鲜花( 9)  鸡蛋( 0)
我以前在这边上了2年学 但是没毕业 ··然后转的工作签 我申请经验移民会不会简单一点呢 英文要求应该不是太高吧 ·
D: C. i: b9 m-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 F. {* w2 ]: E1 ]7 V" `* {) tone thing for sure: if you didn't graduate from a canadian college then you cannot apply 经验移民 (cec)
* b0 O" m, J# ]3 K4 \you can wait 6 more months after you been promoted to manager then apply PNP or a year later for FSW. however, i suggest you talk to a lawyer. we are canadiates just like you..
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For PNP and FSW, your work expenrience is counted as the time you have manager title, in other work, before you become a manager you have no work experience. so you may talk to your Boss see what he can do on the contract.
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- z* Y- W$ r+ S6 a[ 本帖最后由 阿水 于 2009-2-10 15:56 编辑 ] |