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[加国新闻] 美国人最喜欢加拿大

鲜花(70) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-2-17 05:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
! _+ S; H/ U. H* w2 P
5 K9 m. f0 C: ~* p$ A8 `4 P7 T0 p民调公司盖洛普( Gallup survey)16日公布的最新调查结果显示,纵观全世界,美国是对加拿大最有好感的国家。调查数据显示,有96%的美国人对加拿大持正面看法,这也是盖洛普民调20年来的最高比例。民意调查员表示,1987年与1989年加拿大也曾得到当时的最高比例93%。
6 c. t2 f' r5 |% ?, B% p; \# d, _* W/ z3 |) g) |
尽管美国总统欧巴马近日否决了加拿大输油管公司(TransCanada)的「基石XL」油管计画(Keystone XL pipeline),并且美加两国其他领域的贸易摩擦也接二连三,但仍然没有阻挡美国民众对加拿大的热忱。 : ?, A* I. y+ j- `- }

5 w1 y/ [4 A, \" Q# E  |5 v3 F( I' s这份民调结果的发布,正值加拿大环境部长肯特(Peter Kent)与美国国务卿希拉蕊(Hillary Clinton)会面,肯特声明加拿大将与美国一道应对全球变暖。
; [0 `) {/ R2 W* O
! w+ i% g4 b9 P- w+ v! d8 f另外,美国华府国会山本周也将把加拿大纳入谈话主题。纽约州的国会议员敦促美国国土安全部长纳波利塔诺(Janet Napolitano)考虑将连接美加两国的「和平桥」(Peace Bridge)作为预检中心的提议。美国民主党国会议员表示,「和平桥」无论是对于商业还是美加两国的社区利益,一向都是重要的过境关口。
# S/ ^: ~+ R6 Q% a
, V% I1 P. U7 o9 n" V" S5 s4 A盖洛普民调结果显示,除去美国外,澳洲民众对加拿大的好感比例紧随其后,以93%位居第二,其次是英国以90%位居第三。 : C+ p/ p* o9 I1 y+ H! X. K7 E
* O8 l4 Q, a) f( b1 b
与此同时,伊朗对加拿大的好感度最低,仅有10%的伊朗人对加拿大持正面看法。其次是北韩以13%排在倒数第二,阿富汗以14%排在倒数第三。 2 v- V1 `! E" ^* _9 E* b

) r, C( X: l- \% z另外,在这几次民调中,中国对加拿大的好感度也持续呈螺旋下降的趋势。总体看来,对加拿大好感比例最低的国家绝大多数位于中东或亚洲。
* s8 V# ^' H: R  G5 n& N/ ]6 I8 Z' ?+ X3 w9 H6 c) J6 a3 k
此外,一向对加拿大不持好感的国家古巴,在这次民调中提高了对加拿大的好感,由2011年的30%上升至今年的37%,而在1996年时,古巴仅有10%的民众对加拿大有好感。* w: j0 f1 p; A  U/ J" w, K, b
鲜花(78) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-2-17 06:07 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(34) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-2-17 07:53 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(43) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-2-17 18:10 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-2-17 19:03 | 显示全部楼层
" |' g: I' u& e6 M7 F, y所有这些国家(澳洲,英国,伊朗,北韩,阿富汗,中国,古巴)都是指美国人对这些国家的看法。建议修改后再登。Eric
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-2-17 19:05 | 显示全部楼层
下面是原文:% X  I9 Z* Z5 p' Q/ r% \  Q' L
WASHINGTON - Hey, Canada: Americans like us. They really, really like us. In fact, they like us better than anyone, anywhere on the planet.
4 \5 C# L" ]( @, f% Q  I! [# y7 l- J3 z" e1 ~/ Q
Nearly all Americans, a full 96 per cent, have a favourable view of Canada, according to a new Gallup survey. That's the loftiest ranking for any foreign country since Gallup began the poll two decades ago.
$ W! W6 Q5 P2 Z4 ~: ~( l# \, `. X
America's neighbour to the north has long been the darling of the survey." [) s5 ~, m1 R4 k9 p# T0 p, ?

8 Q, Y% r2 ]) m, L, i4 ^"Canada's 93 per cent ratings in 1987 and 1989 were the previous high favourable for any country," the pollster said in a release.
3 |  w7 e$ P0 s% ~4 u7 y3 z8 P# ?+ E
This year's love-in comes despite the Obama administration's recent decision to reject Calgary-based TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline, and amid a spate of lower-profile trade irritants between the two nations.; T" ^3 d' Y  s" j# T1 h- O

; w' b4 Z$ ^9 QThe poll was released just hours after Canada's environment minister, Peter Kent, appeared alongside Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to announce Canada was joining a U.S.-led effort to combat global warming.5 \! e1 H+ T7 G# T1 |, H

$ N" z: x, I4 Z/ h: dCanada has been a subject of conversation on Capitol Hill this week as well. New York state lawmakers urged Janet Napolitano, the homeland security secretary, to consider Buffalo's Peace Bridge as a pilot pre-inspection centre as part of the recently announced Beyond The Border initiatives.
! f' a+ t1 K" A, T  I. x8 h/ u) Q+ @3 b8 L! K
"That's a very, very important border crossing at the Peace Bridge for commerce, for our shared communities in the United States and Canada," Democratic congressman Brian Higgins told her.. o0 u! H3 V7 C6 M$ ?( c" Q6 `/ ~1 I

: s7 U! i4 \% p: @+ IWhy are we so beloved?3 F& D+ ?# h* _# `- E
0 x7 D1 r) x, [6 f( k9 I: M, T, ^
"Other than the fact that you're so darn loveable?" asks Christopher Sands, an Canada-U.S. relations expert at the Hudson Institute thinktank in Washington.% K8 k* G  s; R+ |
- E) S8 Z- f5 a0 c9 l! {
"There are a lot of positives. Americans loved the Winter Olympics last year, Canada was in Afghanistan and that got a lot of press here, the Canadian economy is good and that's impressive; there's simply an absence of negatives," he said.& h; s; d: f% n" h& }5 X/ j) t- ~3 r
1 \8 U- P5 ?3 v8 t
"You're never attacked any of our embassies, you don't want to direct any missiles at us and unlike the southern border, there are no problems with organized crime or drug crimes — you're peaceful and stable. What's not to love? Our love is genuine."
9 @3 S& v* G5 C+ b: a+ i0 N* k
, g% h* O* X; J' WBut the survey suggests Canada better keep its eye on the Aussies — Australia is right behind us in second place at 93 per cent. Great Britain is in third at 90 per cent.
( P1 _; Q( Q; g) V' R4 A
+ G+ a1 U) x0 H# z$ M1 t; @Iran, meantime, ranks last at 10 per cent. North Korea is in second last at 13 per and Afghanistan rounds out the bottom three at 14 per cent. China's ratings are also continuing a downward spiral evident in the last few surveys./ P+ e$ S  m+ |' Y# X- Y5 ]
0 M) `4 J, h$ Q( D2 A- x5 V
Indeed, the countries with the lowest ratings are overwhelmingly located in the Middle East or Asia.
1 ]! X% T" m! _9 B6 W  r$ l9 ]5 D6 c/ v9 E0 ]
The rank of Cuba, meanwhile — a country that has fared poorly in the Gallup survey in the past — is rising. It's at 37 per cent, up seven per cent from 2011's rating. Only 10 per cent gave Cuba the thumb's up in 1996, its worst year.
5 `0 X0 u+ u+ Z3 a2 F
鲜花(10) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-2-18 12:58 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-2-18 16:32 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-2-18 20:39 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-2-19 22:49 | 显示全部楼层
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