let me try.9 ?4 H. m: I7 J" g( A5 Y* {/ a# x
1.查一下你的IMM 5612是不是更新的IMM 5612(03-2009)E.第6项是关于你的护照问题的,不是交费问题。/ n& D; h' N# {+ y& g2 ]
2.要求的缴费方式是: certified check, bank draft or international money order. % L- K6 K+ S' }6 t# H- d3.IMM 5612(03-2009)E should be included in your package when you are ready to submit your application.3 R% w# X( J. Y/ t- T, w' ~0 y: G
4. No12? ) O, N! R4 d- `: Q% E9 }& d. J @) qThis is for Permenant Residence -Federal Skilled Worker Class. See if we are talking the same thing.