鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
儿子两岁半,本来自己小便会叫的,不知道为什么,这两天老是拉在裤子上,老公主张让他面壁,加训斥,我怕儿子这样心里有阴影,问高人妈妈们,正确的教育方法是虾米啊?1 w8 ~0 ^/ V6 L5 W4 f5 f6 u- X
& k( v# O1 L' V) o U
还有比如说去商场,他要买玩具,爸爸说今天 ...
4 E6 B5 L( q& `: X, w傻蝈蝈 发表于 2010-3-29 18:34  9 F% N2 v* _3 L( G: K
2 D5 s/ G0 f" wI would say for the potty training, show your love and understanding, don't punish. Explain to him what should do. One thing important is stopping using any diaper, including the pull-ups. ( K3 V) l; n# x: k9 v
- p/ H& H: W9 O. U. v7 k0 \For the toy, recommend QIAO HU. There is one song about only getting one box of cookie. I use this every time when we go out to buy staff. I allow her to choose one thing, cookie, candy or toy, whichever, but only one. Now she knows to give up other staff or get them next time. |