I have spare 3 boxes of Enfamil A+, whoever needs it, please feel free to take it! 9 n3 L) k1 O5 p P0 N. h2 M6 b6 H- ]7 @
My daughter can't drink them due to her own health reasons. But the formula is good for sure!* E i3 B( z# J3 C3 n
8 U3 u" E# g) P+ `8 RThanks again for all the friends who helped & are still helping my family!
Enfamil A+ Infant Formula Concentrate Liquid 12X385ml - Z/ f9 y" E+ q1 Q3 |0 f4 f3 A" M! F: J
Enfamil A+ contains DHA and ARA (sources of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats), nutrients naturally found in breast milk. ; k; _7 D$ V" s2 n" r. ?4 u# t1 `6 a5 C1 I
My contact: 780-860-2286