鲜花( 667)  鸡蛋( 0)

楼主 |
发表于 2011-6-17 14:15
本帖最后由 francais 于 2011-6-17 17:01 编辑
+ e w# k' W9 T( K# U
# U3 d2 X4 _+ V j% z下面是竞争公司的价格,
, h, `5 [" C+ f3 Y4 }2 ^Direct Energy+ }0 c7 I: t3 r# b
跟一楼的不一样,一楼的是Direct Energy Regulated Services8 H9 q9 [8 {6 w2 `0 ` q
9 U$ T1 e/ L( y1 L
Plan prices and terms8 Y& @5 X. o" G( A8 [' f
Prices in effect until June 22, 2011* d$ i! P$ B6 F ~
- e/ I1 N3 O' O! v5 VTwo-year Super Flex Dual Fuel Plan (no early exit fee) 2 P0 i3 D' _6 H/ U) T# R
: z, I0 S" e' Z1 @( X2 b; n3 T3 I2 y7 o, p$ L, [$ o
Electricity 8.99¢/kWh 6 _* X$ Q, W" q7 f9 I
% j/ V% r6 R2 y
Natural Gas Flex - through Price*! x: u$ V$ a" q+ {+ g7 ^
+ k+ I# |) q. S4 G* U" ]
- o& Q2 W3 i' G
. r. H4 s/ D5 R*Flex-Through Price means, for any billing period, the per GJ price you will pay for natural gas calculated by taking the Average AECO “C” Price for that period and adding $1.50/GJ; provided that from November 1st to March 31st, in any agreement year, the Flex-Through Price will not exceed $6.99/GJ.2 F& U* @7 l# b) A' f
" U. b9 B$ X0 }9 OThree-year Simple Three Dual Fuel Plan: (no early exit fee)
1 [9 ? e5 p8 V" X+ R" F) ?6 A
+ z B" k2 d; T. ~Electricity 9.99¢/kWh ( g+ e+ U' \3 J' o
' ~: k/ X6 K; x5 GNatural Gas $6.99/GJ% u& Y& W" k$ a# b; g
1 d; u+ R+ [+ q
: f8 h, H2 V; {$ E, ?2 b& ^
p/ X8 k3 O( k0 p5 E$ Y' j7 R9 |One-year Simple One Dual Fuel Fixed plan (no early exit fee): 9 e6 ~; N! s$ u
3 [$ ?& v! K6 n* c; i# Q
% d, V: f! }" }% D$ W
Electricity 8.49¢/kWh
7 Q9 b. ]4 A0 `$ V
0 c8 m1 ]* r5 \. Z1 A6 _% `# n9 jNatural Gas $6.59/GJ
% v2 L+ Q) U5 i+ \. m* C0 Y6 G* w* H. ~% j- e
9 T0 `7 @( H* M+ h( jOne-year Simple One Fixed Single Fuel plan (no early exit fee): . b" Y5 F. i$ _# y: P1 E4 ~
& S" w' G# ~3 m* [* k
# Y% u* x$ S) p. w/ eElectricity 9.99¢/kWh
5 Y, g. o# c9 ^$ y0 P2 t$ H5 o
' g" d+ R8 {9 E7 L% V' H
, ?* s& L7 r% L4 IOne-year Simple One Fixed Single Fuel plan (no early exit fee): 1 @" A$ [8 x5 ^$ @
2 o# J( u. v Y2 _* U- _: |
" F& A7 p& U" P) K3 x: H3 K' j" f
Natural Gas $6.59/GJ
& \5 i% A2 ?: |8 }/ S5 L, [1 W0 W% l' G+ \* U# O
( `& v. z& l3 K8 p9 C( tAdministration fees# |% Q. ` T) [+ P" {# @7 w
$9.00/site (or meter) Most homes have two sites: one for electricity and one for natural gas.for single fuel or $4.50/site (or meter) Most homes have two sites: one for electricity and one for natural gas. for dual fuel plans.
7 G4 |9 q( P0 T( S$ q' @
3 M( W1 o+ l: y% e6 F* K) _我家是用它家的,现在发现它家水电不便宜。当时说的便宜是只adminitrative fee,如果两个再一家花费,另外一个管理费半价,才3,4刀。单价并不便宜。好像还贵。虽然可以用信用卡支付,但是才1/100的rebate,价格上差一份钱早都出来了。并不划算。客服也很差。 |