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发表于 2009-3-28 20:18
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普通的B超只能查出25% 的心脏问题. 我说的机器叫FETAL ECHO. 希望下面可以解释你的疑问. ROYAL ALEX 有一台, 我二月在PRENATAL CLINIC 的时候, 还没有正式投入使用. ! ?* R2 |2 r5 v2 Y
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Fetal echo is short for fetal echocardiography. This is a detailed scan of your baby’s heart and all its connecting blood vessels and valves, to look for congenital heart defects. ; g* S. S* |9 K0 h' }2 T3 E0 q* X+ Z
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About one in a hundred babies have a heart defect. They are the most common of all congenital abnormalities. However, routine scans of the four chambers of the heart at 20 weeks only pick up about 25 per cent of these defects. Many units are now introducing a more detailed examination of the heart which includes looking at the outflow tracts - the major blood vessels carrying blood away from the heart. This doubles the number of problems the scan can pick up, but a specialist fetal echo can detect almost all heart defects.
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The best time for a fetal echo is between 18 and 22 weeks. Some major problems can be seen earlier than this using vaginal scans. A fetal echo is usually done by a doctor who is a fetal medicine specialist, or a heart specialist called a cardiologist.
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Only women considered to be at higher risk than average of having a baby with a heart defect will be referred for the scan. You may be referred if:
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• you were born with a heart defect, or have previously had a baby with a heart defect, as there is an increased risk in subsequent pregnancies
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) B% G0 E! a l# k* [8 f, w2 S• you are diabetic, as you are slightly more likely to have a baby with a heart defect
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) A x; m# A" q; e& P1 C+ |2 |• you take certain drugs that can increase the risk of heart problems, such as some medications for epilepsy
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0 q0 w* }. R6 g- w( _6 }• your baby had an increased nuchal translucency at 11-14 weeks, and your CVS or amniocentesis showed normal chromosomes. A heart defect is a possible cause of the increased NT - Z3 G. Y" r' D$ Z4 R+ g! r
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• the sonographer suspects a problem during your routine 20 week scan " Q( t d, m3 o# q9 V; y. }/ d) p
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The fetal echo is carried out using sophisticated Doppler and colour scanning machines, allowing the specialist to follow the direction of blood flow through your baby's arteries and veins. They will be able to see holes in the heart, narrowing of arteries, and valves that don’t open and close properly. There are no known risks to the baby from this scan. Read more about scans and safety.
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Most echoes show the baby’s heart is normal, while some show a minor defect which may get better on its own. Small holes tend to close over on their own and don’t need any treatment. If a more serious problem is found, it’s a huge advantage to know about it before birth, because most defects can be successfully repaired. ( g: _' a. o- B& p% [5 l0 w
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The baby will be delivered in a specialist unit so surgery can be carried out straight after the birth if necessary.
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Although most problems will be seen during the scan, some heart abnormalities can't be detected even with a detailed expert examination. These tend to be minor defects, such as small holes in the heart, or mild valve abnormalities. Some cardiac defects don't become evident until after birth. |