本帖最后由 arbo 于 2011-12-1 17:01 编辑 # C$ b; Y8 _ `$ M
4 N! z) P! w A0 i( v+ |1 R
Friend just for sex is too naked, right? # g3 O7 ]3 m/ L8 c( yThat is why people say friends with benefits. That is the function of a civilized language.
一般是認識的,但確定不可能相愛的兩個人之間的協議。 5 v1 M" l7 v% ~% \8 l# j& E8 a只有性沒有愛,meanwhile 各自繼續尋找自己的另一半。 - j, B0 v# O; x0 `% M$ l. MPeople who involved in this relationship would keep it as a secret.