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鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-23 16:09 | 显示全部楼层
目前为止,菁菁总共参加过三支俱乐部球队,它们分别是SouthWest STING,SouthWest United以及Coach Jen所在的Scottish俱乐部。它们分属于两个不同的Soccer League。 STING属于EMSA,后两个俱乐部属于EYISA(后来查了下,Sarah参加的Internazionale也是EYISA的俱乐部),League之上就是ASA (Alberta Soccer Association),类似于国内的足协,但是没那么大的权利。有兴趣的同学可以上它们的官方网站看看它们的介绍,在这里我不多罗唆。
( C2 \1 U' J7 Z7 x( C; @- u
$ v9 ^6 }* I6 c% L& v! ~; d+ J: H足球俱乐部宗旨一般来说是培养足球人才,提高参加者的体质,丰富业余生活;另一方面,它也要赚钱养活办公人员的(not-for-profit只是说不以赚钱为目的,但是并不代表不收钱) 。一个赛季每个球员的会费几百块钱,另外还有gear sale,以及各种各样的fundraising,广告赞助等等,都是为了使俱乐部能够运行下来,也就是说为的是球队有球踢,雇员有工资拿,球场设备,设施能够得到适时的维护,等等等等。: W4 v! J: h0 e4 s4 i5 d9 O

, C' [1 n+ D8 F5 U3 }一个足球联盟下面管辖着很多俱乐部。联盟有一个所谓的headquarter,负责管理些行政性的事物,比方说制定规则,比赛训练场地的安排,球员管理(player card就是联盟这一级进行统一管理的),协调俱乐部之间的关系,组织一些大规模的tournament等活动。
' r9 y( M0 @( M2 H0 l7 g  |9 @( ~8 t8 k6 @
下辖的俱乐部,彼此之间在经济上是各自独立的。所谓“好”的俱乐部,球队水平高,会经常赢球,所以人们都喜欢把孩子送到这样的俱乐部,随之而来的就是它的规模的扩大和收入的增加;相反,“差”的俱乐部,人们就不会报名,就会会发生队报名报不满的情况。一旦这样的情况时常发生,联盟就可能取消这个俱乐部的球队名额而分配给“好”的俱乐部(或者别的俱乐部买下这个名额?没有仔细查过,存疑)。$ @! A2 t% D8 H) H! t
+ l: x* q6 x8 ]" U8 t
球队的教练,是volunteer性质的,大多出于对于足球的热爱(例如F两口子),也有兼顾自己孩子的(例如2002队的教练,前面提到的Jim, 他的女儿就在他执教的队踢球)。但总的来说,追求的是一个成就感。Coach Jim的目标之一就是能够带领队伍出现在provincial比赛上,应该说,每个教练都应该有这个打算。
. g& i( _) L' P  e: w1 H- A- F% m! p# [& N' W; i8 y  D
一支球队的好坏,往往和教练的水平密不可分,而作为菁菁她们这个年龄段的球队,几个好球员往往也能很大程度上提高球队的水平,所以前面说到的Rick球队的教练跳槽的同时带走几个拔尖球员就是这个道理;同时球员跟着熟悉自己的教练走对于自身的发展也是一个很好的促进。4 g8 L; G* y( x! N1 @2 N% [7 ^$ a  \7 Y, U

; t" I8 x' [/ C* V3 f0 z爱城有两个联盟,这个不算太奇怪,估计是历史原因造成的吧,就好比公立学校和教会学校的区别,很难说谁好谁坏。但是我们这里的两个联盟却是势同水火。我曾经问过STING的教练,说都是南区的球队,去年冬天怎么没有安排STING和SWU两个球队比赛切磋一下啊?F教练盯着我,表情很怪,”they belong to two leagues, they hate each other“。
2 y4 b! k4 W  O6 A7 C
! j* c6 f2 k1 N# q; V两个俱乐部怎么结的仇不好说,但是看一个2007年的案子可能能让你明白些背景。
. ^: q! r: ~- G; ^0 _+ f2 a( j
0 ^% D: p0 o& I2 q" C前几年,EYISA把ASA(Alberta Soccer Association)给告上了法庭。
4 j6 }: }8 @. ^' J9 i; x( Y
) D- _+ i# O! g# v  s+ w  g: u( I" ~+ C' U
鲜花(1348) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2013-10-23 18:32 | 显示全部楼层
去年的一篇文,有点意思7 }- p  K" \% i8 I) f. c; K7 V
( r/ U- T: K" W
Edmonton Minor Hockey Week is here, the most venerable minor hockey tournament in North America, and a stern test for each team( Z7 I( Y; w! u! g+ ]5 G5 V- x/ M% b

# T) |- [, k. ^* p3 ~. E$ kMinor hockey is a kid skating around with his blade upside down the entire season, then at last lining up for a face-off in correct hockey stance.
2 ~) a2 _) @; q0 k  c8 H8 z4 ]* e/ ]5 ~$ j' v/ r$ X
It is a wobbly kid saving the game by shooting the puck off the goal line." W' d$ I1 }" G" U& }0 @% n* E
+ [9 ^2 u/ w. M
It is a volunteer father not trained to coach, striving to teach the intricacies of a proper wrist shot.% h" ]8 w' i( S+ S# {% C" m9 U/ o

2 Y$ a+ k5 v' l. k9 e4 g9 G2 ~It is a kid who never before raised the puck, suddenly picking the top corner.
! r: H' }( T5 ~1 Y( Z5 E
* E/ W: }/ a. S- j1 YMinor hockey is supposed to be fun, but it’s a serious fun. The score is kept, improvements are noted, winning matters, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
1 S: {/ S; v" w: x
# }  Y6 k* N4 f# ^" d: [The fun of minor hockey is no more serious than in this coming week at the 50th annual Quikcard Edmonton Minor Hockey Week tournament. North America’s most venerable minor hockey tournament starts on Friday, with 519 teams, 3,000 volunteer organizers, 3,000 volunteer coaches and managers, 8,500 players and 736 games.9 d( w, h" O# O" q5 I) ]' ^

* O8 a& Y3 M5 ELosing teams will be knocked out, winners will advance and championship squads will get trophies. I’m OK with all that, with minor hockey’s tension between having fun and the vigorous pursuit of on-ice success.
9 E: {1 v5 h+ z" ~. |/ |
. s9 r$ L4 h+ WMinor hockey is a strict meritocracy, but with low tiers of competition for dabblers, as well as high ones for the fiercest and most obsessed, and tiers for every kind of player in between.  B) e5 I& j  g
; F; j  Y& V# b6 o: S" v
The game has its own sights and smells. It is modern, spacious dressing rooms and tiny, cramped old ones. They get progressively more stinky as you move from Novice to Atom, from Peewee to Bantam.2 i! Y  F- p# A" a7 I2 M
( A* v4 x7 p. S! S9 y; O0 R
It is rink rat brothers and sisters, never watching the game, but running about, playing madly all over the arena.
- R) j* s. ^2 M; `- ^
0 o- K! s+ B; F+ DThe game is not easy. It’s a kid who likes to go to practice but is so unnerved by games he throws up in the washroom beforehand.4 G1 `% \2 v3 B2 u- D( m

9 Y! K; O% f& l7 @It’s parents worried about all the talk of concussions and wondering if hitting really does have a place.1 {% u- H% K" L7 Q3 f  X/ l0 a1 p. h

+ m/ I8 o1 O* y% V# R6 oIt is at least one parent and one asst. coach on a team knowing far more about hockey than the head coach does. It’s a coach who gets everything right, and a coach who gets everything wrong, and very often that is the same coach in the same season.
  I# G8 r& q3 R1 P5 @
* @, F" x2 z4 ~0 }# a  SIt’s families living life at a sprinter’s pace, racing from practice to game, game to practice. It’s rushing to the rink only to realize that you forgot that mouthguard, or elbow pad, or stick. It is helmets that hurt the head, no matter how much you adjust them.
& w. j8 q) [8 i8 r9 X3 `
' K' H$ E; p" {5 a, ?+ dIt is not always fair. It’s a solid defenceman falling down at the wrong moment. It’s a bad line-change that leads to a crucial goal against. It’s old-timey refs letting go every infraction, and young teen refs calling way too many. It’s strong teams gaining unfair advantage by putting themselves into weaker tiers so they have a far easier time winning tournaments.
; r1 i5 x- x- i6 m9 n6 J+ D" ?, W( j8 m1 ]& `# B4 d$ }
It’s parents wanting the team to do well, but most of all wanting their own child to thrive. It’s almost every player and parent on every team struggling to constrain their own desire for glory, and learning to find a useful role on the team, which is as important a life lesson as you will find.; `% V, H( W0 ~5 s& T3 ^* C, m( ]" x

6 S- F2 j! O% U9 E9 MMinor hockey pays out what you put in, not a penny more, a penny less.
, n. C1 [! k7 K0 k6 k- o8 a5 ]0 Q- m
* d* e- ]% V# `# ~( y$ zIt is a girl hauling her own equipment bag into the rink, because that is what hockey players do.' d2 E& u* f6 t. w& ]

3 \) n9 @; B6 u4 x" ]) sIt is a parent driving here, there and everywhere around the city, because that is what it takes.
0 ^  F: @5 b8 @3 ]* s/ F+ d  _/ W( c+ [' e: A, J
It is immigrant parents getting involved, wanting their children to be part of the best of Canada.) I' R4 [' Q: j5 B1 a
% |( V* J) w7 \+ ?" {) Q3 ?- D+ U; a5 }
It is parents who say they don’t care much about winning, but smiling more widely and laughing more freely when their team finally does win.
$ W: ^0 u5 W. @8 w7 ?
! a# X9 j  E* v# S$ z$ y  f3 nIt is a stern father pleased at last with his son. The boy can’t properly clean his room, or tie his skates, or get everything right at school, but he sure did play a whale of a game., O4 T4 S! I4 D/ f
" N4 W/ c+ L4 e* K6 c
It is the working with each player to carry that puck, pass it and shoot it effectively. It is also passing on the old-time strategies and truths of the game: Up the boards! Don’t pass it up the middle! Get it in deep! Crash the net!$ e9 p& J1 C, ?2 ~  [/ ~8 b& X
% l; o6 R: q' U+ }& @6 E" U% `* A
But it is also having the nerve to go against those old strategies and truths, to discover some new tactic or strategy that works best for the particular group of a players on a particular team. Or, I should say, to “rediscover” a strategy, for there’s little new in the ancient game, as I recently discovered.
" K7 M6 a* T8 C# M# I$ D) [
; w5 N; {% Z' h6 g2 T' SIn the EMHA playoffs last season, my Novice team, the Sneak Attack, played best by closely protecting the slot, having two defenders and two winger stationed there, while one lone player, the centre, rushed the points if the puck ever went out there. I was nervous bringing in this strategy, thinking it was some strange and possibly wrong-headed concept, but I later found out it’s the very strategy that Team Canada coach Harry Sinden had devised for Game 2 against the Soviet Union in 1972. After getting thrashed in Game One, Sinden wanted to make sure the Soviets were unable to pass the puck easily through the slot, so he pulled his wingers back and into the middle. The ploy worked for Sinden. It also worked for that version of the Sneak Attack, though I’ve had to discard it this year with a new group of players, and a new challenge to find a way to maximize each player’s contribution.' A# ?% c; A* q0 X9 O* S
' v4 j' y( Z0 {3 f/ u: x% ~1 H2 `# @
Minor hockey is a test. It is a coach trying to instruct his team, as five kids spin about madly, five others stare blankly, and five comprehend exactly what he’s saying the first time he says it. It is instructing those spinners and those blank-faced kids all year long, not knowing if they’re grasping a single thing, only to see them play near perfect hockey in the playoffs.
8 J: v; A4 {* P! I, Q3 p5 p2 G
, m  a4 a' J, l1 d" ?  s; l' {It is small kids feeling as big as mountains when they finally get it right. It is a kid scoring his first goal and playing like Gretzky for the rest of the game. It is a sick kid who missed school that day begging her parents to allow her to go to the game that night.
8 K, h. D$ _% Y5 K+ b
% r9 F$ k" d! r+ s7 R& ~( zIt is a kid sizing up where he or she fits in on the team.( ~' m" q! U! o) p- [) l( Z% `& J
# v$ G7 y2 G$ i" }& ]& o7 O8 G
It is thinking that no team can be as fun as the one you were just on, then finding a new team just as swell.
" r! s5 x1 }! |
! H1 X$ [! _( M' P" q3 sIt is rink talk about this one young particular special boy playing high above his age group, how he is a sure-fire NHLer.
7 m+ X. b- `  C& i0 h/ u: k! y' c  \, m' W
It is all young players asking their fathers: “Do you think I could play in the NHL?”1 c# E$ m3 ~0 P, b0 y

& H$ N) R6 T8 e0 O4 m+ X% FIt is mornings so dark and cold and early, you will never forget them.6 g' r5 ?% c9 H1 o6 ~4 Q- b3 x

8 h/ X5 l3 w, a! g; E* d) J$ T, X0 IIt is a father stepping up to coach because no one else is willing to do it, then finding himself on an unexpected and rich adventure.
, j/ T7 ~# Q/ w: }, {! A$ v$ ]0 M: [$ g; c1 k
Minor hockey is our game of games, our theatre of dreams, the heart of our national sporting cult.
4 @0 G4 ^- f# A+ {7 C* i& w9 b/ V8 G9 D: H3 y7 K7 B
It is older, bigger and greater than we are. It grips us in its cold, gloved hand. It challenges, stretches and defeats us repeatedly, but it is meant to defeat us so that we might improve.: \8 t; n7 x& Z- S$ x( ^4 [, h2 m* \
$ E- [% P7 s; h+ ]
It is the best game I have known, the best we have got.
. ]. |( C. M" j- X: C# T% @2 \) Q9 b9 l
Related posts: The Rise of the Sneak Attack: the inside story of an unlikely championship hockey team
鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-24 08:14 | 显示全部楼层
书接上回,打官司为了什么原因呢,The Edmonton Interdistrict Youth Soccer Association (EIYSA) will go to court this morning to try to force the Alberta Soccer Association (ASA) to reinstate city playoffs to determine teams qualifying for the provincial championships.
# J, @9 S) |" e! C) A" ~" `" A& G; L/ K# d5 T# [
每年ASA都会组织省级比赛,也就是所谓的provincial championship。2007年,ASA通过决定,允许EMSA和EIYSA分别推荐一支球队参加provincial championship,在此之前Edmonton每次都是通过playoff来决定参加provincial championship两只球队的。
  G) |/ L5 v% O6 t5 x3 H; V; t4 o
足协的头在发布会上显得很委屈,“我们是按规定来的,因为按规定一个联盟如果注册球员超过5000个它自己就能推荐两支球队参加省里的比赛了,EMSA有注册球员18000多人,远远超过了这个规定 …
, B* m. H7 s% R% C; d0 \  R9 u* x! n3 Q1 K- k  J% t6 |+ g
"EMSA on their own would have the right to two teams, but they said, 'no, we'll go with one and EIYSA takes one, but that was not good enough for EIYSA." 6 ]8 {4 U* Y/ G$ @: P# N8 q

; F7 ^) ~( d0 _7 F! w听上去EIYSA很无赖是不是?但是EIYSA的头头一语道破天机,“Eighty per cent of our teams win against EMSA (EMSA只有大约1800注册球员,人数只是EMSA的1/8)。Provincials are supposed to be for the best teams, so we're saying let's have a competition. Alberta Soccer is indicating that a team can go directly to provincials without qualifying through any play down process”
9 b8 Z( g; b9 W7 n# z
6 I- B' ?) }, c# w6 X. E! A! B7 v说白了,就是ASA通过行政手段给了EMSA一个provincial championship的名额,如果采取playoff的方式,不出意外的话两个名额将都会被EIYSA抢走,换句话说,小联盟有高水平。7 |7 C9 S- m. G: }3 ~
8 Y5 N2 [1 Z  P  G6 A
最后这个案子怎么个结咱们不用过多注意,再转贴一个足球妈妈的心声,大概就能了解一下这两个俱乐部的情况了。 & H2 N+ i7 N/ s( m6 L5 y' ]
* x" _4 n! h1 v
鲜花(2212) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2013-10-24 08:18 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(1348) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2013-10-24 08:34 | 显示全部楼层
俩俩 发表于 2013-10-24 08:14 8 z0 u6 o1 O% s5 d
书接上回,打官司为了什么原因呢,The Edmonton Interdistrict Youth Soccer Association (EIYSA) will go t ...
' p; k. ~3 e. |
鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-24 08:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 俩俩 于 2013-10-24 08:47 编辑 7 \! J+ M8 X& a7 |) r3 @2 q9 G
sweetlele 发表于 2013-10-24 08:34
( F3 T% E) b8 M$ X# @1 R2 {2 `( v为啥不合并
* I9 Q! e, h; n( i- t2 f/ K

: K7 S& }# U7 V; e当初为啥国共非要拼个你死我活? 常凯申能和毛某人坐一张桌子吗?& ^$ I. P# `) {9 H9 }1 }
; R4 }. k& Q3 K
鲜花(1348) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2013-10-24 08:57 | 显示全部楼层
俩俩 发表于 2013-10-24 08:43
5 W& O' r8 ~& j* f0 w  i2 g3 ]当初为啥国共非要拼个你死我活? 常凯申能和毛某人坐一张桌子吗?8 G6 B3 z: O8 b
# ~: N& }& _) M3 {! d  Z& E
合并对大多数球员来说都是利好,受影 ...
# c4 ?- o4 L& f7 H* u/ _
鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-24 09:24 | 显示全部楼层
sweetlele 发表于 2013-10-24 08:57
& \4 ^2 a2 W9 ?/ [1 Q那就应该各自派队,互不干涉啊
0 Z/ v* q) x2 \8 U( |! A
但是Edmonton只能出两支队,如果playoff的话80%可能是两个队都是EIYSA的,EMSA当然不爽了. 但是EMSA人多势众,ASA的好多头头脑脑都是EMSA的,它用行政命令强迫两个联盟各出一个队已经很明显地偏向EMSA了.- \& T( E; Q% U. H6 n& A/ O. S0 u
; W8 O$ t+ L3 z; H& f& B4 P
1 w  S# w$ [7 ~* p( B- W% h) Q
鲜花(1348) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2013-10-24 10:53 | 显示全部楼层
俩俩 发表于 2013-10-24 09:24
. q7 }3 x9 P; W. Q0 u: c但是Edmonton只能出两支队,如果playoff的话80%可能是两个队都是EIYSA的,EMSA当然不爽了. 但是EMSA人多势众 ...
7 O/ `. d" K7 R/ W) v+ D
( @, e( S! \% v: y2 H; B, Z( h
# d; c2 g: c: f: J& D+ x这种分家能带小会玩已经不错了
鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-24 13:01 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 俩俩 于 2013-10-24 13:02 编辑 3 N/ ^. h" ^. X* z3 u/ K

$ \$ l3 h0 b' _接着上个贴子, 那个足球妈妈都抱怨什么了?
; v  k3 J% a6 z6 H  ?  e4 O% S' D. r6 o2 `; Q% T( Q
The Edmonton Minor Soccer Association (EMSA), which is responsible for developing soccer in Edmonton, is jeopardizing the future of soccer in the city and hurting our kids. Two of my children play on EMSA teams and one plays on a team for the Edmonton InterDistrict Youth Soccer Association (EIYSA). Speaking up for my one child, might result in all my kids being banned from their passion.7 ]: }. E8 |# S9 U9 C$ R4 h0 H
; Q' ^0 i* v' x
Supporting a second soccer organization is taboo in the EMSA's eyes. It has banned volunteer coaches, assistant coaches, managers and directors for volunteering and supporting EIYSA. And now, EMSA is banning referees who provide their services for EIYSA.
9 D# _4 X2 m0 {
& ]  L/ c3 {8 P9 ]4 W# u8 X' zThe bylaw they are accusing EIYSA of breaking says if you embarrass EMSA, you risk expulsion. If EMSA expels EIYSA, then EIYSA cannot get insurance for its players and will have to close.
& K& V$ M0 K9 m4 a0 B! {  J  C$ J
There is a need for both EMSA and EIYSA in this city. EMSA is perfect for children who are trying to balance other passions, and EIYSA provides training for those children who only want to focus on soccer. EIYSA is consistently at the top in provincial tournaments, while EMSA is consistently near the bottom.

" K2 V/ i$ l! e  w$ V7 [# V3 w$ y5 i: j. q! K; o
  S) N7 @' T$ L
5 H  g- M( U% {, p5 ~; t; Z% P, u2 X8 a2 Y* \2 `
网上还有一些消息说什么两个俱乐部要合并什么的(乐乐同学也在前面的跟贴里问这个问题),我觉得近期内很难行得通。双方积怨很深,更何况合并就意味着有些管理阶层的下课,这些都要从长计议。 总之这些江湖恩怨不是我辈可以臆测的。 在短期内爱城两个联盟的大小格局和强弱形式不会发生什么太大的变化。
$ U+ j9 D% [8 e) r
! g7 R- H6 x5 p* V$ [2 k从去年跟SWU踢的时候就从教练话里话外能听出来,EMSA人多势众,财大气粗。冬天室内场地预定他们总是第一轮,EIYSA只能在老少边穷地区打游击(为这个我在上一个贴子里还埋怨过SWU几句);市内的几个Soccer centre都是属于EMSA的,他们的比赛有优先权,所以EIYSA很难排上场地,这也是为什么EIYSA冬天经常要踢futsal的原因。实际上,今年冬天Scottish也有一些比赛是Futsal,并不像STING那样统统都是board game。
9 b, ^( r5 T- W' I+ g% ?# r' I# X) [* A
这个冬天,看来也只能如此啦. 1 {- l$ e7 R" Z! C9 z8 N. i
5 N3 W7 [& q$ y. M2 O
# Y( S0 b% d9 n' y  ~5 i! m5 B4 r$ h/ A& f
, B, s! O0 H; G- r1 c6 ]' F5 Z
: f  I! E- B2 x另,现在孩子已经完全融入了新的队伍,教练Jen在菁菁参加过她的第一次测试后就再也没有提推荐到2003队的事儿,反倒是多次提到要把菁菁打造成队里的主力前锋。几个星期下来,感觉Jen的确很会执教,孩子们对她是既敬又爱,她的方法也不同以往的教练,孩子们进步很快(将来如果有时间的话再开贴聊聊吧)。. }: g/ y1 D+ E( l- P

7 g2 S! f* `# K# l" z+ U* ^) j再另,在最近的一次热身比赛中我们大胜SWU,菁菁率先攻入两个球,自信心那是相当的满。
/ S6 |* P- r5 u, M9 P: U6 W4 B4 f) P& ~9 b1 H' r1 c9 H& n

9 V; F- q, K4 Y8 g; T1 n


未名  在2013-10-24 20:51  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
未名  在2013-10-24 20:51  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
未名  在2013-10-24 20:51  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
未名  在2013-10-24 20:51  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
未名  在2013-10-24 20:51  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
未名  在2013-10-24 20:51  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
未名  在2013-10-24 20:51  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
未名  在2013-10-24 20:51  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
未名  在2013-10-24 20:51  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
未名  在2013-10-24 20:51  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
未名  在2013-10-24 20:51  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
未名  在2013-10-24 20:51  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
未名  在2013-10-24 20:51  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
redrunner  在2013-10-24 13:16  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
redrunner  在2013-10-24 13:16  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
redrunner  在2013-10-24 13:16  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
鲜花(1583) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2013-10-24 13:21 | 显示全部楼层
俩俩 发表于 2013-10-24 13:01 ' t; p4 O# A1 J# h( B2 J
接着上个贴子, 那个足球妈妈都抱怨什么了?
( H+ H& P5 E0 `$ d2 J8 l
羡慕啊 " u7 k8 c$ \2 z, q7 T. h9 ^( S
说心里话 真不容易
鲜花(2212) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2013-10-24 20:54 | 显示全部楼层
俩俩 发表于 2013-10-24 14:01 + V* y$ v; j  c+ y, ~
接着上个贴子, 那个足球妈妈都抱怨什么了?
8 y2 T% y/ n8 J. [$ d1 b
看完了以后只有一个感想,无论想法道路多不一样,重要的是坚持去做! N6 g" |/ W5 |# n. h
5 P) J' @; E7 }
& H- V& L9 }2 O& n
% t7 `# y( D; r, m5 U你做的相当好,我们一致认为,你是亲爹,刚刚的
鲜花(792) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-10-27 22:18 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(541) 鸡蛋(13)
发表于 2013-10-28 13:23 | 显示全部楼层
OK. But too busy to read in details, though
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