2 ^* t ~ x7 S" e2 uof course, it is almost the biggest purchase in people's whole life, it is not impulse purchase. Some broker must have the integrity.
7 Q# r- |1 v% ~) b$ [
Not on a 10% down payment mortgage. If 35% or more, that is a different story. 9 x# ?9 j3 ]" G: |; p) l0 _/ E, r" J7 K) z7 K2 [0 T
4% vs. 2.59% for 5 year qualifying on 25 year amortization, his income has to increase 54% to qualify on the same note 4/2.59 = 1.5444 Will that make sense. Small credit union also need to observe the rule of lending, either CMHC, Genworth or CG.