我今天去跑西摩的zellers想扛个JM们描述的里面带水比较重的呼拉圈回去,结果逛来逛去逛来逛去只找到中空里面有沙的呼拉圈……问店员说就在toy那边,还说没听说过呼拉圈里有水的说法。我跑去toy又逛了几圈,还是只找到那种比较轻的呼拉圈,拿去check了一下价钱,原价3刀多,说现在sale就2刀多,不是JM们说的6刀多的那种呀 % s: e. a# Q/ J! P" R
Try to put both light and heavy Hola Hoops together. This is more difficult, but more effective. It is very easy for my 5-year daughter, but I can't do both together.
原帖由 snake 于 2008-7-5 12:02 发表 , x, Z. P- J3 UTry to put both light and heavy Hola Hoops together. This is more difficult, but more effective. It is very easy for my 5-year daughter, but I can't do both together.
# c: K& V( v+ O" a w4 Y' F
) C# D8 Z5 W. Y
这个的难度的确非常高哇,还没试过呢~ 现在关键是要找得到重的呼拉圈