埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-14 18:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
MY NEXT LIFE1 c8 U/ r* }4 J. u  q- F, u1 `

* V" N) y" O0 ]4 }I want to live my3 h: Y) Z9 a  f7 M7 L6 X7 z
next life backwards!: @' }" X3 v0 V  H: o# }5 p* o

6 `, s- x0 Y. Y9 fYou start out dead and get that out of the4 `, q4 X; I' |9 ]+ S" r
way right off the bat.
  u1 M9 W# f$ [' \0 \- w6 b
# M" W: X. z6 l) y: E4 j% eThen, you wake up in a nursing home
+ X6 Z2 U* Z% t  ?8 ]$ p) K" Ffeeling better every day.; U. O0 E  o6 R" e7 _2 B, H

, ]9 X" T5 r! m, i0 wWhen you are kicked out of the home  U9 x& R/ e; V, \
for being too healthy, you spend
3 ^: c' m; }: b6 b+ {several years enjoying your
2 s' a5 S3 M/ }* @, _5 v' Qretirement and collecting benefit checks.
2 }6 u- A) s, j' Z9 o. |9 t% t( T3 ]% B+ T5 u/ `
When you start work,
$ P, @2 C3 I. t; _you get a gold watch on your first day.; V4 o3 c7 O' O3 B2 ^, x) I- p% S/ l

) x3 I& c  y' p0 S+ b5 O7 L+ _You work 40 years or
. C- F) N9 r1 T9 Nso, getting younger every day until pretty soon
% i; I" B& i+ r" N9 E! x9 {you're too young to  `, L5 h) F$ Y2 |
work.  B" Z  K9 ]" q& E) p

: T1 P8 Z. O/ a: \) qSo then, you go to high school: play sports, date, drink,
% p6 Y3 t0 c. Y$ Q) ]' pand party.
& ]9 S- G4 g7 e, [+ L* m
) y* K8 J. |3 `: VAs you get even younger, you become a kid
( w6 i$ `$ l' b* ?7 _+ E$ Y+ f. Nagain.
' V" I& ?# j/ w- n- I
' Z5 T- Z3 i- {) l7 A+ i$ EYou go to elementary school, play, and have no
! k5 C7 c+ i6 i) R5 W8 ?responsibilities.
" Q& ~2 n6 D9 l3 K) `9 t, x+ `6 k: Z
In a few years, you become a baby and
7 @" u% M7 ^2 \1 ~1 o) K( H& |everyone runs themselves ragged- ]# d/ `2 [$ H6 Z: ~+ R7 T, R% s' o- X
keeping you happy.
) s' @- S" C1 }% f* {
# {9 `! o" B8 a6 s. p# R) O2 H" k+ `You spend6 c- ~8 d$ }5 F# }9 {7 P
your last 9 months floating peacefully in luxury,# K; a' N, `6 l4 n4 O
4 s0 T% a$ n2 C$ Gcon ditions: central heating, room service on
+ Z4 T: y. k, ctap.
8 E9 ~9 k6 t( k, G  t4 q5 a" I; u8 V- m8 j9 t( Y3 A8 L! j
Until finally...You finish off as an orgasm.# H+ j- s/ ]( ?9 h! i. y: r

% l5 E1 {  Z0 p( I$ XI rest
0 N% ]5 C) o# i; F2 G) ^0 Rmy case.
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-5-14 21:09 | 显示全部楼层
so interesting, to live younger is so attractive, until back to a womb.
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-5-14 21:10 | 显示全部楼层
There are many things that we often dream about. To live younger and live a eternal life is one of them.
情非得已 该用户已被删除
发表于 2009-5-15 11:40 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
if that is true, the cosmetics company will go bankrupcy!
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