(记者禾枫云温哥华十五日电)加拿大持续多年的房市荣景终于出现明确衰退迹象,不只今年上半年挂牌求售的房屋数量创新高,今年六月份的全国平均房价也较去年同期下跌,也是加国房价自一九九九年元月以来首见下滑。3 @1 Q! B* e9 _8 l# O' c
5 w/ C7 L3 S- }
根据加拿大房地产协会(CREA)今天公布的数据,今年前六个月内,透过全国房地产业联卖信息网挂牌求售的住宅数量达三十三万二千九百五十八户,较去年同期高出百分之八点一。! X8 @8 f M+ V$ x& i, e
50-60K just right now, but not alway.; q4 R* T) S+ E7 k7 p2 G
anyone knows layoff rate a few years ago.) Z8 k' u3 E: Y
If always, I am sure price higher Van's
Just too much worry to buy house this is why still have some to hesitate to buy houses and miss next grpwth. If you just buy it to live in for yourself Why you have to worry its ups and downs.