" U. G0 @+ _/ n- u* C- dRight, there were lots of typos in the post, should be "attack". * D; ?7 k, F. EIt was written after drinking a little bit at midnight.
我的娃今年九月上学,我对这个问题现在很关心。 - ~6 c$ ]! b) B! M" f因为你说平常都说中文,但是一些专门的东西,小孩看了外文书就没办法用中文交流了。我就在想,如果他们不看中文书,而我们也不用中文讲这方面的事儿,那岂不是中 ... % A. A# s. g. }& \竹帘儿 发表于 2011-3-8 15:30
k* J5 \. ?) I9 i+ p( O' s
I believe your son is in green room? Pink room is the Pre-K and K. When Eric was in green room, but not old enough for K, we were asked whether we wanted him to be in the K program - will be sitting in the class but not required to finish any assignments. I would say this pre-K is very helpful.
I believe your son is in green room? Pink room is the Pre-K and K. When Eric was in green room, but not old enough for K, we were asked whether we wanted him to be in the K program - will be sitting ... # _. |4 X+ T3 ?# p" I- J6 x9 Ilipi 发表于 2011-3-8 17:32
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