鲜花( 9)  鸡蛋( 0)

楼主 |
发表于 2007-12-15 14:34
原帖由 黑弟 于 2007-12-14 13:54 发表 2 `1 l4 r2 V3 W, V" S
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; z- }7 d) X/ f3 B( @web-passenger已经回答得差不离儿了. 我去的那家dayhome, 很多东西是阿姨头天晚上或早上人还没来齐时准备的, 吃的时候直接拿出来或者热一热就行了. 所以阿姨自己要做到organized很重要, 阿姨很辛苦这是大家都有共识的.
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再回答你关于做饭时孩子怎么办的问题, 这个根本不应该是个问题. 小孩子并不需要时时刻刻的attention, 不管多大的孩子都能够自娱自乐, 更何况几个孩子一起,而且时间也不长, 当然家里的设施需要做到周全的幼儿防护. 再说阿姨做饭时也不是不能停下, 需要她干预时, 她完全可以停下手上的活. 最后, 我们自己在家带孩子时, 也要做饭洗衣, 孩子也是自己在家里爬着跑着, 而不是时刻抱着, 哄着, 怎么到了幼儿园阿姨这儿我们就变得这么多虑和严格了呢?
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另外插句题外话, 关于对小孩attention这个问题, 最近看的一本书里面有很好的信息, 跟大家分享一下: 它说: it seems that White was abserving the problems created when the baby became the center of attention instead of an observer of and participant in family life. Ignoring your baby and letting her cry it out is not what is being asked for! Rahter, it is to realize that your baby is born into your family and needs to find his or her place there . Mothering is the delicate balance of not letting the baby become the center of the universe to the exten that you are jumping to her every whim, but not ignoring her out of some mistaken philosophy that you will spoil the child.
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2 B; x3 @' E9 B! R关于小小孩儿的, 书里也提到了一个repect的问题, 它说: there is no doubt that the infant thrives on love. countless sudies of the development of infants have shown that love and care are vital. But caring should not be mistaken for reaction and constant supervision. Show care and affection in situations when it is natural, such as eating and nursing, when it is natural to create a you and I situation. When it is natural to nurse, sing, chat, and get to know each oter. The rest of the time it is important ot leave the infant in peace and quiet to sleep or, when awake, to get to know herself without constant intervention from her surroundings. Often it is very difficult to show the infant this repect and leave her alone. constantly satisfying our own need for reassurance and your need to look at your beautiful baby will often influence the infant's ability to be content with herself. ... |