bed bugs,so scary, l+ V, }) _9 X& Y) A% m6 H! b
don't pick up old furnitures from outside,especially old mattress and sofa etc , a6 U0 A6 i2 l) C. Jit grows very fast,even it doesn't have things to eat,they can survive for 7 months0 Q: X/ \5 d* [! W
And it sucks human's blood 6 i; ], P* t' g6 Pi am so frightened # r' G$ |. B9 t) J# R1 y; @
tell the manager asap 0 A* ]( l; c1 @/ Bit also maybe spread from your neighbours 6 g0 S( X& f) b# Pso so so scared of it ! l: q, f2 Z* S5 W. t4 n8 I% Z5 L& r i1 X% M8 a. U6 V3 U. U/ E1 n* \# x# T
[ 本帖最后由 喜欢冬天 于 2007-5-21 13:42 编辑 ]
原帖由 喜欢冬天 于 2007-5-21 13:39 发表 2 S5 ` O* g0 D- O$ D- A/ u2 p
bed bugs,so scary + O) R/ ^4 R1 I( @don't pick up old furnitures from outside,especially old mattress and sofa etc8 e& ^' B6 o: p* r
it grows very fast,even it doesn't have things to eat,they can survive for 7 months ) |% ]# G# S8 q: z7 YAnd it suck ...
我也正发愁呢,刚在求医问药发帖呢,身上起了很多小疙瘩,很痒,正不知道怎么办好呢?我家的床可都是新的啊.我老公没有,孩子身上有一个,到底是怎么回事呢. & c) O1 ^+ g1 `9 e" v我这疙瘩没有水疱,,就是痒的地方一挠,就出来个疙瘩了,然后就会落个小红点,不氧的时候没事,痒的时候小红点又会起来变成像蚊子咬的一样的小疙瘩,我这是不是也是那种虫子咬的啊., i, {9 b- c& m! n