Budget算少了. - v/ f Q& t O安装屋顶Drywall需要租支架:至少一天35元。Drywall钉:约15元。墙木寻找器:约30元。电线及相关连接头:60元。再加一个帮手的饮料,饭钱。: a5 M0 t6 N6 G; o3 b
总的来说,再加200元。' b8 M# D$ V2 \" u _; s& Y, W$ O
两天到三天的活。过后可能需要一周的修养和几锅鸡汤。/ r0 F) Z9 D; n I4 s I6 V
6 I, [8 r# l0 }3 ~
Yeah, it's hard to install fiberglass on ceiling. Much easier if he just installed ceiling drywall first and then blew popcorn into the attic.