"我上上周拔2颗wisdom teeth,总共花了1800。"。5 R' C+ d; e p% ~4 l' }
那你肯定唉宰了。我儿子校正牙齿,发现智齿出来了,上面两个横着,下面两个虽然竖着,但没出头儿,医生建议全拔,让我们预约南边的一个专科手术医院,我将资料给他们,让他们评估拔4颗牙的费用,他们是按难治类算的,1900多。我觉得有点过分。想想自己的智齿是没毕业的口腔系同学拔的。我就到普通的口腔医生那去问他有没有资格拔智齿,费用多少,他说没问题,他们经常拔智齿,并按难治类给出报价,1200,我让儿子自己决定,他选了后者,我自掏400。若前者我需自掏800。 ; O- W" j& R( \2 O. T1 p
What about salt? Nobody remember salt? $ l! d' k j. F' n2 e
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I always flush my teeth with salty water when I had a swollen gum, and it worked. Do not pull a tooth out unless you really have to. It doesn't grow back.