继续继续继续! 8 b3 t% y9 n7 V1 i' W. _
昨天晚上劝她吃饭,她就是不好好吃。最后我把她平常爱玩的玩具没收了,等她吃好饭再还给她。她先是哭闹,发觉没用,就乖乖吃了几口。事后她说自己很生气,爸爸妈妈欺负她。 - w6 [ U' {; Z% v我不知道这样管教她是不是太严了? 不是太严-You are right. There're rules for following. If she didn't follow the rules and ignored your reminders, you absolutely did the right thing.' `5 P% F" \3 @ [
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以后还要不要继续?Yes,继续继续继续! " Q1 ]7 L: i; l g! ]7 | + @' @( Z$ _& t4 u8 g是否也有父母有过这样的经历?Yes, we went through such experiences. But remember, kids are just kids. They forget things easily. As parents we're there to guide them .& F0 C! ?; ]' w. K+ f
请问对于这样的小孩你要怎样做?Punishments and Awards are both needed to promote the good behaviors. And sure there're many many ways ...whatever works !* B- ` U! d. n