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在加拿大找工作 (ZT)

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-7-14 09:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在加拿大找工作 (ZT)
9 \; p8 e" a: @. C# U+ m( P/ ~- R) W7 Z) ?/ F# R  n" d
& D/ j# O" Y  M) x* i
/ V$ G6 x+ c7 C% P8 X9 N5 O6 W8 r. @

1 Z) x5 t1 ~' w" f3 }& r很多媒体说:“加拿大是最适合于人类生活的地方”,大量同胞蜂拥至此,主要也都* R9 U, v( k2 B+ N
4 b6 H- U, v, d! C) Z$ q- Y$ i/ q, L( [最少两个条件来支持才行:& b/ ]& ^7 D) E% ?3 n  Y6 {3 e; k

5 X' G% B% _6 f1.是良好的心态(包括心理文化,心理素质等…) : Y. {& V4 A3 b# n  D9 ]

/ q' E3 O1 [. W- C0 a2.是有一份稳定的工作 (老人家常常说:花死钱不如花生钱。这就是为什么要工
/ H, Q* f( O2 d% J- Z3 M; F$ r" _作!)
; e2 R  p' {8 n0 @* F( \7 G: x7 F) R8 K/ I3 V6 |
4 M3 P' o$ ?# j. ~由于第二是眼前要生存的事情,在此第一条就先不谈了…* H* B5 }9 l% R, G5 [2 q1 n

5 T: U$ q- j/ L/ Y+ T这几天又发现板子里不少的朋友为了工作而烦恼。老农民还是跟以前些日子一样,+ J- R, h1 {3 `- l/ v/ b: p- J
& e, z1 y* _% D' F% ~9 t些经历。希望能给新老移民一些帮助!
$ i8 H( C+ I7 U, H  Z9 e7 s) G# O  F# g& e. T) \0 k4 _
一. 工作的信息如何找3 c" O7 Y: X) `/ K' t

1 u  D7 y$ Q7 E: v# x, e1 W8 |% r, C: C人人都有自己找工作的经验,并且每个移民找工作的经历都可以写一本书,但我
/ F" a0 S( w4 `: X. _们知道的并不多。很多人认为找工作的渠道就这几样东西:7 C5 M' T) B+ J6 e
' S4 N0 h- K& H: _& f. G
1.亲戚朋友的介绍,1 t0 }( U9 c; O! m1 I( A4 A

. A; Y  O, S9 @$ d0 a2.网上或报纸上的招聘,
# V# W# a) ]4 Q. Q- u+ t4 {! `$ G% K! p% _" W( O2 `% `
& d8 @0 I1 r$ {# t$ f6 ?4 y) Z" W, E
! T/ ?9 T" O) O8 m+ f, h! Y/ ?其实,找工的方式有很多种,它们的有效率用百分比来表示:7 R# }' ]$ @3 H; [9 x" G' T, I) S" V& F! I
% i0 g3 Y  W0 m6 o
  V- n9 I) ]  j! [3 d(1%)   W- B, O. i! Q: l# q0 t

3 H- q' O" z! E2.随意地挑选报纸,电话簿上的公司,寄出自己的简历。(7%) # ?* x& Y# Z! Z$ z- e

; }2 y2 w# S+ s3.应聘自己行内发行的专业杂志,新闻简报上的招聘广告。(7%) ( n8 H( C2 C5 _
& L2 x; c8 h$ v0 R+ L; z
4.应聘登载在本地报纸上的招工广告。 (5-24%,取决于工资要求) - s% t$ f! c2 a* Z+ M$ X
; L& U- x4 m$ l( V) Y0 @- x, q
5.通过私人的就业中介。 (5-24%,取决于工资要求) + f) U# A$ g5 X1 S& P6 c5 H+ Y

8 n6 h. e% [' x7 X* _& q6.参加招聘会,和雇主直接见面,当面由雇主挑选。(8%) ) I- u" s* v% A
; }0 C# v# e7 q6 V, u6 N
7.和以前的老师,教授联系,看有没有门路。(12%) 2 e' c) w0 \' e

# f$ f8 U9 F( S7 _, x" d* F+ T4 z: C8.通过当地政府人力资源部就业辅助中心寻求机会。(14%)
4 d/ H3 f; n' Y) x! T0 t( B7 i
$ Y  K% Y5 `1 |6 @8 A9.向朋友,旧同事,老乡,亲戚打听,看他们有没有好介绍。(33%) ! ]' |! [( p( ?3 k! Y4 s
4 e& F% o7 E/ ?3 i# N
; D( B' L2 F4 E# n& B* r! r, d: N看有没有机会。(47%) 2 `9 N0 s' Y. c2 J
6 J  p4 Q  o) {# K1 ]
11.翻开电话簿,找到那些你认为可以的企业,打电话去看他们是否在招你这样的- t6 f+ j* b( D& V" h
人。 (69%) # k. j1 G1 j6 G" i

6 ^# }7 x+ M3 U! [12.和一群找工的人,大家一起看电话簿打电话给潜在雇主。(84%) ' H4 D7 j& P! W, e5 ?+ h
8 P5 M# _  S/ R6 a* N7 \0 Y+ U2 Q
看完以上部分,你可能发现一些有趣的事实:找工花功夫越多、越难堪、看起来" @/ S" t+ w) h% H
越不可能的方式,成功率越大。更重要的是,不要只限于一种方式,同时用几种,' o- p4 O* h0 \
机会就大多了。所以,如果你有上述哪些还没有用到的不妨试试,可能会有意想6 X: c6 b: B. I3 {) K
1 f# i) K/ O% u6 s- W# G  c, [) D. v) r' g  L: K  o$ F% ~
8 R" D+ @5 Q5 s: y3 N8 A
' @/ {8 v! r9 x如何捕获招工信息? 嗯!上面说了所以这里就不再重复了!从捕获方式上来讲,
' ]4 W) Q' w# C2 ]+ X2 d/ }+ P有主动与被动之分。被动方式主要是设法获取雇主公开发布出来的招工信息,这, q- `0 I: b) j+ _5 R
种方式工作机会少,竞争者多,成功几率低。( L# Z0 b4 j. r! h( s
7 P5 w. B/ ]/ q* y& z1 v& F) @
, W3 m# S1 ~6 n) X2 R得隐藏的招工信息,这种方式工作机会多,竞争者少,成功几率高。捕获招工信6 ]% X( C: ^' T5 G0 P% I9 |
息要发挥想象,从某个信息中挖掘出潜藏的招工信息。比如:某个朋友熟人要跳/ c4 x, o' Y+ @9 D" K) p
槽,那么他原来的职位也许需要填充,这就可能隐藏着一个招工信息!在媒体上3 D7 K$ @2 s2 g" z6 s
得知某个大公司获得了一个大订单,那么这个大公司也许要扩从人手,这就可能; {2 _, k" S1 v- l/ F
4 C1 X# n  C' i' N# l7 @8 U
9 ?( m* S8 }# p0 G除了上述的主动方式之外,还可以直接翻开黄页,找到与自己工作相关的公司。
2 ~! c- Q$ _/ \9 l3 e3 k0 s: ]直接打个电话问他们的经理是否要招聘,是否愿意接受并保存你发给他们的简历。
- n7 ^! `/ T8 F1 o1 I6 R这种电话找工作的好处可大了!( `- \2 P. D+ b7 H; W4 _4 z

& ?. r9 f( K4 r3 y; p1.可以训练英语口语。如果发现是在听不懂或者没法沟通的话,就说句SORRY后把
# a/ C6 ^" ?  q电话给挂了。反正他们不知道你是谁…呵呵!7 O; d5 V, a  b; ~! g

. R0 D7 I  B" i- o1 w" X: k2.能直接捕获招工信息。如果他们正好需要人的话。你不就碰上狗屎运了吗!?
0 o& P9 m3 m, I1 E4 Z
+ [; e# \% J0 z3.训练自己的胆量。一般的新移民都不太敢直接和老外沟通,怕自己的英语烂,人
2 T' u: W! M, Y, r* p, R4 T7 B5 E家听不懂。这些都是人之常情,俺的情况不比你们好!记得刚来的时候人家老外跟1 X" i% a' }$ r8 f1 M- `2 e4 I) T
俺打招呼“HEY HOW ARE YOU ?”俺听到后扭头就走!让那个老外还觉得俺挺不礼
9 Z! J- p1 v: U貌的!其实,俺当时就不知道指随便回一句“HOW ARE YOU”就行了…想想当时也够
0 l# _9 w& I5 k1 ?笨的…呵呵!. i% G* d) r# p, x6 S5 r  _( D1 F

6 R2 G- _4 `4 d4.训练自己的厚脸皮。相信能以技术移民来到这的朋友大部分都是比较内向的吧!?+ q5 Y7 O8 S7 z1 H/ B
6 i; `9 i- e9 q0 d4 E8 F1 r存才是最重要。有很多人是因为放不下自己的以往的尊严,总拿自己在国内的优越
. Z( O0 S; S2 H- l) e) n8 h感来和其它人比。结果下场就像俺当初一样…两年找不到工作。+ J+ `( w- N) g5 _6 S. e
" s3 C4 H% d. `1 y: Z- H% }
" k; j; D( |, ^3 L2 U1 \% A1 Q你的谈话技巧,应该有所增长了。所以,大可以在你的简历上添加一笔Telemarketing
7 C  @: G* v0 C& ~- x$ D/ R& _9 j的北美工作经验喽!呵呵!尤其在Interview的时候,当经理问起来的时候也不会哑口
9 u" G- z7 H6 R4 l6 P1 t8 z无言了。# [3 k. ?" l" R& T

% U3 n7 o; n% e3 K3 f' K6.训练你对西方人的沟通。西方人的口语,俗语等都能在电话中找到。免费学英文哦!: ~" b5 H; ^" u( u: u
- [/ y4 }6 \2 `+ h: ~4 b

5 G3 u( o2 c& z0 ]& i! L只要你能安安心心的坐在家里一个星期,像正式工作似的去找工作。让俺帮你算算…
2 v6 ?) @1 t) w+ ?一个电话5分钟…每天8个小时的工作…共96个电话。一个星期五天共450个电话,再
! o: e/ e$ R3 ?: q3 s给你打个八折…就这样360个电话。以俺的市场经验来说你应该能得到最少7.2个工作
2 [% Z" z( H2 H- q# ^; C& S/ t8 ?信息。若你连续这么做一个星期都没有一丁点信息的话,告诉俺。待俺帮你找出原因!% Y( s9 r3 w) B; o; |* Y) z

& |' V4 }1 B5 m4 R% U二. 简历
5 X; ~' U5 p1 Q7 ^/ u- s; D; W/ X1 ^
6 q4 G6 I, @( b; ?" N7 N! n9 u  M简历作为找工作的第一块敲门砖,一定要精雕细刻。从字体,格式到内容,都必须要
, R  R4 T. J6 x精心安排。内容方面一定要具体充实并让人觉得真实。千篇一律的简历是没有效果的。
- t6 B6 \3 R1 P9 E6 |简历一定要击中招聘广告中的关键词。
! P6 I) w- P: u/ C# e1 u  k0 F; {) a+ s: q9 L
各位在国内可能干过很多不同的工作,也许在很多方面都有成就,但是要敢于舍弃。+ ]! l/ K  R% L0 I
即使成就巨大,如果与招聘职位没有关系,那这个经历就不要写。试想想:经理们每. \9 Z1 s% E+ r$ p4 n+ J+ [
6 D5 V- T% v- ]2 L2 @8 j; Q把它扔到垃圾桶…那么你发简历的工作也就白费了。
) G$ h% T% H3 S2 Z$ F+ C7 P, i. x9 F, T+ y4 Q
2 t! n/ s9 J0 L, j& j3 l时候忽视了写Cover Letter。 Cover Letter是放在简历前面的说明发送简历目的的说! L) U6 B" G# f! A& e1 r+ I
明信。是北美求职最主要的手段之一,是绝对不可缺少的首要求职文件,是简历天然+ y: B2 N7 u& V$ z5 ~
/ u0 S; d/ h/ \. _# h! T公司裁剪的时候,Cover Letter 可以起很大的作用。如果你给一个公司发送求职简历- r5 o5 T9 p+ ?8 }
而不写Cover Letter, 在某种程度上相当于在求职面试时不穿西服而穿一个老头衫。2 y. g0 r# t7 R: ]. ~, t/ b) N5 k7 _
  S3 M9 ?9 ?) Y$ d
8 s, j( I( N6 K6 y- C' s% L
0 r* R1 c# C4 z  TCover Letter 主要覆盖以下几个问题: 5 \+ U% U) y  u# {
- `4 r9 d# i' y/ y
( B1 D( s3 \0 {1 R* L( e8 p2 |- Z5 ?) r7 J8 |% m2 D+ L
! |6 M& r8 m& E3 L& f% d! S$ o3 l$ x+ ^+ |% K5 F* V7 k
/ o$ U  G% U; T8 J6 I' X0 p
) S$ y9 \& N% d1 n上面已经说过:千篇一律的简历是没有效果的简。但许多时候人们不愿意花更多的( ^/ D1 ~) J3 o  E# e
' d: q2 u# _" u  j+ I2 ~; R0 a3 X3 H律的简历来应付众多公司的话,无论如何,Cover letter是不应该写成通用的,一
! H7 y" L4 f6 X' \定要瞄准申请的公司来写。
' q3 b5 i0 D  p$ \) Z. `8 o6 \3 W9 n6 K4 o8 k, U1 n! h( j5 M
信上或者简历上要写上你最方便的电话号码和拨打时间。一定要再三检查雇主的姓/ J7 `0 j; ~! P7 b
名和地址。Cover letter中不能有任何拼写错误和语法错误。
$ B- s& K% e1 v2 F: e  P6 }
# E) d' }# a: R; g' M& ?三.满怀兴奋和自信的心情去应聘
9 r6 z5 V; O& ]. K* d2 R/ M; Y
. M6 N9 }  v" j& ~. j4 V俺曾经应聘过六个职位,成功四个,失败两个。从接获应聘通知到应聘结束我一般
9 @$ l6 v  T/ }2 B6 k要经过四个过程:材料准备,形象仪表提升,应聘模拟。应聘,一般发很多简历才9 Y- a- L) [% _$ V/ g/ G' L) M
能得到一个面试机会,我也不可能把发过简历的每个雇主了解得一清二楚,所以接' p% h' C/ @6 ^$ S0 v2 Z
获应聘通知后马上进行雇主背景调查,了解雇主的详细资料:如公司经营产品,公- h: a5 G+ f/ w& R1 G
( n3 Y; o0 b- D6 V. q其他还包括打印雇主详细地图,计划前去方式及路线,准备应带去的著作,论文,+ C, q, T/ w# Z% P
证书,相关实物(如自编软体光盘)等。俺第一次接获应聘通知时头发很长,好几个. J4 ~$ A, a4 _+ C5 |
月没理,估计就是失败的原因。所以,第二次,不能再省钱了,赶紧去理,并提前: {4 \2 n  |. S- ^: O; n% w  F& q( ?2 N
7 y# F0 l; {# G. I) Y为止。注意一定要穿上应聘时的行头(包括皮鞋)模拟应聘找感觉。如果雇主地址较
/ @5 @& I& u! |/ x" I& t偏,可以提前一天先去视察,弄清哪一个大门进。要去面试了,带上口香糖,小镜$ [; u8 p  [& @" |+ n
子,梳子,材料妥善放置的专用Interview包,没有好的包,找朋友借好了。# o% v: W, i4 f

% ^: u; ^. _+ m: S8 m+ p哇!准备这么充分,没信心才怪呢!到雇主公司了,接待员会叫你填一个访客表格, 0 o/ L+ [8 M" U1 E, k0 ~1 z
( \  I- w) \; ~& n; J他们会拿出一个定制好的表格依次问你问题,他们会看着你的简历来问你相关问题,' l- @$ p# |: E  _8 ?, I* K/ k
当然你会很熟悉哟。然后他们会问你与应聘职位相关的问题,如果你准备得充分就不4 n+ T9 ^* r! M: |7 e$ ?( d
: @! e: G5 l1 H" Y4 Y你会怎么处理?除此之外,还有类似以下的问题:
: J4 ]: w. S! ~' R& o- y7 s7 }! j0 c2 j) e) W( |$ Y
Why do you want to work here?
$ z1 [2 u" e) E) d0 `Why did you leave your last job?$ M3 s! z# L# p
What kin of salary do you need?/ Y' n  d' v2 e% S$ [7 \
How much were you absent from work in your last job?
4 B# y  h4 K. v# K0 eHow is your health?8 N* s$ h0 F. t4 p7 L% W4 `( E
When are you available for work?
6 |0 q+ P/ [6 ^8 ?! aWhat are your greatest strengths?0 I! Y" h# s, s$ e: T
What are your weaknesses?
# Y. ~$ r6 w" ^! X! f* x, iWhat is your last employer’s Opinion of you?4 t$ X- Y8 Y9 e4 G( L; d' Q1 U( Q
What are your long-range goals?! ]) G) w( g* O+ C* R5 b+ K$ E; L
What kind of Machines or Equipment have you worked with?# }, Y5 }/ W& a' E( @
Can you work under pressure or tight deadlines?
  P' L+ }$ J0 F& i" IAre you thinking of going back to school/college/home town?* a2 B; M* d5 Z
What is your greatest achievement?' x. \  B5 N* o0 Q5 o2 f; a
How long have you been out of work? How often have you changed jobs?
9 i  y% y0 c* @: M* e3 e: S& |" m4 }# n# \9 t2 N/ D; Z* X* r3 W
+ b) @: `! K9 S好回答的时候不要使用一两句简单的回复,尽量多说一些例子或者原因来支持你; `$ C5 I: Q3 s6 c1 X) U
/ z8 l$ l0 \& g" F' p' M% j& V
; O- g8 @- {/ OInterview完了,喔…还没有。他们还会问你. Q) B9 v, f/ E* G& V
" s( c: m3 i& J- M0 G; M9 o
还有什么要说,你可以拿出你的文章,证书什么的展示一下。本人英语较差,实& r; g1 k1 J  M3 k; v; `
际Interview时采取了一些技巧:' L6 }# ^0 r+ P# x; v3 s1 O4 W

5 s- Q' {$ q' c5 Y0 z2 p6 @/ |1.多说。因为说得再差他们也能听懂,反过来,如果让他们多说,听不懂提问,答
' l$ Z! R8 [  z7 U8 O的牛 头不对马嘴那就麻烦了。当然说的还要尽量围绕应聘职位,同时察言观色,
0 J& Z- \. M! s$ H/ ?" b6 G如果他们对你说的感兴趣就尽管发挥,如果他们不耐烦了,就赶紧刹车。 ! F' E& l8 ~7 L; z3 x
( n$ z$ o- r6 x3 [
3 F% }: l- H' z# W5 U文并茂的文字材料来答复他们,此时不用多说,一切尽在不言中,效果也很好。每3 U) X6 W+ Y3 i3 d* p: J
$ F" ^( _4 r. f9 B) {1 H2 g早日找到一份满意的工作。
& w7 i8 n4 y$ `! q2 F# J3 P  v' g+ s
四. 应聘后的跟进* b: t+ Z2 k- a( Z, [% O, l/ ]
$ R+ R& g6 i1 K' I
; w! u9 }% Y- C7 U% @2 ?写一封跟进信(Follow-up Letter)。俺的感觉是不要发E-MAIL来Follow Up, E-MAIL
( q( w+ |8 F' m! T& a" {: ?太多太烂不值钱了,还是实实在在的信真实珍贵。如果你的英文草体很棒,不防用手
6 o1 L, C6 Y: N/ i% G  ~7 U% [8 ?写,否则还是用计算机来处理,信封也可以用打印机来打印。切记别忘了签名一定要
% o! o, h% u$ ~, `5 I$ z用手写。至于内容,一是感谢。二是增添一点素材。三是表示强烈的渴望之情。四是
' y1 Y% l9 P1 R; T表示希望尽快得到回音。如果最终雇主拒绝了,还要写一封Follow Up信,一是表示感
9 y) `, W" {' y& w3 o谢,二是表示希望今后有合适的职位请给予考虑,总之虎头虎尾去跟进就对了。
6 U2 F3 f, j6 q3 b7 X% A
: Y) ]5 r& J) m; b, C. V; f# @# R五.持之以恒终有成
& a3 n" P7 j+ g3 B8 X# f3 E- Y# V5 U2 l/ A+ C+ y
找工作本身就是一个工作,每一次Interview都是向成功迈出的一步。只要不虚度光阴9 \. C1 j5 ?5 S7 C7 I5 r% x! K
4 M8 k, U0 r) Y& V2 \: {/ |精打采,头发早白,真急人啊!这个样子雇主怎么能接受呢?俺想说,俺们来加拿大
/ G7 _: v! A3 g, O2 g, @4 v$ d/ J不是来受罪的,也不是来这里自己给自己加压力的,抬起头,挺起胸,去迎接每一天,
7 V- f4 m; n. g持之以恒总会找到一份合适的工作。
0 [  t0 [0 |0 @2 a1 M5 h, ^; }! m( p6 c% A9 l! u3 a8 O8 e
8 L4 }) ]: V4 D" H( r5 }5 G最最重要的技巧。即使你现在已经知道Cover letter的重要性和写作技巧,但如果只% Y& c8 D: b' v" O# }  F
能用 美丽的中文,而不能用简洁的英文表达出来,你在加拿大找到工作的机会,还是) h! w1 H1 K* V' D
0 F# z% a( ?& M3 Y( y' G# \- ~9 H. E- y, x7 I0 L
" H6 o% M+ B2 y- X. m5 a4 D的职业技能。在中国求职时,你不需要考虑太多语言和技巧问题。但在加拿大,不管/ @; ^5 _0 B" r" L$ P9 k
2 D5 E& |9 g' K0 `9 y里,求职技巧和语言能力,是保证外来者落地成功的最重要的两个能力。
2 N, V6 m% ~" ~8 Q: R: \7 E4 j' _% ^. u5 I/ s, |$ j% R' C
% m) J0 X( F1 N! w的书信样本。等大家找到好工作了!记着请俺吃一顿就好了!呵呵!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-7-14 20:18 | 显示全部楼层
seems reasonable. :cool:0 d- E5 L: ~; ~
4 ]/ S" Z1 ^& e. T5 X6 e$ L+ u
I am looking forward to read your cover letter and ......:o  :o  :P
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-15 07:25 | 显示全部楼层

How to write a Resume

* h$ P, l" ?3 p) |- W$ gDeveloping a Resumé is the first step in any successful job search. The average Resumé is written out of necessity: Everyone knows you have to have one to get a job.
1 H* Z6 n3 k) Q& e% C# {. RIn fact, most employers require a Resumé before accepting any application, regardless of the position or its pay. You need a Resumé, and you need it now. Time is of the essence in today's job market.
8 c9 F: }  k  XWhile hundreds of jobs come open every day, their average life span-and your window of opportunity-has now become a matter of weeks. Employers can't afford losses in productivity, so they need to fill open positions as quickly as possible.
* ~4 t. `7 h! k' I# Z# l( w" GThat means opportunities can (and most certainly will) arise unexpectedly. You must be prepared for anything at any time. Having a Resumé handy from the outset of a job search enables you to take advantage of what may come along the way.& p3 s! W8 a3 P
When you're hunting for a job, the Resumé is your introduction. An effective Resumé gets employers interested in making person-to-person contact with you.
- s3 {0 x/ R  ]9 Y9 k- nResearch suggests that most Resumés are scanned very quickly - for less than a minute. Thus, the decision to interview a candidate is usually based on an overall first impression of him or her.% G1 o, n9 F. Q
The Resumé must clearly, concisely and strategically present your qualifications, and show how you can help employers solve the problems they currently face in their business. In short, you must prove your worth as a potential employee in order to progress to the interview stage of the job search.% P: Y1 `6 x6 c( i0 N  Q6 E7 }
Your Resumé is one way of communicating the value you offer a perspective employer and of differentiating yourself from the field of job seekers.7 K/ Y& M/ z; O4 e; {- w
Therefore, your Resumé needs to convey three things to those who read it: . [5 G4 @' [' o- c1 B5 a9 N/ e
1. You have the skills, talent and personal qualities to accomplish those things that are important to an employer.
! `7 z% N; ]+ R1 Q: f2. You have a history of training, accomplishments and/or experience to substantiate this claim.   S3 o2 c2 [5 {& R
3. You will be an asset to the organization insofar as you facilitate its operations, have positive work attitudes and get along with others.
4 }) Z, N0 D8 D; P. \+ E" P! ]The Resumé is part employability profile and part promotional device. To write effective Resumés, you must learn how to write powerful yet subtle advertising copy. You have to sell yourself.
# {" K. n& o' S$ cRemember: Employers are hiring you, not a piece of paper. Think of the Resumé as a personal advertisement, which promotes you and what you can do - those qualities enabling you to produce tangible results in the workplace.
8 L# I2 \  `* [3 y. OThis Resumé-writing guide is intended to help you sort out, clarify and describe your qualifications to prospective employers. It is designed to help you think about and address employers' real needs so that you can convey to them how and why you're a truly exceptional candidate for the job.
6 {* [6 [% E+ WContact Information' G9 t4 G! h# G
(Name, Address, Phone Number, E-mail, Fax Number)
6 O6 ^# X% }: r3 k7 B/ [( t( P, d; e
Directions: Please fill out your contact information, as you want it to appear at the header of your Resumé. Look over the information you're giving carefully--every letter and digit counts!2 N7 [* k( Z/ @7 K6 d+ g0 n9 Z
 In most cases, it's best to use your legal name, which is the one that appears on your school records and social insurance card. You don't want to confuse employers by using several versions of your name, and you want them to be able to readily access your records from previous employers, educational institutions, etc.
! W, T6 }$ U' [; i4 o The phone number you list is important. This is how employers contact you. Therefore, it is advisable to give a number where you can be reached, either in person or by machine, between the hours of 8am and 5pm, Monday through Friday. You don't want employers to discard your Resumé because they can't reach you.
- E/ E5 I- ]6 K" m7 Y1 p; E/ p# l9 h' |5 K4 G0 |+ `( o  w. j
* N- U" ~/ h0 O9 c' }
- P- I# H. U' [- Z8 ?8 C4 C

1 B  h7 ]6 N  e' F( M7 T+ V
6 I* }7 t9 u1 A$ D* Z
. u  i: V- p) [4 h0 I: a
/ Q* b; G3 H2 ?  o  L) ]# B) b9 j3 [+ o, H; t( A* D
4 `9 F- A3 W- \0 ~
! k5 l) }$ r0 l4 F1 x- v% x
2-Minute Summary, or My Personal Summary Oftentimes, employers want to know something in addition to the nuts and bolts of your employment history. In other words, they want to know a little about you. Here are some topics you might want to touch on in your personal statement: & O3 ]: J  O( F4 p7 K
 YOUR FORMATIVE YEARS. Where did you grow up? What did your parents do for a living? What kinds of things fascinated you as a child? How did the events of you childhood affect or shape the course of your professional life?
6 V9 H1 D- m$ U5 _/ s( ONOTE: Don't spend too much time discussing your early life if it doesn't have much to do with where you are today. On the other hand, if your early obsession with rocks eventually led to a career in the petroleum industry, talk about it. Employers like to hire people who're genuinely interested in what they do.9 Z8 X" k- L( K, \( v
 YOUR EDUCATIONAL CREDENTIALS. Where did you attend college? What did you major/minor in? How did the course of your studies impact the direction of your professional life? Why did you choose to study what you did?" ]" Y6 e9 ^2 f, e# l
 YOUR CAREER TO THIS POINT. Where have you been? What is particularly interesting about the progression of your career to this point? What are some of your biggest and/or most important work-related accomplishments?
  O$ l, {7 n+ h2 o YOUR CAREER IN TRANSITION. Why are you in transition or changing jobs?
9 K/ S! E6 l$ j! S" @ YOUR CAREER IN MOTION. What do you want to do next? Why? Why do you want to it in a particular setting?
4 E9 [. X: i6 b8 m YOUR FAMILY STATUS. Feel free to comment on your family life, if you feel it's significant. You'll probably want to omit this topic entirely if you're recently divorced or temporarily separated from your spouse. Don't give employers the wrong impression - that personal issue might negatively affect your work.
. a! y; Q8 G$ j9 j% z YOUR INTERESTS. The advantage of telling employers about your interests is that they can indicate a skill or an area of knowledge that is related to your career goal(s). For example, someone looking for a position in a public relations office might describe his or her interest in photography. Hobbies can also be an effective way of conveying your well roundedness to employers. 5 d) f) `! X" a
What you need to know before you start composing your Resumé... Effective commercials always target a specific audience to generate sales. What good would it do to market a convertible to people over sixty, when all they really want is a safe, reliable car for taking their grandchildren to the park? The same is true of Resumés: You can't expect an employer to hire a bricklayer when he or she really needs a computer programmer.
. m( P3 C; M- K; [: e/ SYou must give some thought to the audience of your Resumé. Usually, the person reading the Resumés is the person who will be doing the hiring. This is the person who is responsible for the bottom line productivity of the organization you hope to be a part of. And, this is someone who cares deeply about the quality of the work that will be done. This is also the person to whom you should target your Resumé.
" t5 o& t* |/ t& E# oPut yourself in their shoes: What would they want to know about a prospective employee? What would get them interested in and even excited about meeting you?
9 Z3 ^9 m/ N' {3 ^, |- MThe first thing you need to do is get clear what an employer is looking for and what you have to offer him or her.
2 O0 ?5 n4 X. f' b$ NFinding out what employers want...If you're seeking a job in some field you know well, you probably already know what would make someone a superior candidate. But, if you aren't sure, you can gather clues from want ads and people presently employed in that field. You could even contact an employer and ask him or her what would make someone an ideal candidate for the position. This information is vital for writing a Resumé that markets you to prospective employers. You can use it to tailor your skills and abilities to match the requirements of the position you're seeking.& r) J" p4 h3 _) S! a9 K" V
Figuring out what you have to offer...If you're like most people, this is the hardest part about writing a Resumé. It's often difficult to see connections between the things you have done and the things an employer is looking for. You have knowledge and experience of all sorts, but an employer wants to see your qualifications . They want to learn about your marketable skills and characteristics, which means you need to learn how to brag...; N) ]: x  r  w' J2 r
/ o4 x# v/ I& g# }

. z" K( P7 c" {: D2 D, |# R' l: x* t/ J

; e, Z) }$ |: L3 f8 }7 {
$ h& f- h1 w5 r! Z9 e$ @' X
5 ~( k( ^4 W7 ^, }% |
5 ^1 o  a/ h0 ~+ x5 V, {' S% e& G0 F8 h& ~5 m

% Y4 V; C7 k0 u& C$ B, d
' J' J2 [, Q5 Q3 r6 k  KIdentifying Your Skills, Talents and Personal Qualifications 4 [1 m: f' v- A, s  m; e: z, O
Most people feel a bit uneasy when it comes to talking about (or talking up) what they do well. No one likes a braggart; so few people feel comfortable bragging about themselves. If we hold dear what our mothers taught us, we might never find a job - because we would forever be imagining ourselves as less qualified than the next guy or gal.
8 z0 W/ `; ?9 u! }8 L: }& R9 MSince you are the right person for the job, however, the rules can be bent. During the job search, the motto is this: It's okay to boast as long as you have something to boast about. Still feel like you don't have anything much to talk about? You are not alone.
& n2 B+ `. j( MBut you are mistaken: Like most people, you have hundreds of skills. How can this be? You never learned how to boast, to explain the myriad skills you have or to express your own aptitude to others. : O$ M# A" l; v, |$ f) a1 p
The fact is, you probably take for granted many things you do well that others would find hard or even impossible to do. That is what sets you apart from others and makes you valuable to prospective employers.
4 {$ S6 D1 k) t' [# v  XA note on skills vs. duties...Many people find it difficult to distinguish their skills from their duties. Duties are the basic functions of an activity, while skills are the tools by which one accomplishes those functions. Duties or functions are part of any organized activity, whether it is work or play.
  I9 |9 h" V- T* ~9 o/ SA simple way to illustrate the difference between duties and skills is to consider the management of a lemonade stand. The basic duties of a lemonade stand owner might be: "To manage lemonade operations, including marketing, distribution and finances.": {) G# U$ V2 s- {4 l9 o( h
There are many skills he or she might need to carry out these functions. Some examples of those skills are: mixing, measuring, planning, sales, customer service, writing, cash handling, record keeping, maintenance, timeliness, dependability, accuracy, and motivation. A complete list of skills would be very long, but the important point to remember is that it takes a number of skills to accomplish even the most simple duties or functions.
* N: N+ t# A1 E/ f, [/ FDeveloping Your Skills Language
" h! \8 A* S* nIn order to identify your skills, you must know where to look for them. There are three areas that you should inquire into: previous jobs, personal traits and specific talents. Each area corresponds to a particular type of skill.
* S3 \6 C# l& y4 E! ?2 g3 `6 d Job-Related Skills. These are the skills you need to do a specific job, and the ones you have developed in or for past jobs. An auto mechanic, for example, needs to know how to tune engines, repair brakes and use a variety of tools. These are all skills that he or she would need to repair cars. They are job-related skills, and most people think of job skills when they are asked what kind of skills they have.
/ m* o: V; L; {9 \ Adaptive Skills or Self-Management Skills. These skills can also be defined as personality traits or personal characteristics. Such skills are those that you use day by day to get along with others or to adjust to a particular situation. They are skills that make you unique. For example, honesty and enthusiasm are traits that employers look for in a good worker, as evidence of how he or she will "fit" into the organization. While many job seekers do not emphasize these skills in Resumés, employers look for them. . Z# X) a3 Z; c. }( i4 e
 Transferable Skills. These are skills that can transfer from one job or occupation to another. Because most people do not find jobs identical to their previous ones, it is important to determine how your skills transfer into other opportunities. Writing clearly and the ability to organize things are two examples of transferable skills that you can employ in almost any work situation. 9 H. n' q5 X$ f: J1 v2 V$ J0 t) o) Z
Transferable skills generally fall into five categories:. k) m; ^9 d, u8 g& p
4. Communication: the skillful expression, transmission and interpretation of knowledge and ideas 0 I6 `) |3 k0 o6 E% x
5. Research and Planning: the search for specific knowledge and the ability to conceptualize future needs and to devise solutions for meeting those needs
0 t) @, \( V4 d. G8 r- |6 ?6. Human Relations: the use of interpersonal skills for resolving conflict, helping and relating to people 0 ~8 M. ^* }. ^8 |$ p4 W
7. Organization, Management and Leadership: the ability to supervise, direct and guide individuals and groups in the completion of tasks and fulfillment of goals , ]- l5 s" r/ R) S& A% D/ n/ o) L
8. Work Survival: the day-to-day skills that assist in promoting effective production and work satisfaction.
: q( y6 C4 f5 L0 Y/ B$ d2 I% ]
9 x7 d6 P2 S! K2 q: x0 V
' g5 |. M  \" `
" i' ?% B* w# u% x1 |: Z, Y
+ X; h8 V5 Q$ V+ x; e
5 _3 i7 e- }) U4 J; P0 k$ ]6 z" p& q& g; Y8 V
/ F/ |) u0 Z9 s/ ?& l/ A) ?
1 {( J3 Y( y7 t/ f7 K3 z
1 L% `2 F+ y$ M1 d
- T% {% N3 o# d/ k) F! V8 h
Targeting Your Resumé / ]6 N" Y. T9 D7 E: @& f6 b/ W. c
Writing Your Objective or Career Summary2 U  @8 n8 {; }$ w  j0 Z# U3 B, P, b
First of all, targeting your Resumé to an employer requires absolute clarity as to the direction in which you want to take your career. You could start by naming the position you intend to pursue. However, simply listing the title of the job you're seeking can be risky. There are over 20,000 job titles in use today-far too many for you or anyone else to really know well. Every work environment is different. You might be delighted to work in one place and entirely miserable working in another. Both situations could look very much the same. They could even have the same job title. This is why you should include an Objective or a Career Summary at the beginning of your Resumé. You want employers to know from the outset what you want to do, as well as what you want to prove you're qualified to do. A focused and well written Objective or Career Summary should convey a powerful message to employers-that there is a perfect "fit" between you and their organization. ' O; D$ }: l% w+ P* {$ J; |
If you're making a career change or are a recent graduate, use an Objective...An Objective should include information on the type of position you seek and the most compelling qualities, abilities or accomplishments that will make you stand out from the other applicants. Here are the basic formulae:
. B6 Q1 A" h8 K; qOBJECTIVE: "To secure X position in an organization where Y and Z skills would be utilized."" ^* T: n: q3 O% Q1 b, w' h
OBJECTIVE: "To secure a position in X in which I may employ Y and Z."( P& u4 j1 I* f; B# z
The point of using an Objective is to create a psychological response in an employer by getting him or her to immediately focus on where you're going with your career, rather than where you have (or have not) been.
% V5 l; K" H. o+ C, A4 b5 [If you're looking for a new job in the same field, use a Career Summary...A Career Summary highlights your background and provides a brief overview of your most important qualifications, skills and/or professional experience. Here's the basic formula:) j3 y8 i9 t5 b7 x) @  \
( u4 n5 K) b- T* q! |* @3 X A short phrase describing your profession
! f( Y7 K9 D" x' v2 b Two or three additional statements relating to: 1 }7 g. U* i! k9 O1 W' c1 y
9. the breadth or depth of your skills
; i$ h; x4 l, P6 P$ J10. the unique combination of skills you possess
3 f& w) b5 F2 O) _. r6 Z11. your innovative approach to the work
" R% H0 u: h5 C& ]2 c12. the range of environments in which you have experience ) K( ^3 {7 x- U( L
13. your history of awards, promotions or commendations
+ u: |: J( a4 ]- @: R7 Z14. your special or well-documented accomplishments in the field , f; I. H, a7 V1 W( Q
 A sentence describing your professional objective or interest
. Y( [, s6 q  j2 R- H" d* ~
' Z( j0 k  X" V3 D. ~; D. N) _0 i& _: ~; l: ^. ~4 p/ ^1 |  i* f6 ]
Choosing the Right Resumé Format for You
. }* O+ d  c8 f$ uResumé format refers not to the design or look of your Resumé but to how you organize and emphasize the information you use to back-up your Objective or Career Summary. It is important to choose a Resumé format that will best suit your individual background. The idea is to format your Resumé in a way that best presents you-your skills, personal traits and work experience-to a prospective employer.; b) B3 e6 S* J" {( N# c
There are three basic types of Resumés: Chronological, Functional and Combination.1 T! i5 ^8 b- `# |5 |7 C- _
The chronological format gives a job-by-job retelling of your experience. It's the traditional favourite of employers because it reads quickly and enables them to spot flaws easily. The skills-based functional format emphasizes what you can do rather than what you have done and where you did it. Finally, the combination format merges skills summaries with job histories, which allows job seekers to place their most marketable skills and experiences at the forefront of their Resumés.$ D  t2 b  n8 O* P
 The Chronological Resumé cites your employment history in reverse chronological order, from your most recent position back. It shows dates as well as employers and educational institutions (college, vocational/technical schools and career-oriented programs or courses). This is an up-front format: It demonstrates exactly how and where your career has progressed, underscoring continuity from job to job.
& M4 C+ P9 d2 N; N/ A( Q( \$ eWho Should Write a Chronological Resumé?
- `! J2 H( f! |' A This format is best for people with a steady work history, which reflects constant growth or lateral movement.
: X4 o7 Z$ \  Y& d. \2 K4 ] It is important that your experience be extremely relevant to the position(s) you're seeking. Having a proven track record in one field or industry does little to convince employers in another field or industry that you're worth hiring. Chronological Resumés are not for people looking to make significant transitions in their careers--like changing fields. - O: O1 t( s. A% A
 It helps if your recent job titles are impressive; they get an employer's attention.
) m8 d# X; X. p4 B' {- x  b This is not the best format for someone with blemishes on his or her work history: gaps, demotions, stagnation in a single position, job hopping, and recent re-entry into the workforce can give employers pause. 6 o6 h0 i* y' M* G5 O0 \
 The Functional Resumé highlights your diverse range of abilities and transferable skills, while downplaying your job history. This format offers a lot of flexibility insofar as you can vary the categories of skills and abilities you choose to highlight, which allows you to focus on your specific qualifications for the position. / x1 Z  E$ A+ W+ V3 C
Who Should Write a Functional Resumé?; k6 t! h" X& h" K/ t" z
 This format is perfect for career changers, recent graduates and people with gaps or problems in their employment histories.
% e, q: _0 v1 s( a People looking to change industries or to work in a new field should use Functional Resumés. They allow you to emphasize skills that support your objective and relate to your field of interest. It's like serving up your functional skills on a silver platter. This format uses unpaid and/or non-work-related experience to your best advantage. : t$ L! m' g% q
 The Combination Resumé includes elements of both the chronological and functional formats. It satisfies demands for employment timelines, and it showcases your most marketable skills and impressive accomplishments. The advantage of this format is that it allays any possible concerns about your work experience, while allowing you to emphasize your talents and how you might utilize them in the position you're seeking.
. @) d" L- Q- w3 @7 i' q7 y0 IWho Should Write a Combination Resumé?. M) R% @. X; H
 This format is particularly useful for people looking to increase their responsibilities or pursue higher-level positions in their current field. Combination Resumés help you to demonstrate the skills you have to do a job, even though you might not have a proven track record in that particular position (but have prior experience in that field or industry).
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-15 07:28 | 显示全部楼层

Cover Letter

老杨团队 追求完美
Writing the Cover Letters that Gets Your Resumé Noticed 9 R$ h/ \& o# r4 v+ L

3 @4 K. P9 x0 z, dComposing Your Cover Letter% O/ z( ^- [0 ?' }- S7 P$ o
Cover letters should be more than just wrapping paper for your Resumé. They should set you apart from other candidates by providing a sense of how you think and your eagerness to work for a particular organization. Most of all, they should give readers a compelling reason to want to interview you, one that includes both your qualifications and the vitality you can bring to a job.
# ?+ _5 i" e$ l  L& P# VUnlike a Resumé, cover letters are narratives. You can use highly descriptive and persuasive sentences to evoke a positive response from your reader. Moreover, this format allows you to incorporate information, which reflects your knowledge of the target company (e.g., its industry, relevant issues, potential opportunities, etc.). The cover letter is an opportunity to provide customized information beyond what's in your Resumé-information that can tweak an employer's interest in your candidacy.3 j2 K& c. x* i/ X& N' w
2 C( }2 F* u$ X" |' L) z- d4 U& \
Like a Resumé, a cover letter contains several critical components:$ r8 H6 q! @2 _% F( \2 b* A
 The Heading. Remember to put your full name, address, phone number and e-mail at the top of the page. If your address changes during your job search, send another Resumé and cover letter for the position that interests you. HR departments won't bother to change the information on your first version. ' `; Y: v/ W! o% |
 The First Paragraph. This is the introductory section of your cover letter. In the first paragraph, you should state how you learned about the job opening and your reason for sending the employer your Resumé. If you're applying for a specific position, be sure to include that information in the first sentence of your introduction.
/ {4 B* e8 I. k/ j, A/ U If you've researched the company, be sure to mention why you're interested in it. You will differentiate yourself from the pack by making allusions to the company's products, philosophy or reputation. Be sincere, and employers will appreciate your interest in their organizations. 4 s! m1 x0 w( K% H
 If you know someone at the company, feel free to drop a name-if that person appreciates your work and will speak highly (and unambiguously) of your abilities.
/ R& B4 q8 U0 | The Second Paragraph. Among hiring officials, the buzz word these days is "value offered." Explain the particular benefits you offer an employer. Not only will it get the employer's attention, it will distinguish you as a job hunter whose goal is to do the job rather than just get a job. Use this section of your cover letter to discuss your value as an employee over and above the information in your Resumé. 3 ?7 b, n! k$ d/ Z: A; n% w% L
 Talk about your transferable skills, such as being a self-starter and having excellent organizational abilities. Cite a specific reason why you're the ideal candidate for the position, then customize your letter to prove or demonstrate that point.
) _8 B6 |% L* [2 Q Don't rehash your Resumé. Focus instead on two or three qualities that distinguish you most. Also, try to connect these qualities to the position's key requirements. If you have a particular area of expertise, this is the place to bring it up. 8 N2 }4 `. c  l/ k. U& \
 The Closing Paragraph. Before concluding your letter, tell the employer you'll follow up to confirm receipt of your Resumé and set up a time for a face-to-face interview. Always assume that an employer will respond positively to your request, and thank him or her in advance for granting the interview. & V& N1 Y5 Y1 _0 [' B8 _) i
Consider writing one standard cover letter...and then personalizing it as necessary. Your standard letter would include a general description of your skills and abilities. It would also highlight the most marketable aspects of your background.
' x- _  B* q0 BThe primary advantage to writing a standard cover letter is that you only have to write a great letter once. Once you've created it, all you will have to do is modify the introduction the next time you want to send your Resumé to a perspective employer. Of course, you don't want the employer to assume that the cover letter is part of a mass mailing campaign. Including the company's name and the position you're interested in makes your cover letter seem as though it was written specifically for that prospective employer and his or her company.) u* D, d% T  q6 Y" v" e: g3 Y# r& d

, ~* f8 b2 S% T7 U3 @# w0 [* N5 W5 H
, s% `  M% A( J# p" Q% F! a
Some Eye-Catching Phrases
7 U4 V7 q/ F3 s7 ^- f4 `% C; V6 zThe following phrases will add energy to statements
, o" o& x6 _8 Qabout your work-related duties and accomplishments. 2 m& q/ n! i$ X! I3 N
HINT: Consider integrating other power words into these basic formulas.0 i% g1 A  L  e; g' N- }  q/ w
Acted as liaison for/between.../ W+ p5 R) `& R' ^* m8 b% [8 \
Assigned territory consisting of...
- D: q* @0 s; B4 X# Q- EAccounted for...
8 |2 s, I; D& o1 l# R: i8 J3 @Drew up...
0 w. H3 U2 x3 M# A+ I  WMapped out...' j* V$ d7 e$ ]) p7 d
Handled a territory spanning...
) ^; H$ o2 S2 V0 Z& ?# c1 R8 Y: `' {Promoted to...
/ [0 I" v& u1 l5 G- H8 b( UInstrumental in..." z9 a; c9 l% ?  W) ?
Recipient of...8 V4 A3 m1 a* a& k+ f
Remained as...
& h" ]/ C3 d( i# |Innovation resulted in...
' b8 p2 X2 O5 d, L9 N" FHonoured as...
0 k% H2 r, a( e' V3 H- h...amounting to a total savings of...5 r9 O1 \/ \* ~8 U* a
Recommendations accepted by...
/ D8 i5 n% R! A8 y6 b- lAdept at...
+ u7 m( Z; L) F1 \Assisted with...
- z+ F$ ?  n9 p9 C4 z' y; fTook charge of...
) \/ U& I# p5 b4 ~1 g7 a7 PProven track record in...
2 j! D8 R$ K  }Experience involved/included...3 ]! T. \5 W* U0 c2 i! G' |* y+ g
More than X years experience in...; h, s4 D$ V! t  h3 v5 r! R1 p1 K
Expertise and demonstrated skills in...: X' n; `5 O# J# U' W
Successful in/at...
  z+ T+ d/ j4 T4 i4 e# AExperienced in all facets/phases...
6 Y, r8 |$ Y/ F% X. p7 w; Y& yKnowledge of...2 u, F. `& r% y) a6 p
Experienced as...5 C! [, b6 |5 \, N( F* N% ~
Extensive training in...# @- z, \2 G3 h2 `
Extensive involvement in...
8 {$ }( M, `1 S7 q" mInitially employed as... * b1 A# |4 E) W8 q
Specialized in...$ }5 @; Y! U3 V1 O* {" P" @
Proficient in...
: _8 m5 @7 F0 `5 q+ XCompetent at...
- Q4 H* R5 O) p! ?% O! iTemporarily assigned to...
8 d3 B8 n% C6 W+ A5 l1 q5 a& q& _Sales quota accountability..." y* d" @5 ^2 [$ m
Reported directly to...
7 m# L- S. u5 Z: I1 |Served/Operated as...
: u2 x9 l5 @5 j$ c; BIn charge of...9 f5 u% \0 o7 q; Y5 |, ^, n2 ]
Direct/Indirect control...
' w& u  y" p% |, OFamiliar with...
& u# V& R* t1 \+ h$ H# n7 ^Assigned to... & o7 m8 d/ \3 a2 j5 A5 D
6 T5 D/ ]: C1 q2 l4 M$ K1 r

& B/ d% M" A, W& z3 b, x
0 O2 }" r4 P5 \5 @
/ `  M6 ]) ]0 \. T; ?
4 h6 D& K8 V  ?. h$ n. Y
; X9 q: p; b$ F' ]) d+ z" U6 p" W/ B. N' q5 r
Power Words NOTE: Power words are verbs, which will help you construct active descriptions of your duties and accomplishments. You should begin each statement with a power word-not "I." (The "I" is understood; you are talking about yourself in a Resumé.) Also, use the past tense in your descriptive statements, even if you're describing accomplishments relating to your current job. The only time you'll want to use the present tense is when you're describing the duties or responsibilities associated with your present position. : N/ j1 b0 q9 p( B" t- Q' m- J/ T9 H
A6 x( `. z5 i$ n1 K+ x5 @
accelerated accomplished achieved acquired adapted added addressed adjusted administered advanced advised affiliated aided allocated amplified analyzed answered anticipated appeared applied appointed appraised approved arbitrated argued arranged assessed assigned assisted assumed assured attained audited augmented authorized averted awarded0 B; V# }% }9 F8 d# k5 B$ ^
; r0 R  u3 n# ^8 Y7 |began boosted bought briefed broadened brought budgeted built
% [; ~* Z) X, L. T* g% `0 |5 mC+ j: B: E' d. L* a0 h7 C, w& U
calculated catalogued caused changed chaired checked chose clarified classified closed coached collected combined commented communicated compared compiled completed composed compressed computed conceived conceptualized concluded condensed conditioned conducted confirmed conserved considered consolidated constituted constructed consulted continued contracted contributed controlled converted convinced coordinated corrected counseled counted created critiqued cut9 v" c- l2 z' S
& T8 r( w7 X9 A2 ?. ~dealt decided defined delegated delivered demonstrated described designed determined developed devised diagnosed diagramed directed discharged discovered discussed dispensed displayed dissected distributed documented doubled drafted
3 t2 `! K3 f1 q0 }7 w- S  ~E; x* F9 C& }9 n5 u# |, w/ `) ]
earned edited educated effected elected eliminated encouraged endorsed engendered engineered enhanced enlarged enlisted ensured entered equipped eradicated erected established estimated evaluated evolved examined excelled executed exercised exhibited expanded expedited experienced experimented explained explored expressed extended1 [, G; l+ E: P$ J, E
: ]" P/ Y6 }7 gfacilitated familiarized fashioned filed filled financed finished focused forecast foresaw formulated forwarded fostered found founded fulfilled furnished) v5 j0 o, E* i0 X
G' \% I4 E) P* s. l6 y
gained gathered gave generated governed graded granted grasped grossed guided
. ?/ E8 ]- a& I- d1 XH( X9 N9 X! J5 [; m" o! k) q' J
halved handled hastened headed helped highlighted! @$ ~) k& m; l/ i: {! t! Y/ A) R4 f
I3 s5 B  v9 Y2 M+ F. j' m3 m
identified illustrated imagined implemented improved improvised inaugurated incorporated increased indexed initiated influenced innovated inspected installed instituted instructed insured integrated interpreted interviewed introduced invented invested investigated involved issued4 G  H+ c# M3 {6 v
1 q- u0 H, |4 [' c. ejoined judged8 `5 ^, }% ]* u) j
K# ]$ r3 `6 z. D
kept9 Z$ E8 G8 K- I) ~$ z
L- k% `1 X& r) R) Z  W( S
labored launched learned leased lectured led licensed listed located logged9 I7 z' j% A. U5 V1 z$ p+ s
) ?# q; U- }; S2 Jmade magnified maintained managed matched maximized measured mediated met modified moderated monitored motivated moved
' e0 u4 g) n( }6 i) X% WN$ E! X9 q* ~% e( y$ O
named navigated negotiated netted) E* a5 J7 x+ m, q6 ]/ p
O4 c3 z! H- C0 l' n, y4 k/ d
observed obtained officiated opened operated ordered organized originated oriented overcame oversaw8 `' r! x6 j: O2 I$ S3 W  c
! g2 F4 Q# Z+ j: T3 mpaid participated patterned perceived perfected performed persuaded pioneered placed planned pooled possessed prepared presented processed procured produced programmed prohibited projected promoted proofed proposed proved provided published purchased pursued, m4 _$ q( J8 k8 Q4 d
Q0 z6 n3 L% ?6 O) G8 e/ F
qualified questioned quickened
5 j/ g" l" {- Y, SR3 c# v) F) A0 a/ Z/ I2 i
raised ranked rated ratified reached realized received recommended reconciled recorded recruited redesigned reduced reformed regenerated regulated rehabilitated related released remodeled removed rendered renovated reorganized repaired replaced replied reported represented rescued researched resolved responded restored restructured retrieved revamped reversed reviewed revised revitalized
4 I* X1 r$ A3 Y- S- Z* R: k5 NS
6 h0 N/ l. T1 d3 M; p  Hsaved scheduled scouted screened scrutinized secured selected separated served serviced set shaped shared shortened showed simplified smoothed sold solved sorted sought sparked spearheaded specified spoke stabilized staffed standardized started streamlined strengthened stressed stretched structured studied submitted substantiated substituted succeeded suggested summarized superseded supervised supported surveyed syndicated synthesized systematized/ E9 l! L  ~& y% F8 R/ k# I# K
6 ?1 C; f/ ]6 f! ?tackled targeted taught terminated tested took toured traced tracked traded trained transcribed transferred transformed translated transported traveled treated trimmed tripled turned tutored% s+ |1 Q0 M1 P7 J6 D# X
U( g3 @6 f! W7 c1 h# ]1 |
umpired uncovered understood understudied unified unraveled updated upgraded upheld used utilized verbalized verified visited
" y% q' Q( B+ f8 |V7 m9 |% t6 n! d) M' V8 Z# f
validated verified" V% d1 y8 U! Y4 [( R; h; g- Q
2 `" @- I9 l1 A% [# G# }+ U4 O" C+ Fwaged weighed welcomed widened won worked wrote3 r9 h+ N" n/ g4 H/ e
Additional Eye-Catching Language
3 E% n& F  S7 eability / ^: \. G* [7 ^* ~. ~, d' x

, w5 _8 y7 z) g, \7 I0 Lcapable capability capacity competence competent complete completely consistent contributions % M3 f! r" ^5 G3 `; E0 Y
0 l, S# p5 L; i" m
demonstrated developing disciplined
4 S" m  j: c7 d% b0 J6 F
5 r. p3 h; Q! C& q! F1 `educated efficient effective effectiveness enlarging equipped excellent exceptional expanding experienced
3 Z% H8 F4 E0 w9 h0 k; \" X$ C9 r8 u' Q: a% l
  s- u8 E2 ?  h) z
; }& O- J+ H3 B2 T2 z6 ^7 z1 Kincreasing : j4 l1 ^9 c0 r9 w
+ @  C( e' g0 D9 s4 w) i
: u& _# Z" P% c# ]7 u
( }3 V- J& d2 H" @9 z; j4 Bmajor mature maturity 9 c0 Y  k2 N6 f9 ]7 T0 X) j0 S5 I
( Y9 j3 |7 o/ E: w( S7 b
nationwide 7 }: `" \, g; n! S2 }! x& u. I
2 k* `5 i) o, M! r: |  }
# f; c0 Z1 e& I3 Z* A* |
% ]7 j5 i3 W0 v3 h' k. uperformance positive potential productive proficient profitable proven 7 V' A" k$ c% V

3 ~. e; d* v( `# Z0 W& Y9 D. }/ z" pqualified   C$ X/ |- f/ T  L/ S9 @

3 u, a7 \( o) b" Z5 M! K4 yrecord repeatedly resourceful responsible results % c* l9 t( D% M4 {# \- P4 t+ p

5 I$ \" e- m  Y$ usignificant significantly sound specialist substantial substantially successful stable ' k/ h3 W8 s7 l6 ~3 `" t. g
; i( ~- K$ b4 n/ m% T9 s9 M
thorough thoroughly - g3 p/ K" Q# T
. l% H! ]5 q0 r1 ]9 p4 j0 g* l
versatile vigorous
& s- P) L3 Y% A) E( M8 V( y/ wwell-educated well-rounded worldwide , _* x9 X5 U" X6 l
Keywords Keywords are an indispensable component of modern, computer-friendly Resumés. You should integrate relevant keywords wherever possible throughout the body of your Resumé.
) o4 ]2 o8 {5 kNOTE: New keywords are constantly entering the occupational vocabulary. This list is by no means exhaustive. Industry jargon has become increasingly specialized, so there are always new keywords to be uncovered. Keep your Resumé up-to-date with the latest buzzwords circulating in your field or industry. You can't afford to have a stale Resumé, for it will surely be passed-over as yesterday's news.2 L2 a) I# ?% |+ E; B( m9 ~& ?
General Keywords Covering All Concentrations5 E8 G4 h% w+ ]
# l! S' G7 M# O: U# A6 M" Q( C* TAnalysis( l' Y* _0 ~. G; ^9 @
Analytical ability3 c) m6 m6 k0 `. I
Articulate3 m- g) O/ E  c& s, d
( e$ s7 i4 e$ ?# Y$ f% Z, aAssessment
5 U  K- z4 `! Y* w7 i- Q0 iAutomated
: ^0 M* H! W1 k8 ?7 R1 wBottom-line8 \6 |' n. e/ u( p* @
Change creation
9 W7 T7 u7 ]8 ?0 v0 d( N7 HChange management
8 R# u" F2 Q. G( j" r$ l3 e- vClassified! E/ f  ~- f8 _( c
Committed% Y! ^' g' V+ A1 B6 R; M
Communication skills
0 O, ]$ l8 h  kCreative
" O* J9 {% x- R  p( C8 q, o, k$ g/ y  FDeadline-oriented  R$ c7 M$ ]3 {% {$ L# {8 n
% c. B, _% o: g3 S1 T+ ?' n$ {Delegate
8 o) [/ }0 I! J: c, T& _Direct; y2 U" f4 @' u7 A% r
" p0 N, ]2 z7 ]: H3 _Enthusiastic, f/ O' B7 N) V! }
Initiative        Innovative+ t  Z  d) y0 ]  x
. Y4 b0 x; S+ N7 e9 ~0 @  ]Interpersonal skills
3 _* a9 ^  p, ?. dLeadership skills
/ A9 Q0 H8 z* XManagement0 G8 o# _0 j& y% i4 V/ J9 F
Model7 x' l- o0 j: t2 h, l
Motivated2 \# K- Y$ a& N" [% O6 x& e
Negotiation skills
$ G& }7 o6 N4 v8 i2 sOver-achiever
5 ]: [  A* @, ~) AObjectives
8 Y. g$ O! E5 h( E# u( aOrganizational skills
) s1 k) W, H9 ~6 g1 Y* EPatient
- Z2 _/ l4 O% E  J% C2 iPersonable
# D. U, r) @7 M' y. LPresentation skills; Q$ J- a, N' Z
Prioritize5 o. N0 n3 t" E/ U; K$ J
Proactive0 Y3 S5 V; p3 m- ]! ?  f
Productive2 ]2 Z% _! m7 Q3 Q8 h# X/ R
Problem solving% `2 x  C& B8 `0 ?9 _' x9 ]
Product safety2 a  c1 s( ?4 _) T% k, y
Project management
- X- t* F5 r: m9 ~Quality management        Re-deployed+ s3 A7 b% b# j  G/ ^8 X9 a/ k! S
. z/ O) V3 o' D/ u1 g3 tReferenced
- e" C5 o- |  M! j, TResourceful
8 m8 y+ y4 i) `Results-oriented6 [- A% y% A+ ~8 q) P" g1 e
Reviewed/ w/ O/ o) v% a
6 P! N* h( v% \6 ^. y* Y4 j6 gSimulation
( ^" ^7 }/ x; s& L3 t: C. s0 tSpreadsheet
8 M/ s& P: f& r- d- j8 m( C. @Stabilize
7 O+ g. R' K& h! r; x9 g7 R) XStatistical analysis
2 d1 l5 X: {& Q$ DStrategic planning
# p6 f, k" V- t: F- ^Strategy( A: K$ q( u8 F4 p* g1 t9 N
2 ]& E& g9 E  t( F; V" d/ @9 D4 y5 \Systematic
0 i0 u# {; b- c2 wTeam building9 q9 G1 N6 v! \# G
0 S7 q0 p7 g: {* U5 X0 A* vTime management skills% ?, y. w; J% D# r
" J5 P: k, _2 j8 X5 n# @Tactics
& U, w% Q7 C- K( e- aVersatile , p1 x1 B1 @1 W: K: k" p
Keywords Associated with Finance and Accounting
# \$ R2 w: {3 cAccount management2 |6 K# i; H$ z6 v4 s6 }' z
AP/ @" o. n, i! R' O4 o
AR7 I' O+ R. q, T
Asset management
. ]& a6 t; u4 F+ tAsset valuation5 H+ i5 g% [7 l6 L5 c: I" \
( J& I! J1 p4 q" hAudit3 U# _' t  h1 |5 V  B2 y+ U7 _  j
: C$ c* _! y) cBonds6 t" ?/ V; H! R' }" ~0 l* K6 p
Budget management
# o3 K% U0 y4 L/ y  ~: iCommercial leasing
( F+ k+ N" \% {Commercial loan
8 n% z4 G* f; ]' ICustomer-driven        Conversational
: w* `! A8 S( h: zDebt$ c: m7 |6 S9 F# Y: O7 y% x
Dividend reinvestment
0 k) s0 A  B" _; F9 h$ oEquity' B  R9 k' V( l/ \2 v  p- A4 M- O
Estate planning) v; i2 O% a& B7 p# k# [) }
# V! i( }7 w9 h% L4 ~Investor relations1 _  I8 S( G, U$ v. V+ f
Load/no load; G, I' q0 J4 w, [% o+ g+ O  d4 Y
Payables management2 \; J; k. ]3 Q, _' _; e- w& G
Price-earnings ratio
* P7 W' Z* }. ^% R3 d" F7 k6 {0 t% ]% RProcurement) O% a6 ~2 O; g% P% U: C' ?7 Y- `
Real estate appraisal        Receivables management* R- W! D- X' Y( ?7 W
Reconciliation. E5 b& A6 W: T0 r
* o/ N- w+ H# ^- }+ qRisk management
1 L1 S( j  @' m# w; _3 jROI2 s8 f1 v5 t: T3 S
Securities% ~  G" ?2 d/ {' w: e- ]8 H/ V
Site assessment
% w  G  G. V: |Stocks$ U8 m& x7 c# h/ l( Y5 ~
Tax-exempt/ D; ^. M7 }% V7 `' U/ \
3 J3 x' l0 ^  w: sTax strategy
' s9 g' G) o) N0 B4 d& r( zTrust services; I9 Z, j, F8 i+ i" [2 C, V
Keywords Associated with IR6 p$ R: G% @$ A0 T. K* f1 l
Background investigation
3 W2 W4 `- G% P7 b8 U$ yBenefits% E) |" l; a! ~
Career planning# L1 ?3 F% N6 j& I+ ^
0 ?  ^; U& {4 `) C; WCross-cultural training
9 \0 P4 `( W  {  j! xDisability plan
7 {$ R+ Z8 [1 q6 s# {3 tEmployee assistance        Employee misconduct' W8 h9 m& r4 \2 N" {' ?6 _
Employment equity4 ]: i8 N6 ~$ ?3 o8 u# w# x
' g: }) r% f8 _$ S6 u- pFlexible benefits
& ^+ y2 ~! t$ {: B. g, X! E" h  ~! cGrievance9 A9 D/ T3 {/ ^
Healthcare administration
# Y8 ]/ T7 N2 ^* YHiring
5 n- f5 _7 i4 b& oIncentive
0 R+ w0 a4 O* n& N7 j9 s) ^Interview
) y* }5 s' B' }; N* z2 x/ V2 JJob classification        Legal issues2 ~1 a: R3 }! B, a
Merit pay
+ G, l. `4 n8 v' K8 l) b; M9 |Organizational development& B# L  S1 \/ V- {3 m7 W. k
Peer review
% R' t4 Y0 a8 [+ ]: ^: B; h0 DPension
# O- v0 X' ]  J; \' G& uPerformance evaluation! x' ]0 `0 N/ `4 ?
Review3 f$ X' w. Q: n$ @  P& w
Salary structure- `. M* i- L6 K1 Y
Service awards! W: Q8 ]  k4 o3 x8 [6 p! g. G
Training1 z! T  R% A: i$ {
Keywords Associated with Marketing, Sales and Marketing Research% ^) l1 w2 ^# s0 C- h  s0 J2 T
9 F7 N( d- F) ]( }/ J+ l8 Q. HAgency* c: g  v$ ~% O/ j; C) u: J6 x
Block plan
3 P* A) r4 B9 vBrand management9 w  R% l$ @; ^
Campaign3 ?6 `+ Q% I) p
Collateral materials
' U; a1 {* v' d  s/ E" C, OCompetitive analysis8 t$ {, Z0 e( m$ q
Consumer/ }" M8 y' V; O6 x" H8 F
Creative ability; c9 t$ F+ g) V) e  w" X
Customer relations6 C1 A8 k  u8 h. K+ i, V
Demographics" X5 I& M, M( ?* P2 a7 T' F
Direct marketing
( \# Y8 Z/ w/ [Display8 O) T- _, C  p) S7 K+ @: ~
Distribution channels        Feature; o+ ?0 U- F9 z& I) [; ?$ g% ~
Image8 _- _! Q5 }" ^( f4 H" z$ x
Inventory turns
( A6 l+ _( [7 O% RLaunch) g, }* q$ I% ~) {% w/ R! e8 K
Market analysis
( m  r8 @' b; }+ G8 m6 ^1 P0 Q% |Market assessment! b  O3 b0 o4 E4 [& x  m
Market share* e  S) e9 F' E$ Q; J3 M& k( m4 Q$ G
Media planning2 Q% f* g3 x6 y6 Q
. s! W+ X; d% N7 Y) APackaging- b/ G: M& h( r3 a5 k  A
Penetration. E5 e! G6 n* \) E
POS / point of sale
! w; D, o; g1 E# E7 WPrice value. e3 x. y9 B7 }* f% ]
Private label        Promotion
0 Z, d' d6 |$ h) ^8 ^, @& ~  i* gPromotional materials- u1 |/ c$ r0 K' F0 s$ U
Rebates  \0 W+ G: u" M/ G
. o2 V" Q+ c, n6 X5 hSales6 @$ P$ l# M+ g0 a# t
Sales maximization+ h: f1 d% z" U
" l& a5 \6 O* K2 GSell-through, t$ Z1 ~& ~" a
Statistical analysis
- Y% F! d0 d. m8 qTargeted customers
8 ~3 c) l6 X9 o6 R, ^Trade management
, y' q" B8 M7 X6 w( t& R& X6 z' \Vendor
+ `/ }  r2 X/ P& u! \  V1 ~; g( A) gKeywords Associated with MIS
) Z+ v4 D0 I8 B$ aAnalog
2 }2 g0 n7 x' `( J* D8 N: eCAD6 j0 b  K* A# l" n  f
Client-server5 E6 F3 O1 U+ C5 ~7 E+ o
Compugraphics( k9 C! m# s5 g1 ]: ~
Concept design
$ [+ }4 x$ Z$ k' IData modeling' g1 |  {' k- u2 v
Database        Desktop publishing
- `- B) Q( C3 D" y! O5 ?1 n6 RDOS
6 @* Q* A8 `3 M; R# o# `. RInternet
. k2 Z6 S# |- X5 w6 X, I7 YLAN/WAN
" D6 z6 m& q8 Y" x5 i# RLaser: b' t8 ~  |& x0 ?* |6 v) S  J. }2 K
0 k* [! b; M) I! Z7 B, L' EMulti-tasking        Optics3 ]& l) h* a4 n* s( w
* v! x( `4 S. J$ F- _Product support
6 n/ s" X. J2 T( K* D4 nSoftware development+ G2 d6 l2 q) {
0 \4 z$ V: W' _& R2 K" eWINDOWS
9 s3 t* l4 C+ \0 L1 EWorkstation
) l' z4 T" o& K* s9 mKeywords Associated with Operations
1 J% k$ [, r* {) D/ @! nAutomated materials handling
" G, [6 k9 t6 @* Q( ]CAD
7 N0 j6 c7 g6 Z6 B6 y, A2 _% |, tCAM% y1 n) R8 Y( I' ?  o
Change management
5 y4 Z; n' Y7 s" v4 W) NFlow diagrams        JIT- [1 G# _6 f0 j* T
Manufacturing operations
7 S0 w: R  ]5 eMRPS: ?. ?& B7 _8 m: g' @5 U
Processing maximization        Project management3 s' X, a7 F4 ~8 ~9 F
Queuing theory/ R. r# {) `! W1 b
Real-time processing control8 o1 F0 F! e2 X9 F. s) s
Total quality
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-15 07:52 | 显示全部楼层


$ x! i/ I4 Z+ D8 n% X7 h9 u7 HInterviewing makes people anxious. It's like meeting your fiancée's parents for the first time. You don't know what to expect. You don't know what's expected of you. The only thing you know for cer
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-7-15 21:36 | 显示全部楼层
good, 老石,老师,老史,老实,老施,老诗,老式,牢实,老是。。。。:D
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-8-11 00:08 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(50) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-8-18 21:07 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-8-26 06:24 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-11-21 15:07 | 显示全部楼层
好的帖子 再老也需要顶顶!/ _" U6 S2 h; ?( z# s% S
8 t7 @7 g/ o, M
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