鲜花( 310)  鸡蛋( 0)
原帖由 夏恋 于 2008-11-16 18:45 发表 ) K) \" H" k) w. q) o. |- z3 W' {
" ?& o/ T1 @5 M, h用写字版画的啊。。。
2 M K" R5 F* {3 e' S3 O( I4 m: Q不知道是男的还是女的。。。想画男的来得不过。。。& B4 R! E# r m6 |+ X1 u# A
& s* {3 G5 L* w# r9 A# N! ~! v8 khttp://i138.photobucket.com/albu ... 996522/Untitled-2-1 ... 7 N, D- E- _1 ]' Z
+ y, Y2 [' E) K. y0 L. w
.........it's you!!!!!!!! omg!!!!!!!! dude, how come i didn't see this in your drawings??? wait... u said it was done on the computer right? so that explains it...
& ]% l5 f" m- ? u2 l7 V! W
- }5 N' U, l& l) zi was gonna ask, before i saw your signature who the dude in your dp was... cuz he looked awfully familiar... but i bet it's one of ur idol guys =_=|| pfffft |