埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(647) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2008-9-11 05:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
According to Ric Edelman, author of Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth, the purpose of a résumé is not to get a job, it's to get an interview—you will get the job. A résumé should not list all your skills, but rather tease the employer with your achievements. These are ways to make your résumé stand out. 《平凡人,非凡财富》一书的作者Ric Edelman认为简历的目的不是获得工作而是获得面试的机会;然后你才能获得工作。简历不该列举所有技能,而是要用成绩来“引诱”面试官。 下面的方法可以让你的简历脱颖而出。* i6 z6 E- |% f* W4 ]: i  k2 w

- P- q) u+ w5 Z9 y; M! i1. Broaden your work experience. 将工作经验适用范围拓宽4 F4 j) |3 W$ I( p( Z" }
; v6 g) J: h! Z  M
* Describe your job skills in ways that are transferable to other industries. 描述工作技能时,要让这些技能看上去可以应用到其它行业。* n' h  j. y' }' b! O2 S' v. ]

3 k( n4 Y9 K$ O9 Z* Don't limit yourself to a specific type of job by simply listing the daily tasks you performed at your job. Expand on how your job impacted the business industry or company. 不要只列出过去具体的工作,这会给自己设定局限。而是描述你的工作怎样影响到整个行业或公司。9 D) F+ F; I+ P2 o9 L* O2 H- h

/ T# `* J: L: o2. Use strong verbs. 用词要有力
" o( }1 |# C, L) h7 `0 V* x+ ]
; C8 t: `" F9 P( a" S. a2 v* Don't talk about your capabilities. Talk about your accomplishments. 不要谈论你的能力,而要谈论成绩。; X5 r0 T1 v1 `* w! K8 {: v# ]
$ I6 M- c5 g2 t, u( q3 h' B
* Use active tenses rather than passive voice. 用主动语态。
" o" h( _$ q9 P+ a$ K3 J. Z) Y; F3 m7 f
* Good words to use are managed, created, led, accomplished and organized. 一些适合的词汇有:管理了、创建了、领导了、取得了、组织了。
: |2 x: ~. a# Y* Z+ ]5 D2 I* V# n, Q% p% }6 ?1 ], g4 D
3. Target a specific person. 目标读者要明确
) X+ L1 l, A4 \- P
* l3 H0 ~$ k# \" P$ w1 c" M* U$ bAddress your cover letter and envelope to a specific person. Usually a simple phone call to the company is all you need. 在你的求职新和信封上写上明确的收件人。通常打个电话就可以了解需要的一切。, V7 j+ A" K1 L

# `6 _6 q$ m3 g# N; [4. Target a specific position. 职位要明确7 s4 J* ~# C: V- l

' D/ e$ A: c4 i0 tIdentify the position you are interested in and tweak your résumé to match the industry. 注明你感兴趣的职位,将简历稍稍改善以和职位匹配。3 z7 z2 a/ y7 T: N

& z0 _0 q6 [" z4 O( ?/ F' O5. Make it easy to read. 易于阅读0 Z. T9 S$ b1 P( a3 n" G1 ]
+ {; @# D% J/ y% J& C
* When writing your résumé think, "Less is more." Many people make the mistake of putting too much information on their résumés. 写简历时应该“少胜于多”。许多人会犯把太多信息放入简历的错误。
/ C3 O# o& W2 y+ s% V6 \' b8 O/ W$ U- F! W
* Don't write to the edges of the paper. Leave white space in the margins and in between jobs. 不要在纸边上写。要留出适当的页边距,所列的工作之间也该留出适当的行距。
2 A; H! M4 E& u9 A: N$ F& _" I) `/ f$ j+ v* M3 j3 n) ]
* Use a readable font at a reasonable size. 采用大小合理方便阅读的字体。
; ?9 B3 A" H) @- D; n
  f! r! F/ a4 d* One page only. 只写一页纸。, M4 [. Z. y9 w+ c
0 H! \$ W7 G; o7 m
And finally… Take your new résumé everywhere you go. It is your new calling card! 最后……要随身携带你的简历。它就是你的新“名片”!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-11 06:57 | 显示全部楼层


好,谢谢你,大家都需要的好帖2 u; R+ e$ x. H" ^

! e8 Y9 F+ t% V信徒:“万能的上帝啊,一万年对您来说是多长呢?”  
2 S6 D3 @, b( p( f& t上帝:“我眨一下眼的功夫。”  4 o& t! H8 Y: Y
- Q+ A! n) Z# |3 ]( a& ?- r; z9 S上帝:“不过是我的一根头发而已。”  . ~0 O( G8 h+ ?0 B  M
/ |  a- g' _/ o$ p3 f" Z" q) n上帝:“没问题,等我眨一下眼之后给你。”  
! \3 P2 u; c) e( J* t6 J-------------------------9 t0 ?& O0 c3 i/ Z$ ^: I9 ?8 E
boys clothing,girls clothing,girls clothes,baby boy clothes,baby boy clothing,
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-11 07:25 | 显示全部楼层
Both are great posters.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-11 20:31 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(78) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-11 21:54 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(11) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-12 00:40 | 显示全部楼层
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