i have to learn driving, and then take a road test3 |6 I) X9 F6 w6 S5 L) i
I need a small car..... BEETLE is my favourite - S% E3 @) E( \6 s ' ^$ L: \. q+ ] D) Jsend me message, or write me email at ingridxie@msn.com
原帖由 ingridxie 于 2007-11-15 20:15 发表 . y1 r2 x" @3 [4 N$ V2 I
i have to learn driving, and then take a road test 6 w3 i: b Q. rI need a small car..... BEETLE is my favourite6 E# j- }6 H" P: C4 i% G
8 o9 S5 t! M! f( r: w, {
send me message, or write me email at ingridxie@msn.com