埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

楼主: 395994396

[咨询求助] 请石油行业的大哥们进来,给小弟提点建议

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-12 18:49 | 显示全部楼层
addict 发表于 2014-6-12 19:46
" G5 O5 C5 j* O  ]4 M3 X你的意思是power engineer都挣16万或者60万?这么高的真没见过。
0 X' w2 M: L) u* T9 }4 G0 k) Q8 d: T$ V( l' L
也许你没见过挣6-8万的,我见过不少。 ...
! o1 d! @  ]% g( r; P
16w或者60w rmb还差不多。。。估计油田主管年薪都拿不到60w刀
鲜花(143) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2014-6-12 18:51 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 suvescape 于 2014-6-12 20:02 编辑
# a  j8 U* ?. h0 g: p% S- o3 G. Z' H2 D9 f' ]5 c# a
16W应该说是一个正常的数字。60W当然不可能。6-8W一般都在城市里头收入不太高的地方工作。3 b  g9 F+ {5 {& ]; w9 p
而且这种工作,华人中,到石油厂里头非常非常少。5 F+ a* O' l: z- e
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-12 18:54 | 显示全部楼层
suvescape 发表于 2014-6-12 19:51 1 e& X& _. X5 J5 \" K
% I& d1 c* u/ p! ~

3 `0 `$ T8 Z0 r- U4 B# V楼主快来,这有一个大牛,你只要抓住牛尾巴就吃喝不愁了
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-12 22:53 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
addict 发表于 2014-6-12 19:54+ ^3 n/ e2 g" A; \; l! a

- I' t6 v. G' A; g离我太远,望尘莫及阿
鲜花(10) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2014-6-15 00:33 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(128) 鸡蛋(11)
发表于 2014-6-16 10:41 | 显示全部楼层
addict 发表于 2014-6-12 19:46
; A7 g- d# I& k3 D$ z% D2 I你的意思是power engineer都挣16万或者60万?这么高的真没见过。
0 x  B/ k6 R5 Z
: M7 c  c* @3 `3 [5 k6 O也许你没见过挣6-8万的,我见过不少。 ...
( K8 G1 T; {7 w4 s$ D. Z


Ray-wang  在2014-6-23 06:47  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-16 21:52 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(46) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-16 21:57 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
395994396 发表于 2014-6-16 22:52# h  |8 i2 v2 m: G6 E

/ y  ~! Y9 v" B# o1 \6 T油田烧锅炉的都叫power
鲜花(20) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-18 21:40 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
04年之后 不仅中国 还有其他国家的人 过来抢着吃这碗饭 不仅爱城 还有卡城 还有瑞家纳 都到这里争吃这碗饭
% W. `; R# C1 U3 L5 E9 Y如果国内没相关经验 没相关学历 不太容易
; ~5 b6 {2 ~( x- f3 W8 a5 D, u6 j# x
就算国内有经验和学历 也不是马上就能找到, h9 u! O' U# W8 a1 ?" r+ `

( F# G- N  y2 E9 Z祝好运啊
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-20 22:32 | 显示全部楼层
xuxuelin 发表于 2014-6-16 11:41
. B' j' S3 x6 c: X" U4 e再说一遍,你说的6万左右的不是工程师,加拿大本地工程师需要通过严格考试,有专门证书的,你去问问你见过 ...
$ D" Z0 A4 m, ]6 U
( N% t2 V* C1 u4 ?/ }
7 o9 m! h; v8 w6 sPower Engineer 与 P.Eng(APEGA) 之间的区别你以为我不知道?还是你不知道?Power Engineer不是P.Eng这点你是应该清楚的。我说6万至8万是我认识的Power Engineer,我可没说是工程师。当然,Power Engineer挣十六万是完全可能的,挣30万也不是没有,但楼主的问题是刚毕业的Power Engineer,而不是那些有经验有证书Class1, 2的.
鲜花(211) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2014-6-21 22:58 | 显示全部楼层
越看越晕,NAIT, 其实就是一个高级技师学院,也就一大专的水平。去学个有证的车工,焊工,钳工啥的毕业之后在阿省工作大把,衣食无忧多好。这里有证的技师工资秒杀国内绝大多数的工程师职位。本地的工程师对有证的技师也是毕恭毕敬的。到NAIT学石油工程我还真不知道能学点啥,毕业之后能干点啥。Nait 的培训体系注重实践技能,但是没法教出合格的Reservior Engineer或者Drilling Engineer。 没有扎实油藏和钻井的基础,在石油行业混的话起步最多是个Opeartor。挣钱可能还不少,可那是野外的幸苦钱。而且还不如Machinist, Millwright, Weldler的技师有技术含量。  很多奔着工程师去的一般是NAIT修一些基础课然后去UA拿本科和Post Graduate 的本儿。话又说回来,石油行业的上下游业务都需要大量机械,热能,流体,储运,电气之类的技术人员。技师和工程师都需要,这些都是通用性很强的专业,技术过硬的话在哪儿都能混口不错的饭吃。  m, K- }( `! A- S3 \

3 t7 p8 Z$ |2 B- ]( x$ J% w无论如何本地的工程师不是考出来的,需要实践经验。光靠学分干不了活,也拿不到本地的工程师称号。最好也别拿到,不然书呆子害死人。当然也不用把APEGA神话,抛去繁文缛节不讲,就是一个有理论基础,有实操经验,有同行认可的合格工蚁。
  p6 i4 \, }3 f% H- I
! N+ a/ r6 D8 q% {0 S+ a3 i总体感觉楼主拿着国内那一套来硬套这里的情况属于驴头不对马嘴。你的情况在国内站稳脚跟之后,需要静下心来认真了解一下这边的实际情况。不然穿啥去油田也保证不了能找到自己的路。 啥行业拿多少钱有公开数据参考,平均数楼主自己去网上查。每个公司,每个人的情况千差万别,在这里网上YY帮不了你任何忙。同样不用天上一脚地下一脚的听故事,在这里混都大部分人除了知道自己拿多少钱,别的和你一样也主要靠传说。无论国内国外,打铁还需自身硬,能人在哪里都能找到好饭,自己不努力高薪放在眼前你也抓不住。9 J& q5 t5 p. c4 N, h


cyz0116  在2014-6-22 09:34  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2014-6-22 19:13 | 显示全部楼层
Winterwinner 发表于 2014-5-30 14:02
: o, r7 f0 T' b3 g) Y1 |8 f; ~0 IKEYSTONE XL基本很难批,美国油母页岩产油效率高且成本低,不再需要此项目了,不过貌似最近爆出蒙特利油母页 ...
# U; m3 `! x- B- |% l
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-22 19:21 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
678 发表于 2014-6-22 20:13 " d2 o9 d" |+ h& M1 U. ]: P

5 ?5 |4 p  l6 \/ X上周批的不是northern gate pipeline么?keystone xl还要看美方的态度吧
鲜花(100) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2014-6-23 06:45 | 显示全部楼层
addict 发表于 2014-6-20 23:32
8 e2 {' H$ c1 b  X+ D' w真没搞清楚你到底想说啥。" E0 \& I7 d7 a+ S/ A
! @. E; f) X# c. a3 z6 J
Power Engineer 与 P.Eng(APEGA) 之间的区别你以为我不知道?还是你不知道 ...

9 U' r- h& T' e' T% ^' x. E. Z我其实看了两页了,也没搞明白你在说啥。
9 w7 c9 q  K: B4 j4 \ENGINEER 就是Engineer,ENGINEER就是工程师啊。Engineering就是Engineering,完全两码事。0 G7 p( h9 Y7 ^) E
神马刚毕业的还“POWER ENGINEER”,虾米情况?
鲜花(100) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2014-6-23 06:47 | 显示全部楼层
业余铁匠 发表于 2014-6-21 23:58
( k" i6 s5 j6 Q% g1 m- k越看越晕,NAIT, 其实就是一个高级技师学院,也就一大专的水平。去学个有证的车工,焊工,钳工啥的毕业之后 ...
; }$ Q7 |) f# n, }! _5 v
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-23 07:44 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
Ray-wang 发表于 2014-6-23 07:452 H# n$ d6 [8 ^6 j
我其实看了两页了,也没搞明白你在说啥。  ?9 f- m% g) ]' p9 i5 R
ENGINEER 就是Engineer,ENGINEER就是工程师啊。Engineering就 ...
0 _0 {& O( Y; u; Z# V
热动专业毕业的都是叫power engineer,维基百科就有解释。这个engineer跟传统engieer定义不一样,特指boiler operator,至于为什么叫engineer,那是北美的习惯。
鲜花(41) 鸡蛋(2)
发表于 2014-6-23 08:27 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
本帖最后由 Winterwinner 于 2014-6-23 09:31 编辑
% o" u) B) u4 s0 v: s
summer0730 发表于 2014-6-23 08:44 7 ~4 ]* B; G. ?
热动专业毕业的都是叫power engineer,维基百科就有解释。这个engineer跟传统engieer定义不一样,特指boi ...

8 j; X; ?/ R1 b, G: _+ [7 [
! N- Y% D& s; @+ H" ?非也非也,NAIT的官网这个专业写得清楚明白,POWER ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY
  Y% u1 l0 K8 z' D: b' Q0 Ahttp://www.nait.ca/program_home_77216.htm# L$ h$ t9 t' s9 [9 f* e+ _
老外把engineering和engineer分得是非常清楚滴,也没有任何一个加拿大的学校能够直接培养所谓刚毕业的工程师。9 O8 o' l; m0 o
鲜花(41) 鸡蛋(2)
发表于 2014-6-23 08:29 | 显示全部楼层
NORTH GATEWAY获批是个重大利好,我们这些和石油行业相关的专业都会获利,楼主赶紧学石油哈
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-23 10:58 | 显示全部楼层
Winterwinner 发表于 2014-6-23 09:27
+ V  T" a) H% @非也非也,NAIT的官网这个专业写得清楚明白,POWER ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY: {# {8 _& E- s5 T6 m% Z
http://www.nait.ca/progr ...

5 I) N. l: }* e7 V, Shttp://occinfo.alis.alberta.ca/o ... le.html?id=71002710/ }7 Y6 S0 Q6 |- c% U! e
点击左侧view full profile
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-23 11:00 | 显示全部楼层
Winterwinner 发表于 2014-6-23 09:27
1 j- B- W/ u  n6 I1 [. T1 ~http://www.nait.ca/progr ...

& }+ Y3 v  z3 H) [5 f3 vhttp://occinfo.alis.alberta.ca/o ... le.html?id=710027101 U+ B0 F3 C7 o; f; \& y, e
点击左侧view full profile3 [5 ~9 O$ }9 G7 {
这个power engineer的职位都是college培养的哦,完全不需要degree
鲜花(73) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-23 11:10 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(211) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2014-6-23 11:50 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
Ray-wang 发表于 2014-6-23 07:47
# }3 R3 U. q% I5 f哥们,很多专业的TECHNICIAN的证书是比工程师更难考的。

! [6 f0 B" w$ f. {, Q+ b/ p, J1 `没有任何低看技师的意思。
6 u$ `! w. b$ H5 ]# [( p7 z
( w, t. t5 z) g2 @9 z4 r这一点是教育体制的差别。国内大家是批量生产的所谓工程师, 包括我自己。只要是个工类本科毕业生,出来就是助理工程师,混几年就是工程师。拿机械专业做例子,所谓的机械工程师不会开车床,没见过铣床磨床的很普遍。画图可能还行但是由于没有实操经验,经常设计出来一些缺心眼的产品,比如内孔上开个车刀都伸不进去的槽。这种“工程师”,除了做个懂点技术语言的助手,其他基本没啥实际用处。唯一的发展是投身一线自我不断地学习,历练。好处是理论基础扎实,尤其是数学和物理的功底。因为从大学阶段什么都教,而且所有的科目都是理论考试。爱琢磨的人基本没有什么科目能难得倒。
" s/ |  r, {- }2 e* T
' v7 i. I: F4 J& g8 H9 ~相比较这里的学院,比如NAIT是以实操为主。 培养出来的Machinist技师车铣刨磨钳都很熟练,好像现在CNC也是必修课了。以养家糊口为目的的话,毕业出来各种实际的工作轻松拿下。但是你要是让他去算个应力变形可能还凑合,再难点设计个齿轮组就勉为其难了。用心的人自己去NAIT学完基础课,机械功底会很扎实,绝非国内大三水平可以比,有上进心的再去UA深造理论知识,出来很快就真正是个可用之材了。这也是有人选择NAIT毕业出来工作几年,赚够学费再回学校深造的原因。而且大家动手的习惯很好,以后真做设计了基本不求人,自己家车库里就什么都能来几下了。也正是注重实际能力的原因,可以理解楼上说的Technician证书难考。这里的Technician并不见得理论多高深,但是你必须要能够解决实际问题。很多是书上找不到现成答案的。& s1 J& Z$ R. q9 V3 _! ]

9 f$ m3 H% {9 T% ~; z8 y如果楼主是喜欢动手的人,我还是建议在这儿读个学院,正儿八经有一技之长之后先找个稳定工作。安身立命,然后再谋划下一步深造。找好工作的话Social networking和软技能比证书重要。
鲜花(41) 鸡蛋(2)
发表于 2014-6-23 12:05 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
summer0730 发表于 2014-6-23 12:00 , H8 ~0 A9 ?8 g7 `( X9 O! i  o4 p& C
http://occinfo.alis.alberta.ca/occinfopreview/info/browse-occupations/occupation-profile.html?id=7 ...
" Q/ w% J, a4 V- n( C+ y. [
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-23 12:39 | 显示全部楼层
Winterwinner 发表于 2014-6-23 13:05 & @* F0 }4 M7 T. R0 P; X; a; ]& Q
这那儿跟那儿啊,工程师完全可能有过COLLEGE的学习经历,很多COLLEGE也有相关培训课程,但你告诉我那个学 ...
0 ?9 y0 I) M1 `& D! i7 a$ ~# S
power engineer无需degree,从nait的该diploma program毕业就是power engineer,至少是4th class power enigeer
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-23 12:50 | 显示全部楼层
Winterwinner 发表于 2014-6-23 13:05 $ G: {5 A. j- F9 H% i8 h9 x
这那儿跟那儿啊,工程师完全可能有过COLLEGE的学习经历,很多COLLEGE也有相关培训课程,但你告诉我那个学 ...
# M- \+ k5 m3 d# B% p( ?
你觉得ABSA对power engineer的定义还够权威么?
4 c. ^) n/ D) Jhttp://www.absa.ca/ECprogram/Pow ... PowerEngineers.aspx
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-23 17:43 | 显示全部楼层
Ray-wang 发表于 2014-6-23 07:45 3 I! U9 p3 n# f% |  r
我其实看了两页了,也没搞明白你在说啥。( I/ s/ [) ]/ [  ?4 W- O, H
ENGINEER 就是Engineer,ENGINEER就是工程师啊。Engineering就 ...

/ e8 S1 W% |: T1)在加拿大,一个人不论教育程度有多高,经验有多丰富,如果没有在当地省份成为注册工程师的话,是不能称自己为Engineer的。要想成为注册工程师,即取得Professional Engineer (P. Eng) 的头衔,在Alberta,要取得APEGA的认证。具体使用Engineer的头衔,有许多详细的规定。如果没有注册,APEGA会采取某些行动,即不允许使用Engineer这个头衔。请注意,为了避免引起误解,我一直在用英语Engineer,而没有用中文【工程师】. |: c: ]3 A8 B/ [/ V7 A' q
1 ?6 L7 F2 g# N$ c2 S, y
2)所谓凡是皆有例外,Power Engineer是为数不多的工种可以自称为Power Engineer,但不需要APEGA认证的,这个Power Engineer的协会与APEGA有约定。需要指出的是Power Engineer 也是需要认证的,并且有级别。具体取证的要求我不十分清楚。$ @( ?8 Q% ^% F" F2 \# ~

/ N9 E) z0 z* p+ W7 X: z3)有的人自己不清楚两者的区别,以为Power Engineer可以简单等同Professional Engineer,这个,不知道可以在网上搜,不要误导别人。* O, [% I" a/ ^

4 w- U* {! G' K4)SAIT (这个在卡尔加里,在Edmonton 是另外一个NAIT)在Power Engineer的培训班毕业后,据说,绝大多数能拿到四级证,有的实习以后可以拿到三级证。这些是听认识的朋友说的。: W8 I( ~# g3 ?

. N7 b. m5 q2 G* v7 g5)这里面的大学毕业生,如果申请的话,可以成为Engineer In Training,也算是有了Engieer 的头衔了吧,当然不能盖章。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-23 17:52 | 显示全部楼层
此工程师(power engineer)非 彼工程师(professional engineer),大家讨论的时候最好把两者指明,否则同容易引起误解了。
6 _0 W+ I3 ]7 W. c1 G. u不明白不要紧,不要自以为是最重要,  e7 I# z: ~5 a% ?1 J4 ~6 \+ @

9 L! t' s2 g: }欢迎批评指正。
鲜花(116) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-24 10:14 | 显示全部楼层
Power Engineer 是Technician;2 F1 x0 s8 L; K' ~3 c
Power System Engineer 是常规理解的Engineer.
+ I, \0 \7 g; }) a/ S以前有朋友去NAIT想学Electrical Engineering, 结果脑子打滑报成了Power Engineering.
鲜花(6) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-27 04:35 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
Power engineer 4th class找工作时候经常要求有working experience!
鲜花(143) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2014-6-27 04:46 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 suvescape 于 2014-6-27 05:58 编辑 ) L# f! {1 F: a; V6 A! R

( g( Y( @) `4 g4 Q4 J8 ]) V看到很多人比照nait的管网的职业收入。应该说:这个数字有一定的参考价值,但是如果全相信的话,就错了。
+ w9 ?. n, d( s如何搜集一个专业的好坏,毕业工作的容易?我建议应该上洋人专业论坛。一般工作环境,洋人远远多于中国人,洋人的风向如何直接表面了中国毕业生今后的风向。中国毕业生找工作,平均而言,应该在洋人找工作的难易程度上,再加几级难度。8 ?2 F7 b' ]" X' B& J. n, t
$ L- A9 j8 ~$ r% W2 x
中国人往往不喜欢直面毕业后的竞争。最吸引国人的话语就是:这个专业好,毕业后100%工作不愁。当国人醉心于这些话语和传闻的时候,是否应该拿出你上华人网10%的时间,看看洋人毕业生的论调呢?) @3 U% r: e, H; t
. P( y, |+ Q! S" B: w- g7 T
国人看到石油专业“好”,疯狂进入。其实,石油专业好了几年,在08-09年就不行了;看到powerengineer专业“好”,疯狂进入,其实这个专业今年在市场上已经非常饱和了。我的感觉,在华人网上国人对这些专业就业的谈论,往往之后市场2年。也就是说,国人发言往往是捕风捉影,用不熟悉的朋友的朋友的朋友的经历,就开始在网上胡言乱语的鼓动别人报考学习这专业。3 K! U9 k2 S) Q) d* [4 Z

) `5 @9 z8 t) z3 t% B! _我贴一个洋人论坛上的一个经历:
; A6 j6 I; N( k: d8 B8 j. X4 W" d& ^' C  N" r
Seriously Questioning this decision
2 P) j. x# _1 d8 Fby wowsers1 2 weeks 2 days ago | 38 comments
9 D' N  b& U, Y# t6 H$ \6 w% R8 {And looking for advice. 6 d+ N- _2 u1 g) w
Got my fourth in December of last year and have since written all four 3rd class exams. Had my resume professionally done and reviewed by an HR person who called it 'very solid.'
0 E( E" i2 W% I( e( y9 lAlso have 5 years oilfeld experience on pressure vessels. Must have sent out 100 resumes, called people, contacted people on linkedin. Had a very experienced friend personally place a resume on the desk of the hiring coordinator at a major oil company for newly commissioned SAGD plant he worked for with a nudge of the elbow to 'hire me while he could.'
$ B, l1 y: T$ y% [6 m. LLast 6 months worked for an oilfield boiler company.
( b1 X, H. _8 E) L" ]I am willing to relocate anywhere for any amount in order to upgrade my ticket and gain experience. Pulp and Paper, Heavy Industry, Oil and Gas, I don't care. I'll do it if that's what I need to do.
- P: _: G6 {8 r  I7 v3 q' [+ Y4 \To date I received a phone interview for one contract position back in December. Nothing else. Nada. Zippee.
2 G" [) _" `  h% S8 RAll this hype about these companies screaming for ticketed power engineers is precisely that. Hype. They want experienced 1st and 2nd classes. The market seems absolutely saturated to the brim with 3rds and 4ths. Hundreds of new tickets are desperately looking for work, and yet it seems everyone and their uncle, niece, sister and brother are getting into this. / h6 W7 l+ h6 M+ c
What more can I do? I've done absolutely everything I can think of. I'm seriously considering a new trade at this point before I spend the next year out of work. Would appreciate any advice any of you have.3 [9 D) I4 t* L2 M
by wowsers1 2 weeks 2 days ago
. C; X: A% X( y# s; `Also apologize for the negativity I'm usually a positive guy I'm just frustrated as hell right now.6 r6 d# T6 Z: G0 E7 V! ~# e
by xdsa 2 weeks 2 days ago 3 b' M5 ~& O% _  X2 z, ^7 E
Thank you very much for this post I am very interested to know about this as well.
( [6 N1 K4 C; e( z) i4 e. _7 kby smalltimeops 2 weeks 2 days ago
8 H0 |, w3 d' @" y8 ]% WPower engineering has become like most other professions (too many people for the jobs available). I've heard there will be a big hiring pickup in the next few years as more plants come online, but your story seems to be coming from a lot of people recently. 5 h- h$ J2 j7 Z+ {/ g9 ]
I had to work terrible jobs for almost seven years before I got a good break. Even during the hiring blitz of the years past.......I couldn't even get an interview with an oil and gas company. Zero. So there is definitely no guarantee of a big paying job without the right ticket/experience. Where does one get that experience? Well that's the problem with every career out there. No employer wants you because you don't have experience. But you can't get the experience if you aren't hired in the first place.
# S* c' t3 T- x# [1 ?3 xSeems like you are trying hard enough to get something. My advice would be to keep at it for as long as you can stomach it. Worse comes to worse you can try building operations. Some of those jobs can give you the time to get your third. Then you can start your second class papers. I've heard once some people start building ops they actually like it so much they don't bother trying to get into a plant (due to schedule, city living, etc). But let's be honest, the vast majority are getting into these days to get the big oil and gas money. Which is quickly becoming a brutally hard position to get into
+ }( R3 N5 a7 O& g) G1 j) {by JimBeam 2 weeks 2 days ago * B4 Z% p/ ~7 l* ?- f9 X$ c
Hi. Apply at Nova. Here at Joffre we expect to hire 25 plus operators in the next year or so. 3rds mostly. I believe there are openings on the web right now for operator positions.1 Q% d  N% R( b' Y6 Y9 L' w; e
by Anonymous1 2 weeks 2 days ago 9 A  _3 c5 k8 i
Bad time of year, lots of students/new grads searching. Try Agrium they always looking.
6 R! W6 B0 J$ I3 hby wowsers1 2 weeks 2 days ago ; ]0 l% x! W4 O/ \
I snap applied at Nova as soon as the job was posted. Followed up with a guy I was talking to there but no response. I don't know if I pissed him off or what cause he seems to have time to email my friend who doesn't even have his ticket, but I guess these are the thoughts you start thinking when you're desperate. Will try Agrium.8 f$ C. w0 P9 R
by urchysj 2 weeks 1 day ago   |8 i9 F7 d3 t. T& i* ]( u
You would work anywhere? My chief keeps telling me he can never find anyone....no one ever applies. Weird. ( N  t# H( q" z. [- L+ }
by urchysj 2 weeks 1 day ago 9 ~8 O& v( v; n9 G3 @
Valley Power is always short of ticketed people....most of the positions are filled (now) by people who don't have a ticket at all because there doesn't seem to be anyone out there with a 4th or a 3rd wanting to work here. IDK....I love it here so I don't know if people turn their noses up at little places like this or what.
! F0 s5 o" O* Kby ditchbanger 2 weeks 1 day ago
/ ~) t- D( M- q9 Uare you willing to move to northern ontario..?
+ U3 q' N3 Y# C# Hby jeffro 2 weeks 1 day ago
8 R; ^2 Q3 O. ?, E8 `small-town northern ontario = really cheap housing in the smaller centres, awesome if you love the outdoors, for what it's worth...
2 J1 d% V  b, Jby ditchbanger 2 weeks 1 day ago
# |4 q( N2 D- e5 ychapleau,hornpayne are cheap places to live and looking for pe's....kirklandlake is also looking for pe's...do your time and in couple yrs have your 2nds and move on to better things
  y( @6 C- R8 ?9 t! \by wowsers1 2 weeks 1 day ago
# I. z+ _) K- P@urchysj Sure is there a website or something? I couldnt find it on google.
3 i* `) ^& h. N  r8 e7 p: ?@jeffro @ditchbanger I'll move anywhere as long as I can upgrade my ticket. Any links to those jobs or to companies in those towns?" c- e& y0 I* N6 B) m
by jeffro 2 weeks 1 day ago 2 D( ~, m2 H( h/ Y% C0 h
i no longer live in nw ontario, haven't for a few years....but outside of thunder bay, the housing hasn't really gone up much...i do know that much! " f1 H5 d( _' U, G! [0 c
http://www.kirklandlakepowercorp.com/Employment-at-Kl-Power.html (i'm guessing?) : Q* _# G- F6 `( f- h0 X
http://archive.jobbank.gc.ca/det ... p;Source=JobPosting it's a posting for a 3rd, but has a contact email address you can probably make use of.
6 s: {" s! w$ n3 b) Nand not to sound like a jerk, as i'm glad to help out...but i found those 2 links pretty easily just by googling "power engineer "...the better your skills are at scouring the internet, the better your chances of finding someone in HR to talk to ;-) - i# _* |. c. O$ Y( u
good luck and keep hunting! sounds like you've got credentials worthy of a decent job for sure.4 N+ Z$ R; Z. ~9 W
by jeffro 2 weeks 1 day ago 8 Z' k$ g5 A3 u0 i2 i6 n
...the formatting on this website is weird, so it didn't post what i had intended. - B9 |3 O+ p( ^. J6 y  v
search: power engineer chapleau/kirkland lake/hornepayne/sudbury/terrace bay/etc. ' H' y5 J9 K1 R  ~6 q
(you get the idea)
2 [# X: @1 T# u0 H5 @: wby urchysj 2 weeks 1 day ago
& I7 N* l- `, K1 T; V2 h- gGuess that's the problem with little plants....too small to HAVE a local website. Valley Power Drayton Valley, 780 542 7196. We are full staffed with PEOPLE right now, but lacking people with TICKETS. I thinks we're still looking for a 2nd.
  d, Q" U; w1 [7 r6 b# I' ^by ditchbanger 2 weeks 1 day ago , |" t+ @4 R+ ^5 [
just type in chapleau cogeneration and you can find phone number..
% {) W' W9 b/ @* e) Y% hhornpayne is a new wood plant,town is super tiny...shouldnt be hard to get that number9 ]4 v  E' a# ~7 Y; b: r: w! l0 w
kirklandlake is also easy to find number...as far as i know all are looking for pe's
; B/ P# g- z" _% _* b! I; O/ Xby Sako 2 weeks 20 hours ago
( [! w$ P. I, @8 c- rMany jobs in Ontario are listed as Stationary Engineer or Operating Engineer.
% w( [) O4 w) a2 A$ }' Z3 l! sby Process Guy 1 week 6 days ago
  L0 R8 m1 q# W0 ]" [I feel your frustration. I am sure you have already applied to these ones, but the following companies are looking for operators according to their websites. Altagas, Pengrowth, Trilogy, Dow, Canfor, EnCana, Good luck and keep us updated.
' }5 T4 Y" e) p! T9 i- q2 mby Process Guy 1 week 6 days ago . {# F8 |  v9 t- f
Husky is also looking for operators. ! @/ A) c+ F, a, |7 k% W3 _
by chizy33 1 week 5 days ago
8 [" C( l4 E3 ?; \In Ontario try U.S. Steel (Nanticoke) and AV Terrace Bay. I just got hired at the former and they've been recruiting like crazy apparently., M7 l: P* ^' }: s- S
by HeavyD 1 week 4 days ago
* o* o$ ]" a6 A7 z; V1 qHi Wowsers.. Like you I have also struggled to find something and landed a spot at PA Pulp in Prince Albert SK. Since I started 3 weeks ago 6 operaters have left, mostly because the lower class guys (4th like me) are used to run front end loaders and rock trucks hauling ash. Boiler time is little to none but they give steam time (because you are feeding the boiler system with bark chips) and are running out of operator applicants. It is an option, and if you are interested my email is daltonreid111@gmail.com and I can fill you in on the details. Wish this site had a PM options!! x& A* S9 u& g) x- ^
by Bonbu 1 week 4 days ago 9 L- V* e2 ]9 y! d
That sounds good for a starting 4th class, HeavyD. Can you tell us how much they pay?
1 l9 @& X* e0 A8 Uby HeavyD 1 week 4 days ago
: N0 K2 c! I# J, X& z+ I. yAlmost 33/hr. Ad is on Indeed and the parent company is Paper Excellence. Plant is always in a state of running/going to shut the doors so keep that in mind but even if you get 6 months steam time its better than 0.
5 `5 p/ \# {- m2 n
0 {3 ]/ R( b- J. h5 b
4 z$ I2 j# H  K2 z1 C. Y
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