埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(163) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-12-30 08:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
但还有些地方看不太懂。请大家指点。; l7 R* k# x+ c# E# r

' y9 @$ P9 r( O) l/ g原文在 http://www.edmontonsun.com/life/ ... 1/11223666-sun.html7 Q( v2 I4 O( C
& ~, M+ k& E3 V' h9 P" D
+ z. F, f4 u( {) g+ u
: ]! G$ Z$ ?6 W7 w4 d1        Call of the cougar; k$ o5 D, x' [/ o
2        " j- h3 b- Y4 @9 l3 ^
3        Made-in-Canada website pairs mature women with a zest for life with younger men
0 z8 y2 N/ f5 r8 Q$ o  E, r4 m, P4        + Z4 ]" _8 J  y) e; O- S
5        By TANYA ENBERG8 g3 y6 Z, w0 Y- A! U
8 @+ ~1 z2 |; D7 }7        Last Updated: 1st October 2009, 3:30am
: l- q9 G& ?2 G( A8        : t! |7 a1 m4 D0 p
9        Confidently making her way through the room, the woman in the short, curve-hugging fire-engine red dress stopped every couple of feet to mingle with the crowd.; B. o4 F& L+ n  }. Y) c
8 ?  k9 _1 D7 w  r11        She was tall and lean, had a brightly painted pucker like Marilyn Monroe at her most glamorous, a beguiling smile and a dazzling head of wavy red hair.$ p; @  M, B7 r1 G* c2 ?  m
12        ! j0 u1 [% |+ [
13        The woman certainly had the grace of a classic 1940s film siren, but there was something else about her that stood out.% }  w, `& |. j; O
14        5 `3 S) b  _9 l+ C7 e
15        She was in her 70s, and beside her stood a dashing man of about 30.
/ [# R2 V3 y% ~6 `3 |# m% {' g16        2 G0 \: z; B  r1 \) u
17        Hmm, a grandson, perhaps?3 z# u4 ~. l, Y1 i6 p0 ]' L$ c) J
18        $ j% }3 a) J  q, O+ S7 U$ m
19        Nope, not even close.3 H2 p7 b& E5 }5 \& g
20        8 G6 \! }3 i- h* Q
21        I later learned that the man accompanying her was, in fact, her boyfriend.0 Y$ ~& ^4 V! L: R: F( A
; G6 D1 O+ @% e, E* N4 s( p23        Yes, for the first time ever, I'd just spotted a cougar up close. And she was a fascinating creature indeed.- z% N- c& ^; }# C7 v+ ~
+ R7 }9 o% m/ Z& a7 |9 W! r25        Admittedly, I was impressed by her joi de vivre, youthfulness and, presumably, her healthy sexual appetite.; {$ w9 j! }" e* ]- @
, x3 a, V& j; m5 D6 d1 ]1 X$ _27        This was a number of years ago, when the term "cougar" was still largely taboo.' V- i7 |4 @* \
' h/ R/ B9 U$ V% d/ [29        Back then, it implied that a woman of a certain age might suddenly turn into a fearless predator, hit the town decked out in her finest leopard-print attire and pounce on the first unsuspecting young thing who happened to cross her path.
% Q/ _$ E! y2 R4 a! e  h7 \30       
. q+ H/ ~& V/ c, q  @0 s31        My, how things change.* z+ d! v5 L5 K) ]$ D
32        , u/ a5 R! [2 \) n1 K
33        With stars such as Demi Moore and Halle Berry proudly snapping up younger guys, claiming cougar status has become hotter than faux lesbianism (think Madonna and Britney) or Sex and the City character Smith Jared without his shirt on.! }) `. j+ V3 h5 P- I7 x3 s3 m
34        1 G- n, S( p- V& j
35        Certainly cougars have long existed, at least in the fictional sense anyway.( b* T  F- i# l# O/ ?. E
9 s. U2 d6 L  C9 l8 M3 h37        The queen of all cougars is perhaps the one who started it all -- the mysterious Mrs. Robinson.7 ]& b/ r) }' X0 p+ d, U
7 [6 K+ J' L. \9 X1 h5 q39        With her thigh-high stockings and leopard-print attire, Mrs. Robinson became the poster gal for cougars when she seduced a nervous college grad in the famous 1967 flick, The Graduate./ |7 F2 }# g* X4 V2 C7 X
2 L# G; z/ K3 J* D$ @+ j- I  G3 ]41        But, even with the '60s free-love mantra in full force, the world wasn't yet ready for a real-life Mrs. Robinson.
. _( o' ~0 B) z& V: ~1 B42       
& Y# j4 M" H! x, Q; Z: b43        Nowadays, one needn't look far to see that cougars are roaming free., o1 W, m+ E$ `1 d& P
44        7 N! R+ {, B0 s
45        In fact, just last week the ABC series Cougar Town debuted, starring former Friends star Courteney Cox.
# h# l% D/ u6 r* _/ p46       
# Y  L5 ~- C. e+ Q/ [  O% a) f47        Cox plays Jules Cobb, a newly divorced mother with a non-existent sex life. That is, until she becomes a novice cougar. Comically awkward, Cox manages to bring a softer purr to the sharp-clawed, wildcat stereotype.
( c; O, b8 ?. d8 S3 [) Y48       
9 @  A. u- [7 i; g$ G49        For self-proclaimed cougar Claudia Opdenkelder, the growing desire for older women means big business.0 m/ K' `& K  e7 K) r% H
5 G3 K1 v) l0 Q/ r% r51        Last Valentine's Day, the Canadian launched the international dating website, CougarLife.com, which already boasts 80,000 members.
- U  ~9 r: m: B* n; ?: I52        % K0 ~# b# s# a( T
53        Opdenkelder, who turns 39 in November, admits she's always been attracted to younger men. Recently she and her 25-year-old boyfriend, Paul Ste Marie, celebrated their one-year anniversary.# f/ ?: ~% Z$ ~, N3 I
: ^. e; ^; w- v" R3 T55        I pretty much live the lifestyle, Opdenkelder says.
; q5 g1 f9 Y- H; ~* _5 C9 j56        + F8 `' L3 d" @" x
57        I got comfortable with what a cougar actually is -- a strong, independent, successful woman who doesn't need someone to take care of her and who has an insatiable desire for fun. (With younger guys) there's no drama, there are no games, there's no ego that gets in the way.
2 j* `/ }4 g/ u$ s( k58        / E4 b8 q0 n5 u, y! ^% q3 F3 S5 T7 |7 Q
59        Sound refreshing?) N) q  f* a( ]  Q9 e7 ]% G$ o' l! b
60        $ @' ?# ^: F2 u8 q" @, v
61        Opdenkelder thinks so.
" A2 R+ J- F" h62        : v, W8 E% T0 D
63        Women are looking for someone with a zest for life, who's energetic and who can keep up with them, she says.
) `' r% ^! ]% }" r- K& a64       
( |# k- ~) k9 m; o5 J# T0 @5 v4 z65        (For men) I think it's knowledge and experience, the lack of game playing ... and not having to deal with all the dumb things young women do.
鲜花(163) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-30 08:54 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雲吞 于 2009-12-30 08:55 编辑
& ~0 D9 N" A" S) H: b" M' T; z
( I9 \' B9 r9 S: C1 ^) G3 g标题是什么意思?什么叫 Call of ?) x4 N( B: Z& T) D' P" W
. F4 V' w( ]' W$ u
! }  A1 V% \0 m. S% X# I
$ Q( b2 F+ D: m#11 里pucker是指她脸上的皱纹还是衣服上的皱褶?5 Q; y$ L& G9 R9 B: `4 j  w5 W

9 t" i+ f' H( [. E1 j#29 看不太懂。
鲜花(2253) 鸡蛋(32)
发表于 2009-12-30 09:15 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 如花 于 2009-12-30 09:19 编辑 - i0 O2 U% U* o/ t
$ H0 N4 h. ?; s" ?1 s! ~* u" ^
call 召唤,整句译:“熟女的召唤”
鲜花(2253) 鸡蛋(32)
发表于 2009-12-30 09:17 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
第7行,        Last Updated: 1st October 2009, 3:30am/ I$ X  d: m" [7 b9 Y" A: |9 ~+ y7 I
鲜花(163) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-30 09:39 | 显示全部楼层
call 召唤,整句译:“熟女的召唤”
/ @+ O# U, {$ f* e" e6 t如花 发表于 2009-12-30 09:15

, B' w- J1 h! t9 {
6 D) O) a0 R7 ?) b$ i! e& N7 U太专业了!
鲜花(54) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-12-30 09:56 | 显示全部楼层
加拿大 颠覆的世界
鲜花(2253) 鸡蛋(32)
发表于 2009-12-30 10:02 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 如花 于 2009-12-30 10:04 编辑
# H  w9 a& w, V, R4 c
# N' T2 E& g: s8 k$ O) F11, painted pucker, 化了妆的皱纹
1 U! @$ @# g8 s$ F8 A
- ~' {; `' m+ A; |1 i* P' t6 T8 \3 k% s29,到了虎狼年纪的女人就如一豹纹打扮的猎人,一看到无防备的青春期猎物出现就会猛扑过去。
鲜花(163) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-30 10:17 | 显示全部楼层
#57, there's no ego that gets in the way 在文中是什么意思?
鲜花(2253) 鸡蛋(32)
发表于 2009-12-30 10:38 | 显示全部楼层
Opdenkelder 说:和幼男一起,无欺诈,自负,爽!
鲜花(634) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2009-12-30 13:42 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 三思 于 2009-12-30 13:47 编辑
& P, N# Y- i2 P! O! R& r1 J
#57, there's no ego that gets in the way 在文中是什么意思?
& h! |& J9 q3 Q) S1 p/ ~! _雲吞 发表于 2009-12-30 10:17

1 a8 G6 D7 g' s4 k/ W& Uego的专业翻译应该是本我,是弗洛伊德的基本理论,id, ego, superego, 你可以深入学习一下,我就不详述了。7 V4 i4 ^& N, F2 H- I

8 I9 ]; a5 z  N* ~$ y+ W0 Q0 b; N( d在日常生活里,通常指自我意识,比如有些人非常自以为是,旁人就可以讽刺他:what an ego!
/ n( u, Z! ]5 }2 z- m  K# n3 g. f" l2 V
鲜花(634) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2009-12-30 13:45 | 显示全部楼层
标题是什么意思?什么叫 Call of ?" z& R* S5 @4 ^) S5 a. J9 L  I. A

  L7 s# H- G% z, u. a/ }& o9 ^另外cougar在这里指老大岁数的女人跟年轻男子那个。我查了很多词典,上边都没有这个意思。& e0 V! `! x3 ~+ ^* Z( i+ [$ j- ?
3 T" R1 i2 u6 V. V; Q# x! f3 W- \1 `1 |
#11 里pucker是指她脸上的皱纹还是衣服上的皱褶?9 i8 E. c5 v2 G7 R* K

- H. s! ?9 H% k9 T' u8 P#29 看不太懂。
$ d6 I1 s2 A5 p2 o# H% G9 e雲吞 发表于 2009-12-30 08:54
% _( R" j9 K  e3 d! b
cougar是通俗特指,正经字典可能没有,urban dictironary肯定有。0 H& O2 |2 |: `, t: l$ l2 j7 N$ E
鲜花(163) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-31 10:06 | 显示全部楼层
cougar是通俗特指,正经字典可能没有,urban dictironary肯定有。
* K' u0 n5 T8 D9 T' C因为她们大多是中老年有钱女人,所以常常穿豹皮大衣什么的,把年轻男人当作猎物,故得此名。
+ b, M( l5 {, ]7 O  @0 ]% d: r三思 发表于 2009-12-30 13:45
4 C+ `& U  `) u0 K. l6 H

6 l2 ?1 g' n5 p8 r1 U
7 M# `- y3 c# N( @3 |0 ?8 G+ I2 _3 |2 @7 ~
- ^4 Z! m; k4 ^
. c  F0 k: V5 `$ J- D5 o4 o: Ehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age ... onships#Slang_terms
鲜花(163) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-31 10:07 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
Opdenkelder 说:和幼男一起,无欺诈,自负,爽!
" N" o+ c3 `: {' g0 z' V7 O5 Y4 b如花 发表于 2009-12-30 10:38

& v! O7 F5 b  y) ^' J% b* x* n* u3 Z" r; b; ]3 x7 k8 V
鲜花(2253) 鸡蛋(32)
发表于 2009-12-31 10:48 | 显示全部楼层
够直白的6 O( ?$ \7 F. v( \" w+ M2 |/ [* W
雲吞 发表于 2009-12-31 10:07
% a2 G; a6 P6 a) H
0 T5 V, c6 q2 z. Q" i
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