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埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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舍利子展覽 -- 2009年九月四至六日

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发表于 2009-9-4 14:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 purifiedmind 于 2009-9-4 14:27 编辑 1 ~% E) x, N  w2 B8 Z7 G
" \- l6 s( [! d' W  C& i
http://www.edmontonchina.cn/redi ... 183&ptid=211181% A8 H* V; _6 I. i) s1 i
2 v. ]( E# I: x) z- S/ @% s
【轉載】Relic Tour Calendar 2009 (舍利子展覽2009 )% U2 u( d7 I" @& v
# L  C( P% l; }2 G
: v8 W1 M2 F5 N3 A$ p8 p( s1 _2 b6 @) c8 X) O
There is free entrance to all Maitreya Project Heart Shrine Relic Tour events.6 d% t% O$ A& q- d6 t& A

9 L$ M, V# k" f" xThe Relic Tour Calendar is updated regularly. New events are added to the Calendar as soon as they are confirmed. Please check back to find the latest information or contact us.
* Q5 I7 w  e" o% c7 i
- B. `+ |/ x0 X. gWe are receiving so many invitations to display the holy relics from communities all over the world, that during 2009 there will be more than one Relic Tour running at the same time in different parts of the world.
0 V( S. H) J) M& D' c# _9 v1 q' U# G+ B1 Y. K. I( N( H4 @0 z
地      點. V7 f7 `6 S0 p& y3 B
Calgary Marlborough Community Centre
, A" S. `0 U: K636 Marlborough Way N.E.
" |# H9 t  k" pCalgary" N* V/ R. N' j7 n6 S
5 J" C0 E+ n! _Canada
6 u+ A. K8 [* A- g" L. D: H2 T6 }+ C$ p
日      期
+ n: h! r% Z5 T! b. u: iSeptember 4, 5 & 6, 2009$ |( y) W% e& J! ~5 d
* e) _4 p' e. u# u7 L' X5 s9 C0 @
時      間! b0 J, M; E, I8 y- }$ [
星期五 Friday      : 7pm Opening Ceremony 開幕禮晚上七時( {) C* U. X- o' m. E; ~8 v, j
星期六 Saturday  : 10am to 7pm 早上十時至晚上七時
6 g, q/ _$ k+ f' k/ w4 C星期日 Sunday    : 1pm to 7pm     早上十時至晚上七時3 v6 V$ ~! B" x2 @1 Y

4 |0 G( B2 g" c% ]7 N& j聯      絡
1 r1 D% R5 e; ?. j# |9 L9 iContact: Thaiboa Tran+ s, P# i$ e& ^  [+ W& W$ K. ~, R
Email: vstudio@shaw.ca! _+ J# e4 @9 z, P5 U/ G
Telephone: +1 403 607 2232
* B* ]! d* d, N1 R' [Telephone: +1 403 273 3508
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