本帖最后由 小语仔 于 2011-1-6 11:40 编辑 ' P$ \% D/ [! }% C3 s
* C# [6 W# ^. M; a% E" P# K3 e5 G
可以离开,但是按照规定要通知的,不会影响拿钱。不过不通知的后果也不知道怎么样 ) W! [9 s- N( s* c& c3 C$ ]! [9 X bhttp://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/e ... al.shtml#Maternity5! Y) ~+ l1 O* w8 x; S
! S" |2 e, G6 g2 Y$ k$ Q1 i$ gMaternity, parental and sickness benefits when you are out of the country 9 x! U% v \2 m6 O! o9 v" K; ?You are able to collect maternity and parental benefits while you are outside Canada. However, you must advise your Service Canada Centre if you go out of Canada.: b; B3 N( s. U+ |5 z
- e" b$ r# M3 G: JYou are able to collect sickness benefits outside Canada only if you are going to another country to receive medical treatment not readily or immediately available in Canada at an accredited hospital, medical clinic or a similar facility. If you decide on your own to go to another country to rest and recuperate, you will not be entitled to benefits. You must also advise your Service Canada Centre if you go out of Canada.
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No one called me when I was taking Mat leave./ @! ^; ?1 {. c: |; o% S3 ~ t
& ?. U) z3 P. kI have insurance for the single room. But the hospital told me that they can't garantee a single room for me. It depends on its availability. Fortunately I got one. So good luck on that.
3#maylulu " _/ Y, x# a% o. z+ M4 [& } . |/ y+ b. R5 |) \# |2 }# W1 U) u% B" e* g
If your insurance doesn't cover single room, then you can't get a single room. You have to ask them. Otherwise you have to pay extra to get a single room. You don't need to do anything with Bluecross. You just need to show the hospital your Bluecross card when you register. You need to register in advance.