鲜花( 32)  鸡蛋( 0)
Upon arrival in Canada you should:8 h$ b% b5 d, h; @' D" A' @
+ P$ D3 i* H- ?, V1 }# B$ U$ {; b
* Contact immigrant-serving organizations in your community. They can help you find the information and services you need to start your new life, including language training and help finding work.& U5 K! U1 M1 ^
* Apply for Canadian identification, such as a driver’s licence and a health insurance card, which you should carry with you at all times.6 B4 d4 O, h6 V
* Open a bank account and begin to establish your credit.' E2 T* l- Y2 `# }, j1 q) z
* Apply for private health insurance if you are not eligible for immediate public health insurance coverage in your province or territory.
; u* ?+ _* S8 c * Apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN) and a health insurance card.
@% n3 K& ~$ X5 H2 C( H: @ * Look for a job. |