Hi, I have a question about the form schedule 3 6 m/ w5 L6 U V3 r8 P" z* x- M; {! PEconomic classes - federal skilled workers% k4 X" w5 }9 P9 S: ^+ [
5 L# y4 o. e1 y
#3 Do you have an offer of employment in Canada approved by human resources development canada?# y5 i- O+ {, {* x; z
My case is I am doing my coop in a company right now, full time. The coop experience will be 12 months and end this August. I have been working full time since last May.) i+ v" m( T* M! z4 t! W
Should I check YES and input the info of my current company? : D! L5 U) E/ v7 q3 K* qor should I check NO? & m% q+ J1 d* U M& V- ?/ O- G $ z3 l* I! \: a3 wThank you very much. Z8 `9 b" K- g% g' R
#3 Do you have an offer of employment in Canada approved by human resources development canada?----这个应该指的是LMO。/ Y R+ M' a5 i- f
~7 w) m9 a/ J
我听到过2种说法。一种是,如果你的PGWP是2年的(工签没改3年之前),而且在申请移民的时候还有1年,就可以填YES,也不用LMO才能拿到分.第二种是,律师说可以填YES, 拿到分。