解答: ! I# A) A7 Q) y9 V0 q- L3 u+ l) f+ q5 a Disadvantages 7 Q" g( _ Z& }* @# Z
Chance of regret , k/ F% n n% ~9 d
Surgical procedure (associated discomfort) # G G5 r* [% Y% v, ONo protection from STIs/HIV 9 p& S' y9 i. k" eIn rare case where the operation fails and the woman becomes pregnant, there is a high chance that it will be ectopic ) {3 x6 J. `% ?' H0 F+ E* N5 C- _( m6 i- k' ?' @$ F5 s7 [7 s Possible side effects: 5 ]( I8 D4 p5 o M* D
Some pain and discomfort during and right after the procedure ! m* ]$ E% x2 f* Q& DComplications associated with anesthesia or the procedure itself are rare 3 ]7 `7 B/ _9 L. Z: P* | & Q, E) b. N+ [& P, y( y% ~$ ]Follow-up: . l) s1 c* C% [- ^; f2 rObservation two to six hours after the procedure ) ]( V" Q1 \8 H7 _5 M6 K
One week after the procedure to check the surgical site 7 z5 A3 H8 ]- f# mAny time soon after the procedure if signs of infection are present