为了通过Inspection,必须要修,其实车头灯里面只是坡了块碎片,完全不影响使用的。副驾驶的车窗没办法摇下来了,也要求我Fix掉才给我通过。已经付了100块的Inspection费,这家店的修理费比较贵,不过今天答应帮我找Used的配件来换,不知道哪里有二手的配件可以买呢?如果我可以买到车灯,修理店愿意在帮我修车窗的情况下通过,如果我都在外面修的话,就要负另外的检测费了。, M0 a5 a4 e! g% g
有没有具有Out of Province检测资质的DX帮我的忙看看能不能帮我Fix这两个问题并帮我通过Inspection,只要价格比这家店便宜(加上100的Inspection费),我就愿意换个店检测都没关系。 & p0 u+ P' C' g车是01的Acrua,里程数很高了,不想花太多钱在上面了。早知道这么多麻烦,就该在Vancouver把车卖了才过来的,调研工作做得不仔细,呵呵。1 `" d. `: k9 P
You should be able to fix your car anywhere not necessary in the same store and that store that just did the inspection for you should have given you a period to fix the issues and no inspection fee required again in that period. That's my experience in other province. It should apply here.