埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(77) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-6 17:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
CTV 1/1/2010. z+ ?& m' G: u& T6 @% B
CALGARY -- The manager of an upscale Calgary restaurant is furious, claiming that Edmonton Oilers players refused to cover the full cost of a nearly $17,000 tab during a New Year's Eve night out for team members.' Z3 h( v* T" S* A

& P1 \" `. C2 vMaurizio Terrigno of Osteria de Medici, the restaurant where former U.S. president George W. Bush dined when he was in Calgary last year, said the team and staff owed $16,796.39 but wanted a break on the bill and paid $12,381.45.
$ T2 P/ s5 g. w% j0 t$ n! m# f0 B+ v( P
Terrigno said about half of the bill was for alcohol totalling $8,248, including dozens of shots of tequila and bottles of expensive wine and $1,000 champagne.
5 K9 }4 u+ |0 `% O2 r' T% x( S9 Z% w3 ^9 e, y; K0 g" r' r3 g( @# k
"These guys came in, they enjoyed our hospitality and when the bill came ... they went ballistic to the point where they started threatening, denigrating my staff, saying, `We're the Edmonton Oilers, we expect a 50 per cent discount,' " said Terrigno.$ w  L0 N5 X! f7 N, f6 K

$ h" F3 s  @/ u* P2 y  QTerrigno said 45 people ordered off the menu and their total bill came to $14,234.23, including $677.98 for GST. The restaurant usually adds an automatic 18 per cent gratuity for a large group, which would bring the total to $16,796.39.7 V# t& w& @+ l) @* K
: L4 z! r$ f& C' I5 I' d" @7 l
The Oilers had lost by a score of 2-1 earlier in the night against the Calgary Flames.
/ M% k$ R' I. S$ J* r* M! t
9 \' {+ V& V: D' E" n1 i+ n* G7 x! UOilers spokesman Allan Watt said the restaurant was recommended by some Calgary friends of the players and they had a prearranged meal and menu." p- A" {- n! U1 b' u
: \/ c/ U$ ?8 T4 q6 |4 d! R1 u5 k
"They received the bill which they felt was outrageous," said Watt.6 _0 c- ?3 m7 N9 c* d# w
, b" u# @9 z9 K
"They inquired about it and they were unhappy about it and were unhappy with some of the charges. The restaurant adjusted it by $7,000."
% ~5 f; A7 A# \) n$ t: |1 ^' F/ z5 a% ]2 g* }) O
Watt said the players paid the adjusted bill and added a $1,900 tip and left the restaurant.
8 ?+ R, G$ a8 p% j$ S* {/ Z! Z/ w
, d  S) V$ J2 j0 Y9 M7 p: z) l9 ]Terrigno said the group, which included team captain Ethan Moreau, attempted to negotiate a discount on the bill.  c  q3 V! g, `: N6 M" `! E
) p! s( A! ]+ [% C* V$ ]/ q/ {
He said the players argued they should pay by the bottle for dozens of shooters purchased during the bash, but the restaurant charged them for each one individually.
# {3 u  S8 {/ V/ o
4 I. Z* X6 S; v7 F* a4 G2 u( VThe restaurant tried to charge for a bottle of an imported expensive brandy after one of the players took a swig straight from it.9 T2 q% ?. a, ~) c1 |) f

$ _( A. a, H  v1 a6 s* ~# c/ L0 u"They refused to pay for the whole bottle because they didn't consume the whole bottle," said Terrigno.
, H8 f9 ]& n2 ]( U# Z! D  g, Z! m; U
He said there's no way the restaurant will serve other clients from the same bottle.
1 f1 [, j3 k5 X0 U: |4 r  L" X
) Y& f) q# v' ^+ H  KTerrigno said at one point he threatened to phone police." S/ i: v( M" _% ^% v7 H$ `" O
. t1 Q$ N, S8 V8 P9 f, X' E3 u8 l
"It's the first time during the 37 years of business have I ever experienced something like this," he said. "What's more upsetting is we know who they are."
# q. S0 \7 N7 X. b* s- a  Z- o. h
Terrigno said because he was infuriated by what happened he plans on donating the money the players paid the restaurant to charity.
鲜花(44) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-6 23:30 | 显示全部楼层
The Edmonton Oilers players were ripped off.
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