By way of saying thank you, we are pleased to offer you a one-time saving off of the base fare on your next booking at ! w# N) [/ l) U4 D 0 o3 T2 i/ I# t$ \% rTo receive your discount, enter the one-time-use promo code above in the Promo Code box at when you make your booking. If booking with your travel agent, they may enter the code at C4 d' G6 @: g) N# j0 R
8 \) r5 x! ^6 B# o) K2 R! F% ^This discount offer is valid for one year from today Apr. 5 2018. This means you must complete the booking and travel within one year.; ?- h( {+ g3 m" P1 t& m5 F
0 b! V5 X% i% z) I4 E0 o1 M" d* Z
The discount applies to a maximum of four passengers, provided all passengers’ tickets are booked at the same time. # Q C% G! W$ p+ ~! j1 U780-8858977