埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2022-6-23 11:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
附件17 Y( q* P. A3 g
9 C8 J: {( s/ V9 }9 C" E! `- G! R(面向海外参赛学生)7 \! W2 q+ Q# ]; b5 S* W
) z8 t! ^" |5 Q4 K, @: [“我的祖国(家乡)”、“我的冬奥明星”、“和平友好”4 _# u. r) b7 C# D' u  H
. l2 K# N5 Z* o. b+ T  O- h3 N绘画作品:画纸尺寸60cm*40cm(4开,载体风格不限,可为中国画、油画、版画、水彩画、儿童画、水粉画等)
" @7 S9 P& u% {1 P) R' J3 ~0 s书法作品:尺寸130cm*35cm(毛笔书写,书体不限)4 Y, `/ m" ?. I/ u; ~) X2 p% R
注意:不接收电脑制作的作品  R/ G0 J" E3 P8 V+ i
0 z+ X& {+ u% t' e0 K. S- x海外小学生和初、高中生* N, {; q- b* x5 ?
四、重点事项# b6 M9 c$ ~, R  q
(一)参赛学生可自主选择其中一个主题原创一份作品,作品内容须健康向上、积极进取。6 V; }; N( N* B% o, m1 L6 x- B: E+ n
(二)请填写附件2《“粤友杯”广东国际青少年书画比赛报名表》,该报名表需与作品扫描件一同发至赛事官方投稿邮箱ycwbhdp@163.com(资料不齐全者视为报名无效)。0 @: r' w; j! n( M; j6 K1 `
(三)附件2《“粤友杯”广东国际青少年书画比赛报名表》中“原创声明”部分必须有作者亲笔签名,否则报名无效。2 c- F. j0 H4 A, M8 M! I
(四)提交的电子版扫描件要字迹清晰或绘画痕迹、图案内容清晰,文件格式为JPG或JPGE,文件大小不低于2M。; x7 R* n; x- }: i2 g* o
(五)作品须为1位作者独立完成,不接受共同创作的作品。3 d( @, j% E$ v' T0 n- T3 f) [
五、征稿截止日期  _7 A5 C. Y9 A
2022年7月15日(请严格遵守截止时间,逾期不接收参赛作品)。+ }! h$ K6 b; W( r4 t  Z' a
Attachment 1$ m' o; U1 p! Y- m7 n( W* w
) a" A; B; I$ r
Application Notice   : h! [: w' B0 J- L
2022 GD Youth Link Painting and Calligraphy Competition- W' N% t7 R' F3 P& B7 h
- O/ P/ H, r# k9 L2 L3 \
( k2 l) r- \8 M1 {0 J
1.  Theme
2 E1 C! Q9 G; J. \; Q“My country (or My hometown)”, “the Winter Olympics Stars”,“Friendship ”& y  I' d* }0 E) E- ~
2. Style and size
; H1 _6 V, M6 w/ p●The application work can be of Chinese painting, oil painting, prints, watercolor, or gouache and shall be of 60cm*40cm in size.
& W& j8 T' u% E, v●The application work can be of any calligraphy style and shall be of 130cm*35cm in size.
! H$ J$ S& k+ U; T●Kindly note that only hand-made works are accepted.
4 \. v0 x( R" r6 U5 f3. The application is open to international students of primary school, junior and senior high school.  
8 c% \" b% j9 Q2 l4. Application steps) x1 y9 n5 r2 S! a; x, ~
2 B8 z5 D2 N0 l! @* x) J
Step 1: Please choose one theme and create your work of originality based on it, and your work should be positive. Kindly note the application work must be completed by one and only one applicant. Any form of co-work is not acceptable. Yet, tutoring by a teacher can be accepted.   8 V; o: z; n7 }

. B1 @8 x/ s- B0 hStep 2: Please fill in 2022 GD Youth Link Painting and Calligraphy Competition Entry Form (Attachment 2). Kindly note that the Statement of originality section in the entry form must be signed by the applicant. ! L4 V" U8 B8 ~) q# ~  k
  x+ |* N: {) t6 `" N
Step 3: Please scan the work and submit it together with the above mentioned form to ycwbhdp@163.com. The scanned copy of the submitted work shall be a JPG or JPEG file of 1024*768 PPI and not smaller than 2 Megabit. And a missing or an incomplete entry form will disqualify the applicant. , z4 G( T" k# d

! s! ?# f4 e/ Y/ _( Z0 r% i1 R9 {Step 4: Deadline of submission is 12:00 p.m. July 15th, 2022 (Beijing time). Kindly note the application deadline will not be further extended.
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2022-6-23 11:24 | 显示全部楼层


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