It will look different after your furniture are in. Also the trim, cabinet and even the picture frame color will play a part. You can even focus on your draperies to get a good match. A bit darker shade won't make the world fell apart. Enjoy your new house.
It will look different after your furniture are in. Also the trim, cabinet and even the picture frame color will play a part. You can even focus on your draperies to get a good match. A bit darker sha ... 4 |: ]& A$ T8 j: M X& ~( b* V. `ceramistpalace 发表于 2009-12-10 23:45
7 f8 b- L. |: A) f" jIt is hard to picture how much darker the shade of color you have now, if it is just a little bit, you should be fine especially you have chosen fairly dark cabinets. Don't have to worry about it too much unless the color you chose and the color you have now are at both ends of the spectrum.
It is hard to picture how much darker the shade of color you have now, if it is just a little bit, you should be fine especially you have chosen fairly dark cabinets. Don't have to worry about it to ...6 U7 ^6 j" |$ @! ^8 ?5 ]
ceramistpalace 发表于 2009-12-11 18:07