孩子马上就要出生了, 要买一个NURSING BRA, 但不知道怎么确定它的型号。我曾去过SEARS, SEARS的人说需要在孩子出生之前买, 但我搞不懂出生之后比出生之前的尺寸能大多少。比如,生孩子之前是36B, 那生完后是不是需要36C OR 36D的SIZE?* p& U. W0 K \+ E% T
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_$ h/ ?1 w: d: N8 G% HI waited until the baby was born. There is no rush for it, especially you are going to stay at home most of the time. Who cares. But if you plan to go shopping right after your baby is born, you might find these nursing bras useful.