收养16 years old boy,just 失去亲父, how to申请?收养16 years old boy,just 失去亲父, how to申请到加拿大? 母亲失去监护权,以后不可能申请到加拿大探亲的机会。 7 `9 Z* f4 W. a3 Y; Y / [; ?, W1 u6 v" QI have one girl and one boy myself. \" _! d7 c! q+ q( O; B$ E
! y/ e' k+ v0 S5 i+ z! i& a7 a
Any one might know how to do this or help? How to do the paper work in China? 4 }. O7 \7 k# a' s0 n+ ^6 [1 W ' F# W# z, I; `8 ?0 iThanks first.
Thank you so much, suvescape. As his uncle, not sure if it's possible to adopt -heard there is some relative adoption policy. Anyway I will try to check more before doing that. % L: g. @( A7 S. H, W) n5 {+ v7 f9 k
best regards