c: ^
8 k6 G2 J) {9 [8 |, N% Z! P, s
--- # n$ ~9 d+ |" C7 M+ ^

) c' {; q0 `& o) p! G2 S( S# I- B/ d0 p
PRE-APPROVALS: hold today's LOW rates for up to 120 days! 1 J- S1 A  ~! T. l1 E
, F$ I% K$ Z4 M$ L2 T
& ^% j. x4 v# o1 a3 H0 [7 b" w7 j0 U4 R: u9 a8 B3 p2 U6 W

" d0 |4 P* [- m: `HELOC'S (Home Equity Line of Credit)
" k1 {1 N  Z$ I+ X7 v5 R7 Q7 S8 `. _
3 \7 W2 \0 G& s& B( mNEW TO CANADA - U. H8 d+ [: X
. T5 S& ]' @! @- s' B- p# I; K) B
4 }& Q3 d7 J8 G0 k7 I( ]) O& ~% R, G0 F
, o* p" w2 Q6 ~/ e* q- _% \9 T8 V) M  k! g& x8 E; H
5 t6 U9 R" {2 E: g9 `2 J5 F. A- _( L5 ~4 k0 v
TIRED OF PAYING RENT? Want to OWN but don't have a down payment? You can borrow your down payment and still take advantage of LOW interest rates with a Flex Down Mortgage! 9 ~, }& W$ p' C$ Y: o+ q

# M- B3 }8 b' a3 _  h4 `# KSELF-EMPLOYED? COMMISSIONED?
0 }/ o* j! K3 L& TIs the income you report to CRA not enough to qualify for the mortgage you need? NO INCOME VERIFICATION required!
# l/ S6 S8 f, F) G: [+ e
' c) {- D" {; J' {3 VBRUISED CREDIT?
( R2 ]+ x0 M# C: C5 G- fDIFFICULT SITUATIONS -- BANKRUPTCY, JUDGEMENTS, COLLECTIONS, EVEN FORECLOSURE ... It' still possible to get a mortgage, and I'll work with you to improve your credit to help you qualify!   t/ P7 ~2 {* ]* y1 T+ K
9 g2 A, v8 C; \# N% ^8 {+ a
. D# q0 Q3 t1 A* V" Z  v/ T- ]
5 [! _/ g7 w. o- v+ o, UHOMETRUST EQUITY LINE VISA -- the card that puts the equity in your home to work!
6 L: }$ ~2 U% o; x5 D; ^- Use your home equity to secure up to $100,000 in credit
; Y- W" F6 L! q$ i) Z4 N3 @) ~- Rates from 9.99% with low monthly payments 2 q! X# i' m  A2 L8 d* _( o
- Earn 1% CashBack every time you make a purchase
# V3 L; I2 k3 Q% ^" e! v" c- Great for home improvement, debt consolidation, business financing and more! ... ask me it today! , X* D8 W* V& `! p) E4 n2 q
6 A; W8 O2 M. a" j4 t3 Z
" \: e+ C9 |1 \: _- ]
/ s( N' e& y; Z/ m4 c# [0 b2 b
( I9 W0 c3 m4 U9 r6 D$ T) o2 R0 J2 s1 a7 o- S
"I have worked with Kim twice in the last two years. The first time was when we decided to acquire a rental property. Another for our new home in St. Paul, Alberta. I am not the easiest guy to work with. I am self employed with a lot of things going on at the same time. A guy who's asking a million questions and always thinking of worse case scenarios. She was very patient with and answered all my questions and relieved all worries away. ( s7 @) m& ~3 Q: q4 D5 ~+ f2 Y% @
Kim found the right lender for our needs with very good rates! . }6 S- N4 F2 B# [
If she can find me a lender, she can find you one. No problem!
' ^9 L! T) v) D/ w3 \3 j8 d$ ]3 J7 _* X- ?
Thank you for listening
4 C, Z2 k/ q6 x3 r' c6 {Thank you for understanding   O) F( T6 Q- X6 h# u
Thank you for being there every step of the way
/ x, |5 D3 m/ b
8 A4 X3 h& B, f. e! W7 t$ o0 Zyou da best!" ' l' p6 @/ G' J. y7 C
  D7 o% N8 ?3 O% y7 M" |
- Leo and Char
! `! ]& P  A, }# H# j$ u
; Q$ ^8 ^0 ]" p5 ~$ Q( l  a+ R4 C& X  V' ~4 m9 z
--- ' ^1 P9 ^7 X+ `9 Y4 O$ B! \
9 ~* U- g3 `+ _" G* {: F* r
, R& t" {; |3 D# E: a
" g; @" j% c' K7 a9 g" y, L" z/ T/ N1 u% P+ q
Kim Lindsay
  L: W9 @- q8 ?- KMortgage Broker
2 S+ `! ~/ T: T* y6 LCELL: 780-221-0132
2 R. b' F, v2 b& b: }EMAIL: kimlindsay @ mortgagegrp.com 6 S- d$ O9 ?7 P$ G
WWW . KIMLINDSAY . CA ; T0 u) e' D- o7 w  L
鲜花(154) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2015-3-1 00:34 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
发表于 2015-3-1 07:41 | 显示全部楼层
5% CASH BACK 4.79%
$ {/ p: o5 _8 x1 t8 g
( n- w& v9 g- \; I
多吗?5年期,大致相当于3.79%无cash back. 一点都不好。
1 O, y' f* j& A' d占小便宜吃大亏。
鲜花(9) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-3-2 09:55 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
用这样贷款的朋友, 应该把cash 拿回来去还借来的downpayment, 唯一解释了, ( w4 B+ K  t2 P' g# B

! Q% B; v" s  G要不就脑子让驴踢了
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-3-2 12:34 | 显示全部楼层
KochFord 发表于 2015-3-2 09:554 O; s2 l. d  k. ~, Q  T% {
用这样贷款的朋友, 应该把cash 拿回来去还借来的downpayment, 唯一解释了, 2 _+ J# l2 P% M# ^, h. R
( _( v2 U6 [/ j

/ f6 `- x/ Z8 j  i! u也有可能是买了老房拿那个钱来装修的
鲜花(77) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-3-6 02:55 | 显示全部楼层
    5% CASH BACK 4.79% 3 R3 y5 ?9 V  x8 K# ]* E# e
. I1 d4 |/ J- K, i
  多吗?5年期,大致相当于3.79%无cash back. 一点都不好。# `6 P: M! l: r% H
- [2 n/ d) _4 D( D) P' a+ _& Q4 y( G0 L& W" k! R
0 y0 A6 S# O6 q  Q( m2 O- |
; ]  v6 `. e6 ~! j& E8 g3 `  ]0 A
鲜花(77) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-3-6 02:55 | 显示全部楼层
Only good for rental property?
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-3-6 11:54 | 显示全部楼层
请教大家 我不明白这个 Cash back 5% 怎么理解? 不是 5 years fixed 2.64% 这已经很低了 ,为什大家还说 Cash back 5% 就相当于3.79? 怎么理解哦 ? 让大家见笑了!
鲜花(158) 鸡蛋(19)
 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-6 12:40 | 显示全部楼层
不惑之年不明白 发表于 2015-3-6 11:54
( n9 E. J  \& F1 r3 K- W" ^# g请教大家 我不明白这个 Cash back 5% 怎么理解? 不是 5 years fixed 2.64% 这已经很低了 ,为什大家还说 C ...
4 j' R" h# g% t4 r' m9 F. t; u7 Z4 V
哈哈, 我也是这么理解的。 后来又看了一遍才知道。
鲜花(100) 鸡蛋(11)
发表于 2015-3-6 13:22 | 显示全部楼层
不惑之年不明白 发表于 2015-3-6 11:54; Q  O. B0 f" h& t( v4 y4 S
请教大家 我不明白这个 Cash back 5% 怎么理解? 不是 5 years fixed 2.64% 这已经很低了 ,为什大家还说 C ...

+ A: x5 q/ n7 i" m就是说,给你1万多块钱,让你以后交比这个多得多的利息。。
5 M( }4 P) X" r3 l
- i- X: a8 ^2 ^5 C3 b, x不是不好用,而是看人了,有人贷着10%-20%的钱,用这个cash back可以在短期省很多很多钱,但是如果没有高利贷,就要多付很多利息,不适合手头宽松的人群。
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-3-8 08:38 | 显示全部楼层
cash back 4.79% 这没有朋友们说的那么高 相当于 3.79吗???
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-3-8 08:41 | 显示全部楼层
如果我需要用  line credit 利率7% 左右 比这个高多了。还有如果是选两年的2.24%加上5% Cash back 应该划算得多吧
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-3-8 08:42 | 显示全部楼层
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