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Some scams to watch out for

鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-2 06:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Here are some of the more recent scams experts are keeping an eye on (and so should you).
* j3 I6 r+ i7 P- n0 E6 B4 L
$ r9 p# a9 z3 GRevenue Canada phishing scheme! m6 F0 [: A0 C- n* n- ]; k: G

/ g6 F! g( J; O4 p' Z' A( k0 O9 DThe scam: An email suggests that recipients are entitled to a tax refund from the Canada Revenue Agency, but in order to receive the refund users must click on an embedded link that directs them to a website posing as the Canada Revenue Agency. Visitors are then asked to fill out an online form that requests tax-related information, including Social Insurance Number, date of birth, full name and the tax amount of their returns.5 R; o$ r  N+ o; l+ ]2 P
6 C$ _' v$ z/ n: r% ~/ j: ]& R
With this information attackers can steal the victim's tax refund and then sell all their personal information.
: h( I  s5 X' c0 m% q# G0 \9 y. _; |7 J5 m6 a* A: c; n( M
How to protect yourself: First of all, understand that any request for personal information is the first sign of fraudulence. Like banks, the taxman does not request personal information by email. And while there are certain indications that a website may be fraudulent (such as missing characters or the absence of a lock symbol), phishing websites are becoming increasingly sophisticated. (According to Phonebusters, scam artists can now purchase ready-made phishing kits online that include everything needed to launch a phishing attack.) If you have a question about whether an email request for information is legitimate, contact the organization directly and not through the link provided within the email.
2 H+ _% _* X4 i: n. C0 U  A3 x7 k* Z, c1 v
Telemarketing fraud
6 s( o# d5 b# ?, P2 r( C8 L& Y5 N0 Y; I: Y( D6 Q6 n/ q+ D- ~! R
Whether it is phone number spoofing (your call display indicates a different number than the originators) or dead air calls (no one is there when you answer the call, but a telemarketer records the information to find out when you'll be at your number to answer the phone), unscrupulous organizations are becoming even more inventive.( x7 y: Z* x9 ~& C- |& C/ I

" L2 E; V6 r! ~" J7 ?6 bHere are just a fewrecent schemes:
( Z. F! k9 Z  m" O/ \) o1 v$ j3 _( U8 v. O9 C( b7 g
- The Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) reports that fraudulent telephone calls are being made to policyholders. The callers claim to be from the policyholder's insurance company and demand the immediate payment of the full term premium or an outstanding amount on the client's policy, via credit card. The caller threatens to cancel the customer's policy if payment is not received. (Read more.)
* k3 j7 n; ~* F
2 u4 M$ T2 N9 ?* e- Telephone sales scams are promoting so-called extended car warranties, often by calling cell phones or numbers that are on do-not-call lists. In most cases the sales agent will tell you that your vehicle's warranty has expired or is about to expire and that he or she can sell you an extended warranty. The agent will then ask you to give them information about yourself or your car, or they will ask you to send money.
: {# a/ M' n" B; G: @
/ [" C3 a$ @9 {' JHow to protect yourself: Do not give credit card or any other personal information over the phone. If in doubt about the legitimacy of the caller or organization, hang up and contact the organization directly.
6 D8 |* W) v) b; H6 [; k$ M
. s+ {5 g! B# O: b2 gDeceptive prizes3 L  ~6 b$ P+ e5 ?+ R: F( j% J3 b5 S4 Q
4 S, M6 W- m; M/ Y  ?# y$ B3 O
The scam: You're asked to send money up front to collect or take delivery of a prize.
' D4 P7 o* A7 _) ]1 p* w' @! O+ D
How to protect yourself: Never send money up front to collect a prize. Legitimate lottery and sweepstakes administrators never charge fees to deliver a prize. And remember: to win, you have to play! If you've been contacted about a prize for a contest you didn't enter, it's probably too good to be true.
0 t1 J: C% d' W" o$ o, f$ ^# \1 n( p% ?5 p* e, i& m4 @
Work-at-home scams
' R, `9 t) `6 a1 H4 A% r7 ^
7 S1 n4 U2 I8 D( J3 P0 qThe scam: In return for an opportunity to make money working from home, payment is required up front for materials, instructions, training or equipment.( p- M- b  J* W2 ~: L
$ {" R8 A9 f$ d4 j" ?/ s/ |
How to protect yourself: Do your research about any business opportunity. Be cautious of job ads that claim "no experience necessary" or include exaggerated claims about the amount of money to be earned. (Read more onhow to spot work-at-home scams.)
6 f2 Y6 X9 g$ O" X# M# m6 f7 F6 ^" Y  F3 S3 I# V9 u
Social networking worms/ v! M; n( T2 F" K
) N+ b5 ?/ m" o$ C) g. b
The scam: Users of Facebook, MySpace and other social networking sites receive an invitation from a friend or contact, inviting them to click on a link and view a video at a fake YouTube site and install an Adobe flash plug-in. Instead, the "koobeface" worm installs a trojan horse program, giving hackers control of the infected user's computer.4 J- L0 }3 n' g+ d2 z1 @/ t. x
) i4 E. u* h! G+ x
How to protect yourself: Always use caution when clicking on links in unsolicited messages, even if they appear to come from someone you know. Also, don't install applications or programs you aren't looking for and research any program before installing it.
8 n+ k# P& v4 t7 O8 F8 p1 X, i' {8 e1 r# n0 d
Bomb threat emails
' Q! A. e" \3 b$ @6 L9 m- ^7 p1 ^4 q6 D. [
The scam: You receive an email sent out by a supposed assassin that has planted a bomb. The sender demands a large sum of money in return for not carrying out the mission.
/ w( R  @( ]' y1 B) z
! W  T& d# p! u0 F4 r/ LHow to protect yourself: If you receive such a solicitation, do not respond to it and delete it.
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