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埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-6-8 21:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://www.fortmcmurraytoday.com/Local%20News/405676.html$ t3 {1 ]7 S3 ?  |$ P/ A6 Y
Officials investigate Toronto trades schools3 N6 d  B% V. l

! B+ g1 @9 C, i0 m' _
6 V5 z0 f9 ?2 f! r) aBy CAROL CHRISTIAN
6 y/ b0 n, R" p6 wToday staff: ?. \: R+ v: x8 M  U3 C
Friday June 06, 2008
; e4 X% _' ~7 N
" t) g8 U+ a* A. KQualified Chinese electricians are growing increasingly aware that supposedly qualified colleagues may not be what they claim -- that maybe they were handed their diplomas before gaining the right experience.! V# l& B1 ?) c3 S$ e6 O9 G
One was so concerned, he contacted the school his Chinese immigrant co-workers allegedly attended. Two such workers now employed at a Wood Buffalo project are photographed on the school’s website.! j' |; N2 ^) s' q; P4 g) ]4 W
The caller believes he found evidence to suggest it is not a typical school at all -- simply a facility to bypass the proper education and training facilities to get Chinese immigrant workers up to the oilsands in a few months as opposed to the four years or more it would take with proper training.- A: d6 d9 h' j" u* W" S' I
A school employee also suggested students write their own letters of reference to bypass government evaluation of their skills to prove applicants have the required five years experience. * u% u/ ^' l) x3 M! G$ \" X
Today looked into the situation after hearing repeated allegations that not all workers flocking to the oilsands have the right qualifications. A telephone conversation between the worker and a school training Chinese immigrants as electricians was recently recorded by Today. The worker is not being identified in the story to protect his job. , y) M8 C/ P/ V. w" f- Q
“A couple of Chinese people told me about this,” said the worker, explaining why he called Phd Training. Also, “They advertise ... in the Chinese newspapers.” While he called the advertised number for the Edmonton school, his call was put through to the Toronto office. “I wanted to call to see what’s going on there.”
. K# E4 |' _& Y& x- O+ fIn addition to the curiosity factor, the worker admitted he was “something like pissed off” this was going on.
- v% s( i9 s& o4 E1 rAccording to the worker, Chinese immigrants are arriving in the oilsands to work high paying jobs after writing their electricians trade ticket exams in Ontario. Once they pass, they travel to Alberta, where they trade the Ontario certificates in for the Alberta equivalent document. But the worker and a couple of other legitimate electricians charge these newly ticketed electricians are simply prepped to write the exams with no proper training or required hands-on experience before heading north to the oilsands. And it seems, by the school’s own admission, being unable to understand English is not a problem.
# q# t5 s( [3 f$ s4 v9 d“Because in this industry, it’s easier for Chinese people to get in. Secondly, you don’t need a lot of specific technical skills, like a language,” said a man who identified himself as Yuan at Phd Training. “I think the language problems aren’t an issue.” 2 \: Q' t+ `) X" R6 a# y0 Y
Meanwhile, questions from Today about the school whose name keep cropping up has launched an investigation by the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. Ministry spokesman Kevin Dove, said the ministry has no record of Phd Training or Ast College. A school spokeswoman had said Phd Training had registered under parent company, Ast College.
/ Y6 `! l, A; o- L7 ]" nAst College is not registered as a private career college (PCC) in Ontario, said Dove. There is, however, another company offering another program (not electrician) called AST Automation, Science and Technology College registered in Ontario. The school told Today it is registered as Ast College.
1 i1 B- |! [* }! d$ ^; p: x3 Y
' S- E) i9 C  wAs for Phd Training, Dove said it is also not registered as a PCC in Ontario. 4 T* U% s$ P0 V1 H. g3 m* q
All private schools in that province must register with the ministry.
$ L  b2 g) w8 V# m+ O/ X5 j  \“The ministry takes allegations like this seriously,” said Dove, referring, in part, to the lack of registration information. He recently confirmed “ministry staff are currently looking into this.”
7 n. i" Z& k3 o, KAlso on April 7, Donna Babchishin, of Alberta’s Advanced Education and Technology, confirmed the department had suspended the acceptance of all industrial electrician certificates issued from outside Alberta including Ontario. 8 W  S% W8 c4 w  U( Y8 ^1 L6 ^  G
“We’re not accepting any of the industrial electricians ... we don’t sort of specify which province, and that’s still in place.” If there was a specific issue, any kind of suspension would be part of a review and investigation.
, O! t8 H3 ~* B, }) k. f“We are investigating this issue ... at this point we’re still not processing the equivalency documents.”
# ]) a# B" s5 ?She explained “this issue” only “as the industrial electrician certificates coming into the province.”
5 \6 l4 P# J' M( qWhen asked about a special investigator from the department’s program compliance and investigation unit, being in this area looking into the validity of electricians’ trade tickets, Babchishin replied “Like I say, we’re doing ongoing investigations. He is our investigator, and this is one of the things he’s looking at.” # f3 E5 v# y3 e
She pointed out her department has different issues coming in all the time -- “some of them are quickly dispelled, and some of them take longer, but we really do our due diligence on issues that have to take us somewhere.” 4 a# y' k- X( {1 l  u
Both government agencies recently confirmed nothing had changed in the status of the investigations. ; S, A8 c7 A8 L6 H. q
But Vicky Li, a recent addition to the administration of Ast College, also owned by Feng Li Wong, the same man who owns Phd Training, rejected attacks against the school, saying the accusations that Phd Training isn’t really a legitimate school are untrue." R; `# H( z+ @2 r9 e0 Q0 u7 Z. e
“Do you think this is reasonable? I don’t think so,” said Li recently. “(It’s) not true.”
5 M8 N# I( }' p4 {8 `9 J  {) HPhd Training has offices in several major Canadian cities including Calgary and Edmonton. On its website, it says it is registered with “Education Ministry.”
* d9 Z, `/ f7 zLi told Today Phd Training is a legitimate school that “has been on the market for many years, and has established a very good reputation. It trains at least 3,000 students.” Classes are outfitted with required equipment including computers for learning. She invited Today to come visit the Toronto classes.
( H0 r4 O1 }1 oLi said students can do both e-learning and then travel to the school for hands-on classes. Also, students must have four years related experience before attending the school. She added the school “definitely” teaches the students. ! }* x: O3 K( H' F& Y% u: R8 P+ [) u! O
A claim on the Phd Training website in Chinese that the instructor has all the answers to the master electrician exam is a literal translation, said Li.! Y4 N/ F6 Q  J6 f9 o
Li said it meant the instructor is able to answer all the questions because of his lengthy experience.) v, [8 k8 a/ i1 a; b9 p* ?  G- I
Calling the school a bridge program to adapt past experience to the Canadian system, Li said she was at a loss to explain why people were making accusations against the school.
0 r5 `. A# i& O4 D“We never did anything like it, fake advertising,” said Li. She added she found it interesting people would make up stories about the school, maybe because they expect too much from the school.
鲜花(49) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-6-8 23:05 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-6-9 17:30 | 显示全部楼层
( e7 W! w9 }. ]- ]; N对某些人是坏消息
( ^( e5 M0 S6 i9 r) r' E* A% h" x对某些人没影响
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-6-9 18:21 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-6-9 18:40 | 显示全部楼层
马照跑,舞照跳。3 C6 R" R( n0 x3 Y0 k6 P0 q" L/ V
* x: |% n/ y) Y! ^% U就工会在闹,不行到非工会或者石油公司了。
$ D- W9 u2 m) e% @+ C没活了大家一起走人就是了。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-6-9 19:06 | 显示全部楼层
8 f% k0 D6 R; Y3 W: Y, `还把这篇文章复印给我看( G" K- m# ?7 F+ I4 E4 p3 @6 n
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-6-9 19:36 | 显示全部楼层
敌人虽然下手了,但我们还有机会。先清除汉奸,听说汉奸是去年在Flour工地"Ge"姓卡尔加里的家伙,好像现在在Laird-Long Lake 工地,在那的同胞们要团结对付这家伙。大家一起支持啊!!!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-6-14 13:23 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.edmontonsun.com/News/ ... 14/5876511-sun.html; V& G* {& ?) ~" Q: y+ F
' `4 [" T: u1 z
. d0 {) ]" v  n5 b( J& H( t
FORT MCMURRAY -- With increasing mistrust of government regulation of electricians' trade qualifications, some in the oilsands are taking matters into their own hands.
% T  U* @' l* x# p
) l7 ^( h  B1 M$ W% B/ {The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers has a team of Asian workers that now checks the references and the work histories of Chinese immigrants seeking membership before working in the oilsands.
" L4 G! ?& E/ h& M! W4 ]  a3 L+ _$ L9 \* R
It's being done as part of an effort to weed out some Chinese immigrants who are unqualified, even though they hold Ontario industrial electrician trade tickets or the Alberta equivalent.4 c8 Y3 n4 L5 S7 P  s8 s; |+ U7 k

9 O2 E2 x0 l; c* ^5 b3 gThe number of people flocking to Fort McMurray after getting industrial electrician tickets in Ontario has steadily increased over the past few months, said IBEW business manager Tim Brower.* B# a: `3 b8 X- j- b: O/ p- F$ O# J. w

7 ]; g, p  v& a; c9 z"If the government says you're qualified, it's (always been) good enough for us," he said.7 V+ u$ a: R. h$ ^1 i( Y) b

( y* x% q+ D7 }  v6 B, y
% e% W5 |" f( W: N* N"Now we've found that there's a huge percentage of these people that, when they actually get ... on the job, that they're not qualified construction electricians."
) l4 V% H4 ~+ ]1 X
/ Q# c: ]$ W% C& v3 IGreg Flood of the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities said an investigation is continuing into two schools in Toronto.
* z1 P3 Y* A; h3 M) D8 @) \: J8 ?* _
Donna Babchishin of Alberta Advanced Education and Technology said Alberta officials are co-operating in the investigation.% k$ _! x9 M- Q7 [" D% S5 F, r% x

# ^3 T) e# o* T; J" q% d- S! i6 Y3 b"We found there was a company from Ontario that was actually advertising (in the Chinese media) they would train people to pass their journeyman exam," said Brower.7 J( Q! Z% E& C6 u7 L- G, s

: m1 v% s  }" a+ }9 D7 T, [The union soon noticed it was the same school some applicants were putting down as their work experience.* T; ]: F8 M& F, {
5 `$ E4 f% O0 _8 ]
"We connected the dots," he added.* U) a7 @2 ]2 S6 p/ h( p

4 D" U) a2 Q: C% c3 }: u' cWhile the province sent notices to electrical contractors warning them some employees may not be qualified, "it's not going to fix the problem that there (are) already hundreds and hundreds of unqualified people working in the province," said Brower.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-6-14 21:27 | 显示全部楼层
) S) [. J* X, L  Q; |. v具体工会和政府采取什么措施,谁能给翻译一下吗?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-6-28 23:18 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-6-29 08:45 | 显示全部楼层


原帖由 钻石小猫 于 2008-6-29 00:18 发表 7 n4 m2 P8 W- {4 k$ G+ G6 z9 Y
7 Z" X" }& K4 G1 A0 g9 b
呵呵,不能说的太绝对 ----全中国电工吗? 我认为至少那电工证,可不是假的啊!通过政府考试,是政府部门发的,应该是真的啊.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-6-29 11:45 | 显示全部楼层
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