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发表于 2006-3-1 15:49
101、 In what are the three main types of industry in Canada 加拿大有那三项主要的工业?
% o9 Y4 c& t7 w: XNatural resource 天然资源 , h) O! {( z# I9 Q2 z6 f! O0 \
Manufacturing 制造业
+ i# C+ N; o8 _" L- ^- Service 服务性行业 * E5 b: z1 Y3 ?/ f' J" L4 ~- T
3 s6 [! K( J8 H
102、 In What sorts of jobs do most Canadians work 多数的加拿大从事那类型的工作? % B- S: {" o2 T5 Q3 {
Service industries such as transportation, education, health care, construction, banking, communications and government. 服务性行业,例如:交通,教育,保健,建筑,银行,资讯及政府。 ( y- U9 {& q$ {
8 O9 U, V. s! E0 S1 u; A$ e103、 What country is Canada’s largest trading partner 那一个国家是加拿大最大的贸易伙伴?
1 ~4 @8 `! Y8 IThe United States of America.美国。 i7 M. @: C# y9 I- d% v. ]
) h% C5 }: R" b) I8 o# C104、 Why are the Great Lakes important to Canada 为何大湖对加拿大那么重要?
+ }& D9 }3 Z& {2 X7 K, Y% n2 h; bThe Great Lakes have been an important waterway. They are the trading networks in North America.大湖是一条重要的水道,它们也是北美的贸易网络。 4 s4 G ?, h# T# a
3 f+ b. F7 J4 q j; Z" y: [2 }) _; I
They also provide fresh water for people and industries around their shores. 它们亦供应新鲜水给靠近湖岸的人们及工业。 + X! L! N: V+ a* ]& ^2 G; }
K- b' |$ W8 j105、 Why is the St. Lawrence Seaway important to Canada 为何圣罗伦斯海路对加拿大那么重要?
) o3 h. P# u2 ^1 ?It allows ocean going ships that transport merchandise between Canada and its trading partners to travel up the St. Lawrence River and other small rivers between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean.圣罗伦斯河及其他细小河流提供运输水道给经商者来往大湖及大西洋。
3 i0 P! T, d1 g2 Z1 q |6 X. D$ m; N! W" X3 ~* V! N+ c
106、 Why is the Canadian Shield important to Canada’s economy 为何加拿大地盾对加拿大的经济那么重要?
# ` L! E5 X! L# U5 XIt makes Canada one of the world’s leading producers of minerals because of the rich mineral deposits of gold, silver, nickel, zinc, copper, and iron ore which are found in the ancient rock of the Shied. 由于在加拿大地盾的远古石头上发现的金矿,银矿,镍矿,锌矿,铜矿及铁矿均蕴含丰富的矿物质沉淀,它令加拿大成为世界顶尖的矿物生产商之一。
$ q7 _; P J) [% y$ Z
\ W8 ^1 t. r6 R4 qThe Shied is covered by forests and part of Canada’s major pulp and paper industry is based on the trees of the region. 地盾内布满林木,而加拿大大部分的纸业及纸张工业是依靠这地区的树木。
, [% S4 o1 `2 _! e4 }) A4 P- ^
U% i5 J9 C& ?4 a* ISome of the vast freshwater resources of the Shield are used to generate electricity. 地盾内有些巨大的新鲜水源被用来生产电力。 2 }7 Q: q. s3 m" P: j8 b" R Z
% P; z/ G: G" `. [+ `# W: X107、 List four important minerals found in the Canadian Shield 列出四种可在加拿大地盾内发现的重要矿物?
" |2 Y1 J/ v w; u; S3 L. Z(Any four 任何四种) $ m- C- c, s+ q. I A% s9 ]
Gold, silver, nickel, zinc, copper and iron. 金,银,镍,锌,铜及铁。
) a9 G+ p0 ]( M/ k1 O# J4 r
5 E3 [. ^) g: Q' J, f108、 Which province is one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world 那一个省是世界农产最丰富的地方之一?
& x2 a# i6 L( b4 y7 PSaskatchewan.沙士吉湾省。
1 p! C8 ~7 J( e8 |2 q6 z& u& R# |4 x6 f$ n2 |
109、 Which region is known as the industrial and manufacturing heartland of Canada 那一个地区被称为加拿大工业及制造业的心脏地带? $ o: y# {% S* G, V+ O6 V
Central Canada.加拿大中部。 : p! d5 Z( `/ W0 p
) c9 n. L$ K- J
110、 Which region of Canada is known for both its fertile agricultural land and valuable energy resources 那一个地区以肥沃农地及贵重能源驰名?
i- V6 [4 O1 h/ d+ \The Prairie Provinces.草原省份。 F( Q3 @( U; v
% B) p, d2 w5 y; O2 S/ g1 n, e; n9 w
111、 Which two provinces produce more than three quarters of Canadian manufactured goods 那两个省份出产超过四分之三的加拿大制造业制成品?
8 f7 F- v+ l5 x1 fOntario and Quebec.安大略省及魁北克省。 / \3 a* V" s L1 H6 `
7 `1 B' r5 o/ w5 p6 @. w: H8 z6 o112、 Which province is the biggest producer of metals in Canada 那一个省是加拿大最大的金属生产商? / r- F$ L4 l# V' D
Ontario. 安大略省。
3 @! A, P/ \' B k' A
+ C4 Y2 x3 D0 F- i& Y- x/ [# M113、 Which province is Canada’s main producer of pulp and paper 那一个省份是加拿大最主要的纸浆及纸张制造商? : b: y3 F" x6 o% s( [
Quebec.魁北克省。 6 y4 }! L1 ~, @8 S1 C
' Z6 I! D3 \. G) c6 s114、 Which province has the largest dairy farming industry in Canada 那一个省在加拿大拥有最大的奶品农业?
% b. }2 u! F' W% q2 e5 lQuebec.魁北克省。 % h; j- f( F- [
4 h! q$ a7 h( \& t1 A115、 Which province has the most valuable forest industry in Canada 那一个省拥有加拿大最贵重的林木工业?
5 X* M8 a* _, i! \; }8 WBritish Columbia.卑斯省。
0 K7 O/ B8 t, L( d6 l
, n. G. v+ ?0 S& U4 R116、 Which province is Canada’s major producer of oil and gas 那一个省是加拿大主要的石油及天然气生产商? 3 p) ^$ Z' ~! ]( w d* h; ~
' k# m% |" i3 J0 g' ?( _' \+ W
: t4 z2 ~1 C" w117、 Which province is Canada’s leading wheat producer 那一个省是加拿大首屈一指的小麦生产商? 7 }9 c; H9 g1 y3 O% K2 C: Y
Saskatchewan.沙士吉湾省。 . m: l7 p% A- z$ P
* s0 w2 `. m7 ~& ~, b6 {4 o* N
118、 Which province is Canada’s largest producer of hydroelectricity 那一个省是加拿大最大的水力发电生产商?
8 h- q) n. a: t1 A# X) DQuebec.魁北克省。
6 L$ R7 E7 d; w m! p
" _" [ Z# o) S( z. t119、 Which two fuels provide about one half of all the energy used in Canada 那两种燃料占加拿大约一半的能源? h% k3 m, e% h& ~
Oil and Natural Gas.石油及天然气。 ( Q( z) _- h% m# o6 Y) Z
$ R6 b0 s3 F$ q120、 Which products from Southern Ontario are one of Canada’s Key exports 安大略省南部那一种产品是加拿大的主要出口? 2 J, z6 Q$ {: r% x0 z7 p
Products from the auto industry.汽车工业产品。
" R9 }9 R& g9 _' w4 f5 G% b* x( ]! Y6 z* U' [9 t8 T
121、 What are three minerals still being mined in three territories today 那三种矿物现时仍然在三个特区中被开发? - c, O$ k" R; ?* d( J+ N n
Gold, Lead, Zinc. 金,铅,锌。
2 Y) r9 d! h9 \
) m+ w9 z& `: o' d) _122、 Which city provides important shipping and air links between Canada and other countries across the Pacific Ocean 那一个城市为加拿大提供横越太平洋而连接其他国家的重要的海上及空中联络网线?
Q" B, e3 @0 O* d- ~% qVancouver.温哥华。 4 C0 B& K( M; Q/ n
9 O7 h9 b7 J. d5 G
123、 What products are produced in the Niagara Peninsula 什么产品是在尼加拉半岛生产?
& H9 K1 [. l* EPeaches, apples, grapes and other fruit crops.桃,苹果,提子及其水果。
' o# J h( x4 P9 R
% W8 m: ?3 X$ B% ~; N4 N; S a124、 More than half of Canada’s aeronautics and space industry are located in which province 加拿大超过半数的航空及太空工业位于那一个省份? % V6 j. ~, I# A9 ?% d
Quebec.魁北克省。 4 K. I$ I, j' x$ H- T$ l2 T
0 v) V5 ?: t2 w125、 For what is the Okanagan Valley famous 奥加拿根谷驰名什么? 8 e! k& k3 Q' O0 @, k
Fruit orchards.果园。 $ r# T1 g* R: K" l6 f* D
3 w$ n- l# h0 D% v
126、 What fish is a valuable industry on the West Coast 那一种鱼类是西岸的重要工业?
8 y% U0 v5 r3 M& \! B% DPacific Salmon.太平洋三文鱼。 & \0 E5 T! H$ R! ?
2 x9 Q: X4 S3 P2 W' V i
127、 Who is Canada’s Head of State 谁是加拿大的国家元首? - g! ^ T$ r' m; n0 P' X
The Queen Elizabeth II.女皇伊利沙伯二世。 x3 ^2 s& W, F( `3 Z5 [5 H. L Q
2 v$ R- I" J9 @- a% F+ ]3 U128、 What is the Queen’s representative in Canada 谁是女皇在加拿大的代表? " i7 i' l) D: M& C
Governor General.总督。 9 ?- u# W0 w s
: A2 T. ` F) T9 x" ]# ~: F( |
129、 What is the name of the governor General 总督叫什么名字? 7 {$ K4 r: [- o0 A" Y: U) ^
Romeo LeBlanc.路美奥利帮斯。
& i+ z P8 @! R% E' O8 }0 |
% f: ^* q2 D0 q2 r$ W4 k2 S130、 What do you call the Queen’s representative in the provinces and territories 怎样称呼女皇在省及特区的代表? 9 \" A8 L1 P. C1 v
Lieutenant-Governors (in province) 省督Commissioner (in territories) 专员 2 U" o, G; _1 u+ f0 o
0 D: H' S7 |8 o* s8 w% g& `. k! ?7 c* P131、 What is Canada’s system of government called 加拿大的政府制度叫什么?
+ T+ \0 v3 Z% I; v PA parliamentary Democracy.国会民主制度。
. M$ g8 y! _% i
( z/ i- k4 \* C# x0 |132、 What are the three parts of Parliament 国会分那三部分?
8 Q; y+ a$ Z; O- N" \7 MThe Queen 女皇 The House of Commons 下议院 The Senate 上议院
: W8 I7 A+ J4 t- W( G
. R" |2 _) A2 Q" a% t9 @! z0 F133、 What are the three levels of government in Canada called 加拿大有那三级政府架构?
" E7 o3 h9 y2 P4 G0 ~5 u, J6 k$ pFederal government. 联邦政府 % Y$ K# Z6 e" A4 a+ x X
Provincial or Territorial governments省或特区政府 3 Z- E* V3 v! K$ w! @
Municipal (or local) governments市(或本地)政府 a0 J5 R; r9 ?, K! G
4 w% V+ I; B1 `/ r+ ]* p134、 Explain how the three levels of government are different. 解释三级政府架构有何不同。
1 k' S8 Q" @# gThe Federal government takes major responsibility for things that affect all of Canada. These include national defense, foreign policy and citizenship. 联邦政府主要负责对加拿大整体有影响的事务,其中包括国防,外交政策及公民。 7 C1 [+ a$ \. G! y- G% _
" z" t/ C# G! M. r! ]) t2 c aProvincial and Territorial governments look after things like education, health care and highways. They share responsibilities with the federal government in some areas. 省及特区政府负责教育,保健及公路,它和联邦政府亦会共同负责某方面的事务。
& W1 H$ F8 h2 e; i
9 L4 R4 y* P* n5 c; IMunicipal (or local) governments in each city or community are responsible for things like policing, fire fighting, snow removal and recycling programs. 每个城市或社区的市(或本地)政府所负责的事务,如警务,消防,铲雪及循环再造计划。
: `& p% U( h, T$ m5 G" k/ N! F( h* c( u9 N
135、 Name tow levels of government and explain how they are different. 列出政府的两级架构及它们不同之处。 * f- @' l( f( T$ j
Federal, BC Provincial 联邦政府, 卑斯省
) W8 U1 g. z- z; J3 h1 |; Z6 }Queen’s Governor, Lieutenant-Representative General Governor总督, 省督 0 b, A, U% s7 S% ~0 A
Elected Members of Members of the Representatives Parliament Legislative Assembly 选举代表 (MP) (MLA)国会议员 省议员 Leader of Prime Premier Country Minister 省长 领袖 总理 9 ]1 q! ^% `7 i1 \
As for their other differences, please see Question No. 134. 有关它们的不同处,参看第134条问题。
% t: H/ |% y( y, g0 M
% o; t5 Y. q8 G8 Y; N136、 Name tow responsibilities for each level of government. 列出各级政府的责任。
% r$ N/ o/ H8 @- @1 LSee Question Nos. 133 & 134. 参看第133及134条问题。
+ p; T! z' i6 C: [7 O/ W( {9 D8 S: F8 j$ x3 q
137、 What do you call law before it is passed 当一个法例未被通过之前,它叫什么?
0 Q/ K0 ~5 ^3 H8 S6 kA bill.议案。 4 X# b7 M, z" i; K) B- ~" e
8 t$ P- J% L4 [) N7 N' O i
138、 How does a bill become a law 一个议案怎样才成为法律? 5 m8 d. d, |, ~, \1 q1 t
To become law, a bill must be approved by majorities in the House of Commons and in the Senate. Once a majority of MPs and Senators has approved the bill, the Governor General gives final approval and the bill becomes law. 若要成为法律,一个议案一定要获得下议院及上议院的大多数同意;当国会及上议院大部分议员同意后,总督便会作最后的批核,一个法案便成法律。 & [1 u8 E3 `" T7 j% F! O7 t
; s% Z; u7 b# V( j139、 What is the final step before a bill becomes a law 当一个议案成为法律之前,最后的一个步骤是什么?
/ J$ H* }4 P& r- M q FThe Governor General givers final approval to the bill。总督给予议案最后的批准。 6 R: u+ b/ H( `+ q. k
! v6 J+ [) z1 U r; R
140、 What do the initials MP stand for in Canadian politics 在加拿大的政治层面来说,“MP”这个简写代表什么?
% e4 m2 O9 N6 ]' c' oMember of Parliament. 国会议员。
+ y5 Q% E$ R6 L# k. `+ m$ w% C7 ^, b5 m; Q: T" R8 \
141、 How are Members of Parliament chosen 国会议员是怎样被选出来的?
0 p- Y3 {8 t: T6 l% c, D- g1 Y0 LIn the federal election, the citizens of each electoral district elect one Member of Parliament who sits in the House of Commons. The candidate who receives the most votes becomes the MP for that electoral district. 在联邦选举中,每一个选区的公民选举一位下议院议员,那一个获票数最多的候选人便成为那区的国会议员。
4 M! P7 V3 y1 p9 Q' ?3 ^+ a, D
142、 Who do Members of Parliament represent 国会议员代表谁? 2 i+ ~" `, S+ K% F: T, y
Members of Parliament represent everyone who lives in their electoral district, even the people who did not vote for the MPs. 国会议员代表每一个居住在他选区的人,甚至是那些没有投他一票的人。
2 J+ ~' `% L8 ] X _5 B# H2 ~
2 ~ T2 E+ y7 z% G# h: e143、 What does a Member of Parliament do 国会议员负责什么?
# @; Z9 B& W9 w3 T-Representing our ideas when new laws are being proposed. 当有新法例提案的时候,他代表我们发表意见。 1 B* |5 Q) _) \
5 x. f; x8 W/ C, d7 u/ o
-Asking questions about the government on our behalf. 代替我们询问政府问题。 - c& k3 p. v! i3 L6 ^5 e
4 n" s+ y/ l, T* g3 u. P-Helping us if we need information from the government or if we have any problem with the government. 当我们需要政府的资料或当我们与政府有纠纷时,他帮助我们解决。 ! I! \0 f$ L# m9 N
. ?4 b6 L3 l! B8 X. E144、 What is an electoral district 什么是选区? , E2 R2 ^1 c5 }, t
An electoral district is a geographical area represented by a member of the House of Commons. 选区是一个下议院议员所代表的一个地域上的地方。 $ T7 ]7 m. C6 U, q; o e
3 Z1 |) U- N+ P. ?, f( I5 r
145、 How many electoral districts are there in Canada 在加拿大有多少个选区? 8 T8 W3 a: f& E" c
About 300.约 300。
6 ^7 W- E- D7 t, l" F% D1 s* }% @/ v$ J
146、 In what electoral district do you live 你居住在那一个选区? # R0 m1 T+ @8 a, u/ s/ K s7 L- O
Ask your citizenship class instructor.问你的入籍班老师。
# d& ~: {6 J- m6 Y& e+ U! S; |/ U5 |& m4 {' |
147、 What four requirements must you meet in order to vote in a federal election 若你要在联邦选区中投票,你需要符合哪四个条件?
9 }& L b- U" W, Z: T- A Canadian citizen. 加拿大公民。 " y0 f `5 B0 S* {& D3 x
At least 18 years old. 最少十八岁。 0 {1 f8 |$ F2 a4 C( B: N
On the list of electors. 列在选民的名单上。 9 C8 I- q+ y' I9 m. }
Have been living outside Canada for less than 5 years or are working for the federal government, the Canadian Forces, or certain organizations outside Canada. 在加拿大以外居住少于五年,或正在联邦政府,加拿大军队或某些加拿大以外的机构工作。 9 a* F1 M! w# t: b. M
( @4 z6 |% B; o' b z8 m
148、 What is a notice of Confirmation of Registration 什么是选民登记证?
! R! h% `' D4 I- i3 h" l% VA Notice of Confirmation of Registration Card confirms that my name is on the lists of electors. The notice tells me where and when I can vote. 选民登记证证实我们的名字在选民名单之内,它亦告知我投票的地点及时间。
; x2 w* X; A- I# O
& r# w* b U1 R9 G149、 What is a polling station 什么是投票站? $ w! s: R Q. _! c3 |: Y$ S. k
A polling station is where I vote and is listed on my Elector Information Card.投票站是我前往投票的地方。选民登记证上列有投票地点。 % e J1 [) V- a& F4 V1 b
" ^! I6 P v a4 i150、 What is a ballot 什么是选票?
9 O3 p% ?5 p: [ u& PA ballot is a form listing the candidates you can vote.选票是一张列有你可投选的候选人名字的表格。 |